companion to shakespeare studies -
A companion to Shakespeare studies / edited by Harley Granville-Barker and G.B. Harrison.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1934.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
fields virology emerging viruses - howl
Fields Virology: Emerging Viruses
MEDBibl. Medicina e Farmacia | Vedi in OneSearch
living with jacobitism 1690-1788 the three kingdoms and beyond -
Living with Jacobitism, 1690–1788 : The Three Kingdoms and Beyond
STABibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
strade romane percorsi e infrastrutture - quil
Strade romane : percorsi e infrastrutture / [Quilici Gigli Stefania, Quilici Lorenzo].
Roma : "L'Erma" di Bretschneider , [1997]
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
william shakespeare othello - smit
William Shakespeare, Othello / Emma Smith ; British Council.
Tavistock, Devon : Northcote House Publishers Ltd , 2005.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
art markets agents and collectors collecting strategies in europe and the united states 1550 1950 -
Art markets, agents and collectors : collecting strategies in Europe and the United States, 1550-1950 / edited by Susan Bracken and Adriana Turpin.
New York : Bloomsbury Publishing; Bloomsbury Visual Arts , 2020.
STABibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
contemporary issues in sustainable finance creating an efficient market through innovative policies -
Contemporary Issues in Sustainable Finance : Creating an Efficient Market through Innovative Policies and Instruments / edited by Mario La Torre, Helen Chiappini.
Cham : Imprint Palgrave Macmillan; Springer International Publishing , 2020.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
note di matematica ii per chimici teoria dei gruppi e applicazioni -
Note di matematica II : per chimici : teoria dei gruppi e applicazioni
Pisa University Press , 2013
CHIBibl. Chimica | Vedi in OneSearch
anatomy of corporate law a comparative and functional approach -
The anatomy of corporate law : a comparative and functional approach / Reinier Kraakman [and ten others].
Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2017.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
beyond concepts unicepts language and natural information - mill
Beyond concepts : unicepts, language, and natural information / Ruth Garrett Millikan. [electronic resource]
Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2017.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
beyond rigidity the unfinished semantic agenda of naming and necessity - soam
Beyond rigidity : the unfinished semantic agenda of Naming and necessity / Scott Soames.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press , 2002.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
bioelectromagnetism principles and applications of bioelectric and biomagnetic fields - malm
Bioelectromagnetism : principles and applications of bioelectric and biomagnetic fields
New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1995.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
constructions at work the nature of generalization in language - gold
Constructions at work : the nature of generalization in language / Adele E. Goldberg.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press , 2006.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
elucidating the tractatus wittgenstein s early philosophy of logic and language - mcgi
Elucidating the Tractatus : Wittgenstein's early philosophy of logic and language / Marie McGinn.
Oxford : Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press; Clarendon , 2006.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
enchantment of words wittgenstein s tractatus logico philosophicus - mcma
The enchantment of words : Wittgenstein's Tractatus logico-philosophicus / Denis McManus.
New York : Oxford University Press , 2006.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
envy and jealousy in classical athens a socio psychological approach - sand
Envy and jealousy in classical Athens : a socio-psychological approach / Ed Sanders.
New York : Oxford University Press , 2014.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
eu external relations law - eeck
EU external relations law / Piet Eeckhout. [electronic resource]
Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2011.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
gravitational waves volume 1 theory and experiments - magg
Gravitational waves. Volume 1, Theory and experiments / Michele Maggiore.
Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2007.
| Vedi in OneSearch
gravitational waves volume 2 astrophysics and cosmology - magg
Gravitational waves. Volume 2, Astrophysics and cosmology / Michele Maggiore.
Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2018.
| Vedi in OneSearch
hume s epistemological evolution - qu,h
Hume's epistemological evolution / Hsueh M. Qu.
New York, NY : Oxford University Press , 2020.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
in defense of shame the faces of an emotion - deon
In defense of shame : the faces of an emotion / Julien A. Deonna, Raffaele Rodogno, Fabrice Teroni.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press , c2012.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
management accounting in the digital economy -
Management accounting in the digital economy / edited by Alnoor Bhimani.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press , 2003.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
modelling the middle ages the history and theory of england s economic development - hatc
Modelling the Middle Ages : the history and theory of England's economic development / John Hatcher and Mark Bailey.
Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2001.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
models for dynamic macroeconomics - bagl
Models for dynamic macroeconomics [electronic resource] / Fabio-Cesare Bagliano, Guiseppe Bertola.
Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2004.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
ottoman age of exploration - casa
The Ottoman age of exploration / Giancarlo Casale.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press , 2010.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
self and other exploring subjectivity empathy and shame - zaha
Self and other : exploring subjectivity, empathy, and shame / Dan Zahavi.
Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2015.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
understanding truth - soam
Understanding truth / Scott Soames.
New York : Oxford University Press , 1999.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
unity of the proposition - gask
The unity of the proposition / Richard Gaskin.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press , 2008.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
victorian feminists - cain
Victorian feminists [electronic resource] / Barbara Caine.
Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1992.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
wittgenstein s notes on logic - pott
Wittgenstein's notes on logic / Michael Potter.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press , 2009.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
process analytical chemistry control optimization quality economy - koch
Process analytical chemistry : control, optimization, quality, economy / Karl Heinz Koch.
Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer , [1999]
| Vedi in OneSearch
fundamentals of semiconductors physics and materials properties - yu,p
Fundamentals of Semiconductors : Physics and Materials Properties / by Peter YU, Manuel Cardona.
Berlin, Heidelberg : Imprint Springer; Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2010.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to evolutionary computing - eibe
Introduction to Evolutionary Computing / by A.E. Eiben, J.E. Smith.
Berlin, Heidelberg : Imprint Springer; Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2015.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
non equilibrium thermodynamics in multiphase flows - maur
Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics in Multiphase Flows / by Roberto Mauri.
Dordrecht : Imprint Springer; Springer Netherlands , 2013.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
programming languages principles and paradigms - gabb
Programming Languages: Principles and Paradigms / by Maurizio Gabbrielli, Simone Martini.
London : Imprint Springer; Springer London , 2010.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
statistics for bioengineering sciences with matlab and winbugs support - vida
Statistics for Bioengineering Sciences : With MATLAB and WinBUGS Support / by Brani Vidakovic.
New York, NY : Imprint Springer; Springer New York , 2011.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
understanding cryptography a textbook for students and practitioners - paar
Understanding Cryptography : A Textbook for Students and Practitioners / by Christof Paar, Jan Pelzl.
Berlin, Heidelberg : Imprint Springer; Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2010.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
yeasts in the production of wine -
Yeasts in the Production of Wine / edited by Patrizia Romano, Maurizio Ciani, Graham H. Fleet.
New York, NY : Imprint Springer; Springer New York , 2019.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
cambridge companion to british romanticism -
The Cambridge companion to British romanticism / edited by Stuart Curran.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2010.
| Vedi in OneSearch
rheology concepts methods and applications - malk
Rheology : concepts, methods, and applications / Alexander Ya Malkin, Avraam Isayev.
Toronto, Ontario : ChemTec Publishing , 2017.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
mpls enabled applications emerging developments and new technologies - mine
MPLS-enabled applications : emerging developments and new technologies / Ina Minei, Julian Lucek.
Chichester, England ; Hoboken, NJ : Wiley , c2011.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
control and mechatronics -
Control and mechatronics / edited by Bogdan M. Wilamowski, J. David Irwin.
Boca Raton, Fla. : CRC Press , c2011.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
fundamentals of industrial electronics -
Fundamentals of industrial electronics / edited by Bogdan M. Wilamowski, J. David Irwin.
Boca Raton, Fla. : CRC Press , c2011.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
circa 1600 a revolution of style in italian painting - free
Circa 1600 : A Revolution of Style in Italian Painting / S. J. Freedberg.
Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press , [2014]
STABibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
commentary on euripides iphigenia in tauris - kyri
A commentary on Euripides' Iphigenia in Tauris / by Poulheria Kyriakou.
Berlin ; New York : De Gruyer , 2006.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
kritischer kommentar zu lukrezens de rerum natura - deuf
Kritischer Kommentar zu Lukrezens De rerum natura / von Marcus Deufert.
Berlin, [Germany] ; Boston, [Massachusetts] : De Gruyter , 2018.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
literaturdidaktik - leub
Literaturdidaktik / Martin Leubner, Anja Saupe, Matthias Richter.
Berlin, [Germany] ; Boston, [Massachusetts] : De Gruyter , 2016.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
quantitative techniques for competition and antitrust analysis - davi
Quantitative techniques for competition and antitrust analysis / Peter Davis and Eliana Garces.
Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press , c2010.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
squares urban spaces in europe -
Squares : urban spaces in Europe / Sophie Wolfrum (ed.).
Basel, Switzerland : Birkhäuser , 2015.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
zeitung fur einsiedler fiktive briefe fur die zeitung fur einsiedler teil 1 text - arni
Zeitung für Einsiedler. Teil 1, Text : Fiktive briefe für die zeitung für Einsiedler / herausgegeben von Renate Moering.
Berlin, Germany ; Boston, Massachusetts : Walter de Gruyter GmbH , 2014.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
bandits and bureaucrats the ottoman route to state centralization - bark
Bandits and Bureaucrats The Ottoman Route to State Centralization / Karen Barkey.
Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press , 1994.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
de rerum natura - lucr
De rerum natura / Titus Lucretius Carus; Marcus Deufert.
Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter , [2019]
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
me the people how populism transforms democracy - urbi
Me the people : how populism transforms democracy / Nadia Urbinati.
Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press , [2019]
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
museum buildings construction and design manual - hoff
Museum buildings : construction and design manual / Hans Wolfgang Hoffmann ; edited by Christian Schittich.
Berlin : Edition Detail , [2016]
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
network routing algorithms protocols and architectures - medh
Network routing : algorithms, protocols, and architectures / Deepankar Medhi, Karthikeyan Ramasamy.
Cambridge, Massachusetts : Morgan Kaufmann Ppublishers , 2018.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
epidemics and society from the black death to the present - snow
Epidemics and society : from the Black Death to the present / Frank M. Snowden.
New Haven, CT : Yale University Press , [2019]
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
imprudent king a new life of philip ii - park
Imprudent king : a new life of Philip II / Geoffrey Parker.
New Haven, [Connecticut] ; London, [England] : Yale University Press , 2014.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
stoics -
The Stoics / John M. Rist.
Berkeley, CA : University of California Press , [1978]
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to modeling in physiology and medicine - cobe
Introduction to modeling in physiology and medicine / Claudio Cobelli, Ewart Carson.
London, England : Academic Press , [2019]
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
contagion how commerce has spread disease - harr
Contagion : how commerce has spread disease / Mark Harrison.
New Haven : Yale University Press , 2012.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
foundations of ergodic theory - vian
Foundations of Ergodic Theory / Marcelo Viana and Krerley Oliveira.
Cambridge, England : Cambridge University Press , [2016]
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
biomacromolecules introduction to structure function and informatics - tsai
Biomacromolecules : introduction to structure, function and informatics / C. Stan Tsai.
Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley-Liss , c2007.
CHIBibl. Chimica | Vedi in OneSearch
carbon materials and nanotechnology -
Carbon materials and nanotechnology / Anke Krueger.
Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell , 2010.
CHIBibl. Chimica | Vedi in OneSearch
chemistry of bioconjugates synthesis characterization and biomedical applications -
Chemistry of bioconjugates : synthesis, characterization, and biomedical applications / edited by Ravin Narain.
Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley , 2014.
CHIBibl. Chimica | Vedi in OneSearch
drug dna interactions structures and spectra - naka
Drug-DNA interactions : structures and spectra / Kazuo Nakamoto, Masamichi Tsuboi, Gary D. Strahan.
Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons , c2008.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
dynamics of multibody systems - shab
Dynamics of multibody systems / Ahmed A. Shabana, University of Illinois, Chicago.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2014.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
essential quantum physics - land
Essential quantum physics / Peter Landshoff, Allen Metherell, Gareth Rees.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1997.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
fuel cell fundamentals - o'ha
Fuel cell fundamentals / Ryan O'Hayre [and three others].
Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley , 2016.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
fundamentals and applications -
Fundamentals and applications / John Weiner, P.-T. Ho.
Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Interscience , 2003.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
gps satellite surveying - leic
GPS satellite surveying / Alfred Leick, Levy Rapoport, Dmitry Tatarnikov ; cover image Eric Morrison.
Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley , 2015.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
handbook of marine craft hydrodynamics and motion control - foss
Handbook of marine craft hydrodynamics and motion control / Thor I. Fossen.
Chichester, England : Wiley , 2011.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
handbook of paper and board -
Handbook of paper and board / edited by Herbert Holik.
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH , 2013.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to rheology - barn
An introduction to rheology / H.A. Barnes, J.F. Hutton, and K. Walters. [electronic resource]
Amsterdam ; New York : Distributors for the US and Canada Elsevier Science Pub Co; Elsevier , 1989.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to the physics of high energy accelerators - edwa
An introduction to the physics of high energy accelerators / D.A. Edwards, M.J. Syphers.
New York : Wiley , c1993.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
knowledge representation and reasoning - brac
Knowledge representation and reasoning / Ronald J. Brachman, Hector J. Levesque.
Amsterdam ; Boston : Morgan Kaufmann , c2004.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
modern nuclear chemistry - love
Modern nuclear chemistry / Walter D. Loveland, David J. Morrissey, Glenn T. Seaborg.
Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons Inc , 2017.
CHIBibl. Chimica | Vedi in OneSearch
molecular orbitals and organic chemical reactions -
Molecular orbitals and organic chemical reactions / Ian Fleming.
Chichester : Wiley , 2009.
CHIBibl. Chimica | Vedi in OneSearch
networks in tropical medicine internationalism colonialism and the rise of a medical specialty 1890 - neil
Networks in tropical medicine : internationalism, colonialism, and the rise of a medical specialty, 1890-1930 / Deborah J. Neill.
Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press , 2012.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
organometallic chemistry of the transition metals - crab
The organometallic chemistry of the transition metals / Robert H. Crabtree.
Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley , 2014.
CHIBibl. Chimica | Vedi in OneSearch
rebhun s diseases of dairy cattle - peek
Rebhun's Diseases of Dairy Cattle.
Saintt Louis : Elsevier - Health Sciences Division , 2018.
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
rf linear accelerators -
RF linear accelerators / Thomas P. Wangler.
Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA; Wiley-VCH , 2008.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
science of grapevines anatomy and physiology - kell
Science of grapevines : anatomy and physiology / Markus Keller.
London, England : Academic Press , 2015.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
sheep and goat medicine -
Sheep and goat medicine / editors, D.G. Pugh, A.N. Baird.
Maryland Heights, Mo. : Elsevier/Saunders , c2012.
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
systems thinking managing chaos and complexity a platform for designing business architecture - ghar
Systems thinking : managing chaos and complexity : a platform for designing business architecture / Jamshid Gharajedaghi.
Burlington, Mass. : Morgan Kaufmann , c2011.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
textbook of veterinary diagnostic radiology - thra
Textbook of Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology / Donald E. Thrall, William R. Widmer.
St. Louis, Missouri : Saunders , [2018]
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
user s guide to vacuum technology - o'ha
A user's guide to vacuum technology [electronic resource] / John F. O'Hanlon.
Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Interscience , c2003.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
veterinary toxicology basic and clinical principles -
Veterinary toxicology : basic and clinical principles / edited by Ramesh C. Gupta.
London, [England] : Academic Press , 2018.
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
catalyst handbook -
Catalyst Handbook / Martyn V. ... [et. al.].
[S.l.] : CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group; Routledge , [1996]
CHIBibl. Chimica | Vedi in OneSearch
magnetic resonance imaging physical principles and sequence design - brow
Magnetic resonance imaging : physical principles and sequence design / Robert W. Brown, Ph.D, Institute Professor and Distinguished University Professor, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA [and four others].
Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons Incorporated , [2014]
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
plotinus on the appearance of time and the world of sense a pantomime - maju
Plotinus on the appearance of time and the world of sense : a pantomime / Deepa Majumdar.
London ; New York : Routledge , 2016.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
classical mechanics with calculus of variations and optimal control an intuitive introduction - levi
Classical mechanics with calculus of variations, and optimal control : an intuitive introduction / Mark Levi.
Providence, Rhode Island : Mathematics Advanced Study Semesters; American Mathematical Society , [2014]
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
computational methods for fluid dynamics - ferz
Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics / by Joel H. Ferziger, Milovan Perić, Robert L. Street.
Cham : Imprint Springer; Springer International Publishing , 2020.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
digital business strategies in blockchain ecosystems transformational design and future of global bu -
Digital Business Strategies in Blockchain Ecosystems : Transformational Design and Future of Global Business / edited by Umit Hacioglu.
Cham : Imprint Springer; Springer International Publishing , 2020.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
exile and the circulation of political practices -
Exile and the circulation of political practices / edited by Catherine Brice.
Newcastle upon Tyne, England : Cambridge Scholars Publishing , [2020]
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
experiences of depression a study in phenomenology - ratc
Experiences of depression : a study in phenomenology / Matthew Ratcliffe.
New York, New York : Oxford University Press , 2015.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
flotation reagents applied surface chemistry on minerals flotation and energy resources beneficiatio - wang
Flotation Reagents: Applied Surface Chemistry on Minerals Flotation and Energy Resources Beneficiation : Volume 2: Applications / by Dianzuo Wang.
Singapore : Imprint Springer; Springer Singapore , 2016.
CHIBibl. Chimica | Vedi in OneSearch
fondamenti di medicina nucleare tecniche e applicazioni - volt
Fondamenti di medicina nucleare : Tecniche e applicazioni / Duccio Volterrani, Paola Anna Erba, Giuliano Mariani (a cura di) ; Presentazione a cura di Luigi Donato.
Italia : Springer , 2010.
CHIBibl. Chimica | Vedi in OneSearch
fundamentals of powder diffraction and structural characterization of materials second edition - inte
Fundamentals of Powder Diffraction and Structural Characterization of Materials, Second Edition / by Vitalij Pecharsky, Peter Zavalij.
New York, NY : Imprint Springer; Springer US , 2009.
CHIBibl. Chimica | Vedi in OneSearch
hard real time computing systems predictable scheduling algorithms and applications - butt
Hard Real-Time Computing Systems : Predictable Scheduling Algorithms and Applications / by Giorgio C Buttazzo.
New York, NY : Imprint Springer; Springer US , 2011.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to knot theory - lick
An Introduction to Knot Theory / by W.B.Raymond Lickorish.
New York, NY : Imprint Springer; Springer New York , 1997.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
istituzioni di diritto dell unione europea - valv
Istituzioni di diritto dell'Unione Europea / Anna Lucia Valvo.
Torino, Italy : G Giappichelli Editore , [2019]
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
lehninger principles of biochemistry - nels
Lehninger principles of biochemistry / David L. Nelson & Michael Cox.
England : Macmillan Learning , 2017.
MEDBibl. Medicina e Farmacia | Vedi in OneSearch
liberta e autorita la classificazione delle forme di stato e delle forme di governo - volp
Libertà e autorità : la classificazione delle forme di Stato e delle forme di governo / Mauro Volpi.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2016.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
lineamenti di diritto costituzionale dell unione europea - cost
Lineamenti di diritto costituzionale dell'Unione Europea / Pasquale Costanzo, Luca Mezzetti, Antonio Ruggeri.
Torino : G Giappichelli Editore , 2019.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
metal complexes in aqueous solutions - mart
Metal Complexes in Aqueous Solutions / by Arthur E. Martell, Robert D. Hancock.
New York, NY : Imprint Springer; Springer US , 1996.
CHIBibl. Chimica | Vedi in OneSearch
moral psychology of hope - blös
The moral psychology of hope / edited by Claudia Blöser and Titus Stahl.
London, England ; New York : Rowman & Littlefield International , [2020]
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
practical environmental analysis - rado
Practical environmental analysis / Miroslav Radojević, Vladimir N. Bashkin.
Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry , 1999.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
principles of modern radar vol i basic principles -
Principles of modern radar. Vol. I, basic principles / [edited by] Mark A. Richards, James A. Scheer, William A. Holm.
Raleigh, NC : SciTech Pub , [2010]
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
pruning and training systems for modern olive growing - gucc
Pruning and training systems for modern olive growing / Riccardo Gucci, Claudio Cantini.
Collingwood, Vic. : CSIRO Pub , 2000.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
rise in vacant housing in post growth japan housing market urban policy and revitalizing aging citie -
The Rise in Vacant Housing in Post-growth Japan : Housing Market, Urban Policy, and Revitalizing Aging Cities / edited by Tomoko Kubo, Yoshimichi Yui.
Singapore : Imprint Springer; Springer Singapore , 2020.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
sistemi giuridici nel mondo - negr
Sistemi giuridici nel mondo / Lorenza Acquarone [and eight others] ; con introduzione di Gabriele Crespi Reghizzi.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2016.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics -
Veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics / edited by Jim E. Riviere, Mark G. Papich.
Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley Blackwell , 2018.
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
politics of commercial treaties in the eighteenth century balance of power balance of trade -
The Politics of Commercial Treaties in the Eighteenth Century : Balance of Power, Balance of Trade / edited by Antonella Alimento, Koen Stapelbroek.
Cham : Imprint Palgrave Macmillan; Springer International Publishing , 2017.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
transport phenomena in multiphase flows - maur
Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Flows / by Roberto Mauri.
Cham : Imprint Springer; Springer International Publishing , 2015.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
pleasures of the imagination english culture in the eighteenth century - brew
The pleasures of the imagination : English culture in the eighteenth century / John Brewer.
London : Routledge , 2013.
STABibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
postdramatic theatre - lehm
Postdramatic theatre / Hans-Thies Lehmann ; translated and with an introduction by Karen Jurs-Munby.
London ; New York : Routledge , 2006.
STABibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
studies in iconology humanistic themes in the art of the renaissance - pano
Studies in iconology : humanistic themes in the art of the renaissance / by Erwin Panofsky.
Boca Raton, FL : Routledge an imprint of Taylor and Francis , [2018].
STABibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
buying baroque italian seventeenth century paintings come to america -
Buying Baroque : Italian seventeenth-century paintings come to America / edited by Edgar Peters Bowron.
University Park, Pennsylvania : Pennsylvania State University Press , [2017]
STABibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
hans bellmer the anatomy of anxiety - tayl
Hans Bellmer : the anatomy of anxiety / Sue Taylor. [electronic resource]
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press , c2000.
| Vedi in OneSearch
surface matters of aesthetics materiality and media - brun
Surface : matters of aesthetics, materiality, and media / Giuliana Bruno.
Chicago, Illinois ; London : University of Chicago Press , 2014.
STABibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
travel writing 1700 1830 an anthology -
Travel writing, 1700-1830 [electronic resource] : an anthology / edited by Elizabeth A. Bohls and Ian Duncan ; with an introduction by Elizabeth A. Bohls.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press , 2005.
STABibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
affrontare il conflitto trascendere e trasformare -
Affrontare il conflitto : trascendere e trasformare
Pisa University Press , 2014
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
anatomia funzionale della formazione reticolare nel tronco encefalico dell uomo francesco fornai e m -
Anatomia funzionale della formazione reticolare nel tronco encefalico dell'uomo Francesco Fornai e Michela Ferrucci
Pisa University Press , 2017
MEDBibl. Medicina e Farmacia | Vedi in OneSearch
calcolo teoria ed esercizi vol i calcolo differenziale -
Calcolo : teoria ed esercizi : vol. I : calcolo differenziale
Pisa University Press , 2014
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
calcolo teoria ed esercizi vol ii calcolo integrale -
Calcolo : teoria ed esercizi : vol. II : calcolo integrale
Pisa University Press , 2014
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
ceramica in archeologia 2 antiche tecniche di lavorazione e moderni metodi di indagine - cuom
Ceramica in Archeologia 2 : Antiche Tecniche Di Lavorazione e Moderni Metodi Di Indagine.
Rome : L'Erma di Bretschneider , 2007.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
che cos e l illuminismo -
Che cos'è l'illuminismo?
Mimesis Edizioni , 2012
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
conflitti mediazione e diritto interculturale -
Conflitti, mediazione e diritto interculturale
Pisa University Press , 2013
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
enrico vii dante e pisa a 700 anni dalla morte dell imperatore e dalla monarchia 1313 2013 - conv
Enrico VII, Dante e Pisa : a 700 anni dalla morte dell'imperatore e dalla Monarchia (1313-2013) / a cura di Giuseppe Petralia e Marco Santagata.
Longo , 2016
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
goethe -
Salerno , 2014
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
il desiderio nel medioevo -
Il desiderio nel Medioevo
Storia e Letteratura , 2014
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
il sogno di una copia del doppio del dubbio della malinconia - iaco
Il sogno di una copia : del doppio, del dubbio, della malinconia / Alfonso Maurizio Iacono.
Milano : Guerini scientifica , 2016.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
immagini senza quadro esperienza e rappresentazione nell opera di henri bergson - bert
Immagini senza quadro : esperienza e rappresentazione nell'opera di Henri Bergson / Linda Bertelli.
Mimesis Edizioni , 2014
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
istituzioni di storia antica dalla preistoria all espansione araba -
Istituzioni di storia antica. Dalla preistoria all'espansione araba
Edizioni Studium Srl , 2018
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
la dislessia una didattica speciale per le difficolta nella lettura - tris
La dislessia : una didattica speciale per le difficoltà nella lettura / Leonardo Trisciuzzi, Tamara Zappaterra.
Milano : Guerini e Associati , 2014.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
leggere e comprendere il tedesco manuale per studenti e docenti in formazione -
Leggere e comprendere il tedesco : manuale per studenti e docenti in formazione
Pisa University Press , 2014
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
leseverstehen fur deutsch als fremdsprache ein lehrbuch fur die lehrerausbildung -
Leseverstehen für deutsch als fremdsprache : ein Lehrbuch für die Lehrerausbildung
Pisa University Press , 2012
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
mediazione sociale riflessioni teoriche e buone pratiche - cons
Mediazione sociale : riflessioni teoriche e buone pratiche / a cura di Pierluigi Consorti e Andrea Valdambrini.
Pisa University Press , 2015
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
necessario illuminismo problemi di verita e problemi di potere -
Necessario illuminismo : problemi di verità e problemi di potere
Storia e Letteratura , 2018
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
ozi di ercole residenze di lusso a pompei ed ercolano - pesa
Gli 'ozi' di Ercole : residenze di lusso a Pompei ed Ercolano / Fabrizio Pesando, Maria Paola Guidobaldi.
Roma : "L'Erma" di Bretschneider , [2006]
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
traiettorie studi sulla letteratura tradotta in italia - sist
Traiettorie : Studi sulla letteratura tradotta in Italia / Michele Sisto.
Macerata : Quodlibet , 2019.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
tracing the visual language of raphael s circle to 1527 - culo
Tracing the visual language of raphael's circle to 1527 / Alexis R. Culotta.
Leiden, Netherlands ; Boston, New Jersey : BRILL , 2020.
STABibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
electronic measurement systems theory and practice - putt
Electronic measurement systems : theory and practice / Anton F.P. van Putten.
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press , 2019.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
generalized additive models - hast
Generalized additive models / T.J. Hastie and R.J. Tibshirani.
Boca Raton, Fla. : Chapman & Hall/CRC , 1990.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
generalized linear models - mccu
Generalized Linear Models / by P. McCullagh.
Boca Raton, FL : Taylor and Francis an imprint of Routledge , [2019].
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to set theory third edition revised and expanded - hrba
Introduction to set theory, third edition, revised and expanded / by Karel Hrbacek and Thomas Jech.
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press , [2017].
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
kernel smoothing - wand
Kernel Smoothing / M.P. Wand, M.C. Jones.
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press , 1994.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
molecular host plant resistance to pests - sada
Molecular host plant resistance to pests / S. Sadasivam, B. Thayumanavan.
New York : Marcel Dekker , c2003.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
molecular methods in plant pathology - sing
Molecular Methods in Plant Pathology / by U. S. Singh and Rudra P. Singh.
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press , [2017].
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
phytochemicals as bioactive agents -
Phytochemicals as bioactive agents / edited by Wayne R. Bidlack ... [et al.].
Lancaster, PA : Technomic Pub , 2000.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
re engineering the chemical processing plant process intensification -
Re-engineering the chemical processing plant : process intensification / edited by Andrzej Stankiewicz, Jacob A. Moulijn.
New York : M Dekker , c2004.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
glassy materials and disordered solids an introduction to their statistical mechanics - bind
Glassy materials and disordered solids : an introduction to their statistical mechanics / Kurt Binder, Walter Kob.
Hackensack, New Jersey : World Scientific , [2011]
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
handbook of sidescan sonar - blon
The handbook of sidescan sonar / Philippe Blondel.
Berlin : Springer in association with Praxis Pub , 2009.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
stability and transition in shear flows - schm
Stability and transition in shear flows / Peter J. Schmid, Dan S. Henningson.
New York, NY : Springer , 2001.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
art of digital audio - watk
The art of digital audio / John Watkinson.
Oxford ; Boston : Focal Press , c2001.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
passions and emotions -
Passions and emotions / edited by James E. Fleming.
New York : NYU Press , 2012.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
gaskinetic theory - gomb
Gaskinetic theory / Tamas I. Gombosi.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1994.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to uncertainty in measurement using the gum guide to the expression of uncertainty in m - kirk
An introduction to uncertainty in measurement using the GUM (guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement) / L. Kirkup and R.B. Frenkel.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2006.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
measurement instrumentation and sensors handbook -
Measurement, instrumentation, and sensors handbook / edited by John G. Webster, Halit Eren.
Boca Raton : CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group , [2014].
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
principles of plasma diagnostics - hutc
Principles of plasma diagnostics / I.H. Hutchinson.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2002.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
spiking neuron models single neurons populations plasticity - gers
Spiking neuron models : single neurons, populations, plasticity / Wulfram Gerstner, Werner M. Kistler.
Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2002.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
artificial intelligence what everyone needs to know - kapl
Artificial intelligence : what everyone needs to know / Jerry Kaplan.
New York : Oxford University Press , 2020.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
bionics by examples 250 scenarios from classical to modern times - nach
Bionics by Examples : 250 Scenarios from Classical to Modern Times / by Werner Nachtigall, Alfred Wisser.
Cham : Imprint Springer; Springer International Publishing , 2015.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
computational introduction to digital image processing - mcan
A computational introduction to digital image processing / by Alasdair McAndrew.
Boca Raton, FL : Chapman and Hall/CRC an imprint of Taylor and Francis , 2015.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
economics of electricity markets theory and policy -
The economics of electricity markets : theory and policy / edited by Pippo Ranci, Guido Cervigni.
Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar Pub , 2013.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
fundamental aspects of plasma chemical physics thermodynamics - capi
Fundamental aspects of plasma chemical physics : thermodynamics / Mario Capitelli, Gianpiero Colonna, Antonio D'Angola.
New York : Springer , 2012.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
fundamental aspects of plasma chemical physics transport - capi
Fundamental aspects of plasma chemical physics : transport / Mario Capitelli, Domenico Bruno, Annarita Laricchuita.
New York, NY : Springer , c2013.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
fundamentals of robotic mechanical systems theory methods and algorithms - ange
Fundamentals of Robotic Mechanical Systems : Theory, Methods, and Algorithms / by Jorge Angeles.
New York, NY : Imprint Springer; Springer New York , 2003.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
green chemistry and engineering a path to sustainability - mart
Green chemistry and engineering : a path to sustainability / Anne E. Marteel-Parrish, Martin A. Abraham.
Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley , 2014.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
internal auditing profili organizzativi dinamica di funzionamento e creazione del valore - d'on
L'internal auditing : profili organizzativi, dinamica di funzionamento e creazione del valore / Giuseppe D'Onza.
Turin, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2013.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to polymers - youn
Introduction to Polymers / by Robert J. Young and Peter A. Lovell.
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press an imprint of Taylor and Francis , 2011.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
mechanics of aeronautical composite materials - bouv
Mechanics of aeronautical composite materials / Christophe Bouvet.
London, England ; Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley; ISTE , 2017.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
physicochemical hydrodynamics an introduction - prob
Physicochemical hydrodynamics : an introduction / Ronald F. Probstein.
New York : John Wiley & Sons , [1994]
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
physics and chemistry of interfaces -
Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces / ButtHans–Jürgen, GrafKarlheinz, KapplMichael著.
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH GmbH; ワイリー・パブリッシング・ジャパン/ワイリー・ブラックウェル , 2003.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
polygon mesh processing -
Polygon mesh processing / Mario Botsch. [et al.].
Natick, Mass. : AK Peters , 2010.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
principles and models of biological transport - frie
Principles and Models of Biological Transport / by Morton H. Friedman.
New York, NY : Imprint Springer; Springer New York , 2008.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
quantitative methods in the humanities an introduction - leme
Quantitative methods in the humanities : an introduction / Claire Lemercier and Claire Zalc ; translated by Arthur Goldhammer.
Charlottesville : University of Virginia Press , 2019.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
quantitative models for performance evaluation and benchmarking data envelopment analysis with sprea - zhu,
Quantitative models for performance evaluation and benchmarking : data envelopment analysis with spreadsheets / Joe Zhu.
New York : Springer , 2009.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
reproduction in farm animals -
Reproduction in farm animals / edited by B. Hafez, E. S. E. Hafez.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins , 2000.
| Vedi in OneSearch
satellite communications systems systems techniques and technology -
Satellite communications systems : systems, techniques and technology / Gérard Maral, Michel Bousquet, Zhili Sun.
Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley , [2020]
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
sensory exotica a world beyond human experience - hugh
Sensory Exotica : A World Beyond Human Experience.
Cambridge : MIT Press , Feb. 2001.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
sistema di produzione delle aziende industriali lo stabilimento e i relativi servizi estratto -
Il sistema di produzione delle aziende industriali : Lo stabilimento e i relativi servizi. Estratto. / Luciano Cere, Giancarlo Santoprete.
Torino, Italy : G Giappichelli Editore , 2015.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
small animal regional anesthesia and analgesia -
Small animal regional anesthesia and analgesia / editors, Luis Campoy, Matt R. Read.
Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell , 2013.
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
solar engineering of thermal processes - duff
Solar engineering of thermal processes [electronic resource] / John A. Duffie, William A. Beckman.
Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley , 2013.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
veterinary emergency and critical care procedures - hack
Veterinary emergency and critical care procedures / Timothy B. Hackett, Elisa M. Mazzaferro.
Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell , 2012.
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
veterinary neuropathology essentials of theory and practice - vand
Veterinary neuropathology : essentials of theory and practice / Marc Vandevelde, Robert J. Higgins, Anna Oevermann.
Chichester, West Sussex, UK ; Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell , 2012.
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
animated realism a behind the scenes look at the animated documentary genre - krig
Animated realism : a behind the scenes look at the animated documentary genre / Judith Kriger.
Waltham, Mass. : Focal Press , 2012.
STABibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
charles the bald - nels
Charles the bald / Janet L. Nelson.
Oxon [England] : Routledge , 2013.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
evolution of the grand tour anglo italian cultural relations since the renaissance - chan
The evolution of the grand tour : Anglo-Italian cultural relations since the Renaissance / Edward Chaney.
London ; New York : Routledge , 1998.
STABibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
islamic gunpowder empires ottomans safavids and mughals - stre
Islamic gunpowder empires : Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals / Douglas E. Streusand.
Abingdon : Abingdon : Bookpoint Limited Distributor; Taylor & Francis Group , June 2019
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
ottoman warfare 1500 1700 - murp
Ottoman warfare, 1500-1700 / Rhoads Murphey.
New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press , 1999.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
philosophy of language - mill
Philosophy of language / Alexander Miller.
New York : Routledge , 2018.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
suleyman the magnificent and his age the ottoman empire in the early modern world -
Suleyman the magnificent and his age : the Ottoman Empire in the early modern world / edited by Metin Kunt and Christine Woodhead.
New York : Routledge , 2013.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
fundamentals of plasma physics - bitt
Fundamentals of Plasma Physics / by J. A. Bittencourt.
Oxford ; New York : Pergamon , 1986.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
yen and jaffe s reproductive endocrinology physiology pathophysiology and clinical management -
Yen and Jaffe's reproductive endocrinology [electronic resource] : physiology, pathophysiology, and clinical management / [edited by] Jerome F. Strauss III, Robert L. Barbieri.
Philadelphia, PA : Saunders/Elsevier , c2009.
MEDBibl. Medicina e Farmacia | Vedi in OneSearch
court reconvenes courtly literature across the disciplines selected papers from the ninth triennial - inte
The court reconvenes : courtly literature across the disciplines : selected papers from the Ninth Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, University of British Columbia, 25-31 July, 1998 / edited by Barbara K. Altmann, Carleton W. Carroll.
Cambridge, UK ; Rochester, N.Y. : DS Brewer , 2003.
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
new republic of letters memory and scholarship in the age of digital reproduction - mcga
A new republic of letters : memory and scholarship in the age of digital reproduction / Jerome McGann.
Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : Harvard University Press , 2014.
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
routledge handbook of spanish language teaching -
The Routledge handbook of Spanish language teaching / Edited ByJavier Muñoz-Basols, Elisa Gironzetti, Manel Lacorte
Milton : Routledge , 2018.
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
bodas de sangre - garc
Bodas de sangre / Federico García Lorca.
Barcelona, [Spain] : wwwLinkgua-digitalcom , 2012.
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
boule de suif - guyd
Boule de Suif
Booklassic , 2015
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
cantos de vida y esperanza - dari
Cantos de vida y esperanza / Rubén Darío.
Barcelona, [Spain] : Linkgua , 2012.
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
casa de bernarda alba - garc
La casa de Bernarda Alba / Federico Garcia Lorca.
[Santa Fe, Argentina] : El Cid Editor , 2009.
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
cassiodoro varie volume iii libri vi vii - cass
Cassiodoro Varie. Volume III, Libri VI-VII / Flavio Magno Aurelio Cassiodoro Senatore ; direzione di Andrea Giardina ; a cura di Andrea Giardina, Giovanni Alberto Cecconi, Ignazio Tantillo ; con la collaborazione di Fabrizio Oppedisano.
Roma, Italy : "L'Erma" di Bretschneider , [2015]
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
cautiva el matadero - eche
La cautiva - el matadero / Esteban Echeverria.
Buenos Aires, Argentina : Eudeba , 2011.
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
dix siecles d usages et d images de l occitan des troubadours a l internet -
Dix siècles d'usages et d'images de l'occitan : des troubadours à l'Internet / Henri Boyer & Philippe Gardy.
Paris, France : Editions L'Harmattan , 2001.
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
don alvaro o la fuerza del sino - duqu
Don Alvaro o la fuerza del sino / Duque de Rivas.
Santa Fe : El Cid Editor , [2004]
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ecrire l urgence assia djebar et tahar djaout - fish
Écrire l'urgence : Assia Djebar et Tahar Djaout / Dominique D. Fisher.
Paris : L'Harmattan , [2007]
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
genocide rwandais dans la litterature africaine francophone - soum
Le génocide rwandais dans la littérature africaine francophone
[Place of publication not identified] L'Harmattan , 2013
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
giustizia riparativa e dinamiche costituzionali alla ricerca di una soluzione costituzionalmente pre -
Giustizia riparativa e dinamiche costituzionali : alla ricerca di una soluzione costituzionalmente preferibile
Franco Angeli , 2018
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
histoire de manon lescaut et du chevalier des grieux - pré
Histoire de Manon Lescaut et du chevalier des Grieux.
Cork : Primento Digital Publishing , 2015.
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
insolacion - emil
LBA , 2018
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ismaelillo versos libres versos sencillos - mart
Ismaelillo : Versos Libres, Versos Sencillos / José Martí ; edición, estudio preliminar y notas de Mercedes Serna Arnaiz.
Madrid : Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia , 2014.
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
jacques le fataliste et son maitre - dide
Jacques le fataliste et son maître.
Brussels : Primento Digital , 2012.
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
la princesse de cleves - faye
La Princesse de Clèves.
Brussels : Primento Digital , 2012.
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
lais bretons xiie xiiie siecles marie de france et ses contemporains -
Lais bretons (XIIe-XIIIe siècles) : Marie de France et ses contemporains / édition bilingue établie, traduite, présentée, annotée et revue par Nathalie Koble et Mireille Séguy.
[Place of publication not identified] : Éditions Honoré Champion , [2018]
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
le feu journal d une escouade - barb
Le Feu : Journal d'une escouade
Cork : Primento Digital Publishing , 2015.
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
le mariage de figaro - beau
Le Mariage de Figaro.
Brussels : Primento Digital , 2012.
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
le misanthrope comedie - moli
Le Misanthrope : comédie / Molière.
Paris : BnF-P , 2016.
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
le sopha - fils
Le Sopha.
Namur : Ligaran Éditions , 2015.
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
mademoiselle fifi - guyd
Mademoiselle Fifi
Booklassic , 2015
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
memorias de un solteron adan y eva - emil
Memorias de un solteron: Adan y Eva
LBA , 2018
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
neveu de rameau dialogue philosophique - dide
Le Neveu de Rameau : Dialogue philosophique / Denis Diderot.
[Place of publication not identified] : UPblisher , 2016.
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
prohibido - pere
Lo prohibido / Benito Perez Galdos.
Santa Fe : El Cid Editor , 2003.
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
qu est ce que la litterature de sartre fiche de lecture - .fr,
Qu'est-ce que la littérature? de Sartre (Fiche de lecture).
Brussels : Primento Digital , 2012.
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
radiografia la pampa - mart
Radiografia La Pampa / Ezequiel Martinez Estrada.
Buenos Aires, Argentina : Eudeba , 2011.
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
romanian literature as world literature -
Romanian literature as world literature / edited by Mircea Martin, Christian Moraru, and Andrei Terian.
New York : Bloomsbury Academic , 2017.
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
rouge et le noir le roman suivi de son analyse et de complements historiques - sten
Le rouge et le noir : Le roman suivi de son analyse et de complements historiques / Stendhal.
[Place of publication not identified] : Noblishing , [2019]
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
women s writing in italy 1400 1650 - cox,
Women's writing in Italy, 1400-1650 / Virginia Cox.
Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press , 2008.
LM1Bibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
chemistry of the elements - gree
Chemistry of the elements / N.N. Greenwood and A. Earnshaw.
Oxford ; Boston : Butterworth-Heinemann , c1997.
CHIBibl. Chimica | Vedi in OneSearch
flight dynamics principles a linear systems approach to aircraft stability and control - cook
Flight dynamics principles : a linear systems approach to aircraft stability and control / Michael V. Cook.
Waltham, MA : Butterworth-Heinemann , [2013]
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to food engineering - sing
Introduction to food engineering / R. Paul Singh, Dennis R. Heldman.
Amsterdam : Elsevier , 2014
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
microirrigation for crop production design operation and management -
Microirrigation for crop production : design, operation, and management / edited by Freddie R. Lamm, James E. Ayers, Francis S. Nakayama.
Amsterdam ; Boston : Elsevier , 2006.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
nutrients in dairy and their implications for health and disease -
Nutrients in dairy and their implications for health and disease / edited by Ronald Ross Watson, Robert J. Collier, Victor R. Preedy.
London, United Kingdom : Academic Press an imprint of Elsevier , [2017]
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
physiology of woody plants - kram
Physiology of woody plants / Paul J. Kramer, Theodore T. Kozlowski.
New York : Academic Press , 1979.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
remote sensing models and methods for image processing - scho
Remote sensing, models, and methods for image processing / Robert A. Schowengerdt.
Burlington, MA : Academic Press , c2007.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
astrophysics for physicists - chou
Astrophysics for physicists / Arnab Rai Choudhuri.
New York : Cambridge University Press , 2010.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
atlas of equine endoscopy - slov
Atlas of equine endoscopy
[Place of publication not identified] Mosby , 2004
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
automotive chassis engineering principles chassis and vehicle overall wheel suspensions and types of - reim
The automotive chassis : engineering principles : chassis and vehicle overall, wheel suspensions and types of drive, axle kinematics and elastokinematics, steering, springing, tyres, construction and calculations advice / Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Jörnsen Reimpell, Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Stoll, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen W. Betzler ; translated from the German by AGET Limited.
Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann , 2001.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
basic biotechnology -
Basic biotechnology / edited by Colin Ratledge and Bjrn Kristiansen.
Cambridge, England : Cambridge University Press , 2013, c2006.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
biological control of microbial plant pathogens - camp
Biological control of microbial plant pathogens / R. Campbell.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1989.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
bramwell s helicopter dynamics - bram
Bramwell's helicopter dynamics / A.R.S. Bramwell, George Done, David Balmford.
Reston, VA : Oxford, UK : Butterworth-Heinemann; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics , 2001.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
chemical engineering design - sinn
Chemical engineering design / Ray Sinnott, Gavin Towler.
Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann , 2020.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
cloud networking understanding cloud based data center networks - lee,
Cloud networking : understanding cloud-based data center networks / Gary Lee ; acquiring editor, Todd Green ; designer, Russell Purdy.
Waltham, Massachusetts : Morgan Kaufmann , 2014.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
consistent quantum theory - grif
Consistent quantum theory / Robert B. Griffiths.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2002.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
coulson and richardson s chemical engineering volume 3 chemical biochemical reactors process control -
Coulson and Richardson's chemical engineering Volume 3, Chemical & biochemical reactors & process control / editors of volume three J.F. Richardson and D.G. Peacock.
Burlington, Mass. : Butterworth-Heinemann , 1994, c1991.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
crystallization - mull
Crystallization / J.W. Mullin.
Oxford ; Boston : Butterworth-Heinemann , 2001.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
current therapy in large animal theriogenology -
Current therapy in large animal theriogenology / [edited by] Robert S. Youngquist, Walter R. Threlfall.
St. Louis, Mo. : Saunders Elsevier , c2007.
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
curves and surfaces for cagd a practical guide - fari
Curves and surfaces for CAGD : a practical guide / Gerald Farin.
San Francisco, CA ; London : Morgan Kaufmann , c2002.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
deploying ip and mpls qos for multiservice networks theory and practice - evan
Deploying IP and MPLS QoS for multiservice networks : theory and practice / John Evans, Clarence Filsfils.
San Francisco : Oxford : Elsevier Science distributor; Morgan Kaufmann , 2007.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
drug like properties concepts structure design and methods from adme to toxicity optimization - di,l
Drug-like properties : concepts, structure design and methods from ADME to toxicity optimization / by Li Di, Edward H. Kerns.
Oxford : Academic Press , 2016.
MEDBibl. Medicina e Farmacia | Vedi in OneSearch
economic botany a comprehensive study - koch
Economic Botany : A Comprehensive Study / S. L. Kochhar.
Delhi, India : Cambridge University Press , [2016]
MEDBibl. Medicina e Farmacia | Vedi in OneSearch
electronic and optoelectronic properties of semiconductor structures - sing
Electronic and optoelectronic properties of semiconductor structures / Jasprit Singh.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2003.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
elements of fluid dynamics - bure
Elements of fluid dynamics / Guido Buresti.
London, [England] : Imperial College Press , 2012.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
equine emergencies treatment and procedures -
Equine emergencies : treatment and procedures / James A. Orsini, Thomas J. Divers ; editors ; Helen Aceto [and sixty-eight others] ; contributor.
St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier , 2014.
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
equine internal medicine - reed
Equine internal medicine / Stephen M. Reed, Warwick M. Bayly, Debra C. Sellon.
St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier , 2018.
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
equine respiratory medicine and surgery -
Equine Respiratory Medicine and Surgery
[Place of publication not identified] Saunders Imprint , 2006
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
equine sports medicine and surgery basic and clinical sciences of the equine athlete -
Equine sports medicine and surgery : basic and clinical sciences of the equine athlete / edited by Kenneth W. Hinchcliff, Andris J. Kaneps, Raymond J. Geor.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvanis : Saunders/Elsevier , 2014.
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
fundamentals of wireless communication - tse,
Fundamentals of wireless communication / David Tse and Pramod Viswanath.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2005.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
genome scale algorithm design biological sequence analysis in the era of high throughput sequencing - mäk
Genome-scale algorithm design : biological sequence analysis in the era of high-throughput sequencing / Veli Mäkinen, Djamal Belazzougui, Fabio Cunial, Alexandru I. Tomescu, University of Heisinki, Finland.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2015.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
handbook of pig medicine - jack
Handbook of pig medicine
[Place of publication not identified] Saunders/Elsevier , 2007
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
hyperspectral imaging remote sensing physics sensors and algorithms - mano
Hyperspectral Imaging Remote Sensing : Physics, Sensors, and Algorithms / Dimitris Manolakis, Ronald Lockwood, and Thomas Cooley.
Cambridge, England : Cambridge University Press , [2016]
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
in vitro toxicology -
In vitro toxicology / edited by Alok Dhawan and Seok Kwon.
London, England : Academic Press , 2018.
MEDBibl. Medicina e Farmacia | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to fluid dynamics - batc
An introduction to fluid dynamics / by G.K. Batchelor.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2000
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to high energy physics - perk
Introduction to high energy physics / Donald H. Perkins.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2000.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to structural dynamics and aeroelasticity - hodg
Introduction to structural dynamics and aeroelasticity / Dewey H. Hodges, G. Alvin Pierce.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2011.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
microprocessor architecture from simple pipelines to chip multiprocessors - baer
Microprocessor architecture : from simple pipelines to chip multiprocessors / Jean-Loup Baer.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , c2010.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
mining of massive datasets - lesk
Mining of massive datasets / Jure Leskovec, Anand Rajaraman, Jeffrey David Ullman, Standford University.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2014.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
network routing algorithms protocols and architectures - medh
Network routing : algorithms, protocols, and architectures / Deepankar Medhi, Karthikeyan Ramasamy.
Amsterdam ; Boston : Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann Publishers , c2007.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
nuclear energy an introduction to the concepts systems and applications of nuclear processes - murr
Nuclear energy : an introduction to the concepts, systems, and applications of nuclear processes / Raymond L. Murray, Keith E. Holbert.
Amsterdam : Elsevier , [2015]
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
nuclear safety - petr
Nuclear safety / Gianni Petrangeli.
Amsterdam ; Boston : Butterworth-Heinemann , c2006.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
organic chemistry of drug design and drug action - silv
The organic chemistry of drug design and drug action / Richard B. Silverman.
Amsterdam ; Boston : Elsevier Academic Press , c2004.
MEDBibl. Medicina e Farmacia | Vedi in OneSearch
particle technology and separation processes - rich
Particle technology and separation processes / J.F. Richardson and J.H. Harker with J.R. Backhurst.
Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann , 2002.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
planning algorithms - lava
Planning algorithms / Steven M. LaValle.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2006.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
practice of medicinal chemistry -
The practice of medicinal chemistry / edited by Camille G. Wermuth.
Amsterdam ; Boston : Academic Press , 2003.
MEDBibl. Medicina e Farmacia | Vedi in OneSearch
principles of space instrument design - crui
Principles of space instrument design / A.M. Cruise [and others].
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1998.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
principles of tissue engineering -
Principles of tissue engineering / edited by Robert Lanza, Robert Langer, Joseph Vacanti.
Amsterdam ; Boston : Elsevier Academic Press , c2007.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
process intensification engineering for efficiency sustainability and flexibility - reay
Process intensification : engineering for efficiency, sustainability and flexibility / David Reay, Colin Ramshaw, Adam Harvey.
Amsterdam ; Boston : Butterworth-Heinemann; Elsevier/BH , 2013.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
james joyce the critical heritage -
James Joyce : the critical heritage / edited by Robert H. Deming.
London : Routledge & K Paul , 1970.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
1956 and all that the making of modern british drama - rebe
1956 and all that : the making of modern British drama / Dan Rebellato.
London ; New York : Routledge , 1999.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
archaeology and archaeological information in the digital society -
Archaeology and archaeological information in the digital society / edited by Isto Huvila.
Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge , 2018.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
artist society and sexuality in virginia woolf s novels - ronc
The artist, society, and sexuality in Virginia Woolf's novels / Ann Ronchetti.
New York : Routledge , 2004.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
biotechnological approaches for pest management and ecological sustainability - shar
Biotechnological approaches for pest management and ecological sustainability / Hari C. Sharma.
Boca Raton : CRC Press , c2009.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
business and human rights from principles to practice -
Business and human rights : from principles to practice / edited by Dorothee Baumann-Pauly and Justine Nolan.
Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, N.Y. : Routledge , 2016.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
canterbury tales - pear
The Canterbury tales / Derek Pearsall.
London ; New York : Routledge , 2002.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
caryl churchill - luck
Caryl Churchill / Mary Luckhurst.
London ; New York : Routledge , 2015.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
celtic languages -
The Celtic languages / editors, Martin J. Ball, Nicole Muller.
New York : Routledge , 2010.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
creativity theory history practice - pope
Creativity : theory, history, practice / Rob Pope.
London ; New York : Routledge , 2005.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ecocriticism - garr
Ecocriticism / Greg Garrard.
Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge , 2012.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
emotions in conflict inhibitors and facilitators of peace making - halp
Emotions in conflict : inhibitors and facilitators of peace making / Eran Halperin.
New York ; London : Routledge , 2016.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
england in the later middle ages a political history - keen
England in the later Middle Ages : a political history / Maurice Keen.
London ; New York, NY : Routledge , 2003.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
eu external relations law and the european neighbourhood policy a paradigm for coherence - vanv
EU external relations law and the European neighbourhood policy : a paradigm for coherence / Bart Van Vooren.
London ; New York : Taylor & Francis; Routledge , 2012.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
european neighbourhood policy values and principles -
The European Neighbourhood Policy : values and principles / edited by Sara Poli.
London ; New York : Routledge , 2016.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
exploring digital communication language in action - tagg
Exploring digital communication : language in action / by Caroline Tagg.
London ; New York : Routledge , 2015.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
handbook of communication ethics -
The handbook of communication ethics / edited by George Cheney, Steve May, and Debashish Munshi.
New York : Routledge , 2011.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
handbook of flow visualization - yang
Handbook Of Flow Visualization / by Wen Jei Yang.
Boca Raton, FL : Routledge , [2018].
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
hume - stro
Hume / Barry Stroud.
London : Routledge and Kegan Paul , 1977.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
international companion encyclopedia of children s literature -
International companion encyclopedia of children's literature / edited by Peter Hunt ; associate editor, Sheila Ray.
London ; New York : Routledge , 1996.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
introducing english language a resource book for students - mull
Introducing English language : a resource book for students / Louise Mullany and Peter Stockwell.
New York : Routledge , 2015.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to nuclear power second edition - hewi
Introduction to Nuclear Power, Second Edition / G.F. Hewitt, John G. Collier.
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press , 2000.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
james joyce -
James Joyce / edited by B.C. Southam.
London : Routledge , 2007.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
jubb kennedy and palmer s pathology of domestic animals volume 3 -
Jubb, Kennedy, and Palmer's pathology of domestic animals. Volume 3 / edited by M. Grant Maxie, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVP, Co-Executive Director, Laboratory Service Division, Director, Animal Health Laboratory, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier , [2016]
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
memorylands heritage and identity in europe today - macd
Memorylands : heritage and identity in Europe today / Sharon Macdonald.
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge , 2013.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
modernism the basics - wink
Modernism : the basics / Laura Winkiel.
London ; New York, N.Y. : Routledge , 2017.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
multiscale and multiresolution approaches in turbulence les des and hybrid rans les methods applicat - saga
Multiscale and multiresolution approaches in turbulence : LES, DES and hybrid RANS/LES methods : applications and guidelines / Pierre Sagaut, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie-- Paris 6, France, Sebastien Deck, ONERA, France, Marc Terracol, ONERA, France.
London : Singapore : Imperial College Press; Distributed by World Scientific , [2013]
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
nonlinear dynamics and chaos with applications to physics biology chemistry and engineering - stro
Nonlinear dynamics and chaos : with applications to physics, biology, chemistry, and engineering / Steven H. Strogatz ; text design by Robert B. Kern.
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press , 2018.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
normative pluralism and human rights social normativities in conflict -
Normative pluralism and human rights : social normativities in conflict / edited by Kyriaki Topidi.
Boca Raton, FL : Routledge an imprint of Taylor and Francis , 2018.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
norwegian an essential grammar - stra
Norwegian : an essential grammar / Ase-Berit and Rolf Strandskogen ; translated by Barbara White.
London ; New York : Routledge , 1995.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
nuclear engineering handbook -
Nuclear engineering handbook / edited by Kenneth D. Kok.
Boca Raton : CRC Press , [2017].
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
ottoman world -
The Ottoman world / edited by Christine Woodhead.
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge , 2012.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
philosophy of economics a contemporary introduction - reis
Philosophy of economics : a contemporary introduction / Julian Reiss.
New York : Routledge , 2013.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
poems of john donne epigrams verse letters to friends love lyrics love elegies satire religion poems - donn
The poems of John Donne : epigrams, verse letters to friends, love-lyrics, love-elegies, satire, religion poems, wedding celebrations, verse epistles to patronesses, commemorations and anniversaries / edited by Robin Robbins.
London ; New York : Routledge , 2013.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
poetics of postmodernism history theory fiction - hutc
A poetics of postmodernism : history, theory, fiction / Linda Hutcheon.
New York : Routledge , 1988.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
poverty and social exclusion new methods of analysis -
Poverty and social exclusion : new methods of analysis / edited by Gianni Betti and Achille Lemmi.
Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge , 2013.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
pragmatics - pecc
Pragmatics / Jean Stilwell Peccei.
London ; New York : Routledge , 1999.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
public history a textbook of practice - cauv
Public history : a textbook of practice / Thomas Cauvin.
New York ; London : Routledge , 2016.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
rise and fall of the afterlife the 1995 read tuckwell lectures at the university of bristol - brem
The rise and fall of the afterlife : the 1995 Read-Tuckwell lectures at the University of Bristol / Jan N. Bremmer.
London : Routledge , 2002.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
romantic ecology wordsworth and the environmental tradition - bate
Romantic ecology : Wordsworth and the environmental tradition / Jonathan Bate.
Oxon [England] : Routledge , 2013.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
routledge companion to cost management - mitc
The Routledge companion to cost management / edited by Falconer Mitchell, Hanne Nrreklit and Morten Jakobsen.
Oxfordshire, England ; New York : Routledge , c2013.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
routledge companion to islamic philosophy -
The Routledge companion to Islamic philosophy / edited by Richard C. Taylor and Luis Xavier Lopez-Farjeat.
London ; New York : Routledge , 2016.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
routledge companion to translation studies -
The Routledge companion to translation studies / edited by Jeremy Munday.
London ; New York : Routledge , 2009.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
routledge handbook of english language teaching -
The Routledge handbook of English language teaching / edited by Graham Hall.
Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor& Francis Group , 2016.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
routledge handbook of the politics of migration in europe -
The Routledge handbook of the politics of migration in Europe / edited by Agnieszka Weinar, Saskia Bonjour and Lyubov Zhyznomirska.
Boca Raton, FL : Routledge an imprint of Taylor and Francis , ©2019.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
routledge handbook of translation studies -
The Routledge handbook of translation studies / edited by Carmen Millan and Francesca Bartrina.
Milton Park, Abingdon ; New York : Routledge , 2013.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
science in the primary school - gars
Science in the primary school / Yvonne Garson.
London : Routledge , 1988.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
selected writings - sidn
Selected writings / Sir Philip Sidney and Richard Dutton.
Boca Raton, FL : Routledge an imprint of Taylor and Francis , [2018].
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
tense past cultural essays in trauma and memory -
Tense past : cultural essays in trauma and memory / edited by Paul Antze & Michael Lambek.
Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge , 2016.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
testimony crises of witnessing in literature psychoanalysis and history - felm
Testimony : crises of witnessing in literature, psychoanalysis, and history / Shoshana Felman and Dori Laub.
New York : Routledge , 1992.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
translating children s literature - lath
Translating children's literature / Gillian Lathey.
London : Routledge , 2016.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
warfare and society in the barbarian west 450 900 - hals
Warfare and society in the barbarian West, 450-900 / Guy Halsall.
London ; New York : Routledge , 2003.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
wittgenstein - foge
Wittgenstein / Robert J. Fogelin.
London ; New York : Routledge , [1996]
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
women and sexuality in the novels of thomas hardy - morg
Women and sexuality in the novels of Thomas Hardy / Rosemarie Morgan.
London ; New York : Routledge , 1988.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
direct methods in the calculus of variations - gius
Direct methods in the calculus of variations / Enrico Giusti.
Singapore ; River Edge, NJ : World Scientific , c2003.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
neuroprosthetics theory and practice -
Neuroprosthetics : theory and practice / edited by Kenneth Horch, Daryl Kipke.
Hackensack, New Jersey : World Scientific , 2017.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
areal diffusion and genetic inheritance problems in comparative linguistics -
Areal diffusion and genetic inheritance : problems in comparative linguistics / edited by Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald and R.M.W. Dixon.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press , 2001.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
bone mechanics handbook -
Bone mechanics handbook / edited by Stephen C. Cowin.
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press , 2001.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
communicating specialized knowledge old genres and new media - bond
Communicating specialized knowledge : old genres and new media / by Marina Bondi, Silvia Cacchiani, and Silvia Cavalieri.
Newcastle upon Tyne, England : Cambridge Scholars Publishing , 2019.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
cosmology - wein
Cosmology / Steven Weinberg.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press , 2008.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
density functional theory of atoms and molecules - parr
Density-functional theory of atoms and molecules / Robert G. Parr and Weitao Yang.
Oxford University Press ; Clarendon Press : Oxford England; New York New York , 1989.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
modern electric hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicles fundamentals theory and design - ehsa
Modern electric, hybrid electric, and fuel cell vehicles : fundamentals, theory, and design / Mehrdad Ehsani, Yimin Gao, Ali Emadi.
Boca Raton, Fla. : CRC Press , 2010.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
nuclear systems volume i thermal hydraulic fundamentals - todr
Nuclear systems volume I : thermal hydraulic fundamentals / Neil E. Todreas, Mujid S. Kazimi.
Boca Raton : Taylor & Francis , 2012-
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
aeroelasticity - bisp
Aeroelasticity [electronic resource].
Newburyport : Dover Publications , 2013.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
aircraft landing gear design principles and practices - curr
Aircraft landing gear design [electronic resource] : principles and practices / Norman S. Currey.
Washington, D.C. : American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics , c1988.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
algebraic theory of numbers translated from the french by allan j silberger - samu
Algebraic Theory of Numbers : Translated from the French by Allan J. Silberger
Newburyport : Dover Publications , 2013.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
alternative types of roundabouts an informational guide - toll
Alternative Types of Roundabouts : An Informational Guide / by Tomaž Tollazzi.
Cham : Imprint Springer; Springer International Publishing , 2015.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
antenna theory analysis and design - bala
Antenna theory : analysis and design / Constantine A. Balanis.
Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley , 2016.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
applied mathematics in integrated navigation systems - roge
Applied mathematics in integrated navigation systems [electronic resource] / Robert M. Rogers.
Reston, Va. : American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics , c2007.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
aristotle s politics living well and living together - garv
Aristotle's Politics : living well and living together / Eugene Garver.
Chicago ; London : University of Chicago Press , 2011.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
atlas of small animal ultrasonography -
Atlas of small animal ultrasonography / edited by Dominique Penninck, DVM, PhD, DACVR, DECVDI, Professor of Diagnostic Imaging, Department of Clinical Sciences, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University, North Grafton, MA, USA, Marc-André d'Anjou, DMV, DACVR, Clinical Radiologist, Centre Vétérinaire Rive-Sud, Brossard, Québec, Canada & Faculté de Médicine Vétérinaire de l'Université de Montréal, Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada ; illustrations by Beth Mellor and Marc-André d'Anjou.
Ames, Iowa : John Wiley & Sons Incorporated , 2015.
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
automotive transmissions fundamentals selection design and application - naun
Automotive transmissions : fundamentals, selection, design and application / Harald Naunheimer ... [et al.].
New York : Springer , 2010.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
aware food choices bridging the gap between consumer knowledge about nutritional requirements and nu - tara
Aware Food Choices: Bridging the Gap Between Consumer Knowledge About Nutritional Requirements and Nutritional Information / by Angela Tarabella, Barbara Burchi.
Cham : Imprint Springer; Springer International Publishing , 2016.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
biochemical physiological and molecular aspects of human nutrition -
Biochemical, physiological, and molecular aspects of human nutrition / [edited by] Martha H. Stipanuk, Marie A. Caudill.
St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier/Saunders , [2013]
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
blackwell s five minute veterinary consult ruminant -
Blackwell's five-minute veterinary consult : ruminant / edited by Christopher C. L. Chase [and three others].
Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley Blackwell , 2017.
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
business model generation a handbook for visionaries game changers and challengers - oste
Business model generation : a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers / written by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur ; design, Alan Smith ; editor and contributing co-author, Tim Clark ; production, Patrick van der Pijl ; co-created by an amazing crowd of 470 practitioners from 45 countries.
Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons , c2010.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
canine and feline endocrinology and reproduction - feld
Canine and feline endocrinology and reproduction / [Edward C. Feldman, Richard W. Nelson].
St. Louis, Mo. : Saunders , c2004.
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
companion to ethics -
A companion to ethics / edited by Peter Singer.
Oxford, UK ; Cambridge, Mass., USA : Blackwell Reference , 1993.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
computational techniques for fluid dynamics 1 fundamental and general techniques - flet
Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics 1 : Fundamental and General Techniques / by Clive A.J. Fletcher.
Berlin, Heidelberg : Imprint Springer; Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 1998.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
condition monitoring and assessment of power transformers using computational intelligence - tang
Condition monitoring and assessment of power transformers using computational intelligence / W.H. Tang, Q.H. Wu.
London : Springer , 2011.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
coulson richardson s chemical engineering vol 1 fluid flow heat transfer and mass transfer -
Coulson & Richardson's chemical engineering. Vol. 1, Fluid flow, heat transfer and mass transfer / J.M. Coulson and J.F. Richardson, with J.R. Backhurst and J.H. Harker.
San Diego : Butterworth-Heinemann , 1999.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
cultural trauma and collective identity - alex
Cultural trauma and collective identity / Jeffrey C. Alexander ... [et al.].
Berkeley : University of California Press , 2004.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
data intensive text processing with mapreduce - lin,
Data-intensive text processing with MapReduce / Jimmy Lin and Chris Dyer.
San Rafael, Calif. (1537 Fourth Street, San Rafael, CA 94901 USA) : Morgan & Claypool , c2010.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
designing data intensive applications the big ideas behind reliable scalable and maintainable system - klep
Designing data-intensive applications : the big ideas behind reliable, scalable, and maintainable systems / Martin Kleppmann.
Beijing, [China] : O'Reilly , March 2017.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
diritto commerciale i diritto dell impresa -
Diritto commerciale. I, Diritto dell'impresa / a cura di Marco Cian [and thirteen others].
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
diritto costituzionale e pubblico - care
Diritto costituzionale e pubblico / Paolo Caretti, Ugo De Siervo.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
diritto internazionale dei conflitti armati - ronz
Diritto internazionale dei conflitti armati / Natalino Ronzitti.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
diritto penale commerciale volume iv i reati fallimentari - ales
Diritto Penale Commerciale. Volume IV, I reati fallimentari / Aalberto Alessandri.
Torino : G Giappichelli Editore , [2019]
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
distributed algorithms - lync
Distributed algorithms / Nancy A. Lynch.
San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers , c1996.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
dynamic modeling of musculoskeletal motion a vectorized approach for biomechanical analysis in three - yama
Dynamic Modeling of Musculoskeletal Motion : A Vectorized Approach for Biomechanical Analysis in Three Dimensions / by Gary T. Yamaguchi.
New York, NY : Imprint Springer; Springer US , 2001.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
economia aziendale -
Economia aziendale / a cura di Lucio Potito [and eight others].
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
elementi di matematica finanziaria e cenni di programmazione lineare - stef
Elementi di Matematica Finanziaria e cenni di Programmazione Lineare / Silvana Stefani, Anna Torriero, Giovanni Zambruno.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
elusiveness of the ordinary studies in the possibility of philosophy - rose
The elusiveness of the ordinary : studies in the possibility of philosophy / Stanley Rosen.
New Haven : Yale University Press , c2002.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
equine reproduction -
Equine reproduction / edited by Angus O. McKinnon ... [et al.].
Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell , 2011.
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
ethics and practice in science communication -
Ethics and Practice in Science Communication / Michael F. Dahlstrom, Jean Goodwin, Susanna Priest.
Chicago : University of Chicago Press , [2018]
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
financial risk manager handbook - jori
Financial risk manager handbook / Philippe Jorion ; GARP.
Hoboken, NJ : Wiley , c2009.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
fish ecophysiology -
Fish ecophysiology / edited by J. Cliff Rankin and Frank B. Jensen.
London : Chapman & Hall , 1993.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
flavours and fragrances chemistry bioprocessing and sustainability -
Flavours and fragrances : chemistry, bioprocessing and sustainability / R.G. Berger (ed.).
Berlin ; New York : Springer , c2007.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
foundations of quantum chromodynamics an introduction to perturbative methods in gauge theories - muta
Foundations of quantum chromodynamics : an introduction to perturbative methods in gauge theories / T. Muta.
Hackensack, New Jersey : World Scientific , [2010]
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
fruit quality and its biological basis -
Fruit quality and its biological basis [electronic resource] / edited by Michael Knee.
Sheffield : Sheffield Academic Press , 2002.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
fundamentals of process intensification -
The fundamentals of process intensification / Andrzej Stankiewicz, Tom Van Gerven, Georgios Stefanidis.
Weinheim: Wiley-VCH , [2019]
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
global crisis war climate change and catastrophe in the seventeenth century - park
Global crisis : war, climate change and catastrophe in the seventeenth century / Geoffrey Parker.
New Haven ; London : Yale University Press , c2013.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
governo strategico dell azienda estratto - garz
Governo strategico dell'azienda : estratto / Stefano Garzella, Michele Galeotti (a cura di) ; prefazione del Prof. Umberto Bertini.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2016.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
graph theoretic methods in multiagent networks - mesb
Graph theoretic methods in multiagent networks / Mehran Mesbahi and Magnus Egerstedt.
Princeton : Princeton University Press , [2010]
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
hadoop the definitive guide - whit
Hadoop : the definitive guide / Tom White.
Sebastopol, California : O'Reilly , 2015.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
handbook of green chemistry volume 12 green chemical engineering -
Handbook of green chemistry. Volume 12, Green chemical engineering / edited by Alexei Lapkin.
Weinheim, Germany : Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA , [2018]
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
heat transfer textbook - lien
A Heat Transfer Textbook / John H. Lienhard.
Newburyport : Dover Publications , 2013.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
hypersonic and high temperature gas dynamics - ande
Hypersonic and high-temperature gas dynamics [electronic resource] / John D. Anderson, Jr.
Reston, Va. : American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics , c2006.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
improving organic crop cultivation -
Improving organic crop cultivation / edited by Ulrich Kopke (University of Bonn, Germany).
Cambridge : Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing , 2019.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
insect biotechnology -
Insect biotechnology / Andreas Vilcinskas, editor.
Dordrecht : Springer , 2010.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
interconnecting music and the literary word -
Interconnecting music and the literary word / edited by Fausto Ciompi, Roberta Ferrari and Laura Giovannelli.
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK : Cambridge Scholars Publishing , 2018.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to calculus and analysis ii 1 - cour
Introduction to Calculus and Analysis II/1 / by Richard Courant, Fritz John.
Berlin, Heidelberg : Imprint Springer; Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2000.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to calculus and analysis volume i - cour
Introduction to calculus and analysis Volume I / Richard Courant, Fritz John.
New York : Springer Science , c1989.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
ipv6 essentials - hage
IPv6 essentials / Silvia Hagen.
Sebastopol, California : O'Reilly , 2014.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
large animal internal medicine -
Large animal internal medicine / editors-in-chief, Bradford P. Smith, David C. Van Metre, Nicola Pusterla.
St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier , [2020]
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
large eddy simulation for incompressible flows an introduction - saga
Large eddy simulation for incompressible flows : an introduction / Pierre Sagaut ; with a foreword by Charles Meneveau.
Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag , c2006.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
life and words violence and the descent into the ordinary - das,
Life and words : violence and the descent into the ordinary / Veena Das ; foreword by Stanley Cavell.
Berkeley : University of California Press , c2007.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
linear systems theory second edition - hesp
Linear Systems Theory : Second Edition / João P. Hespanha.
Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press , [2018]
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
mari capital of northern mesopotamia in the third millennium bc the archaeology of tell hariri on th - marg
Mari : capital of northern Mesopotamia in the third millennium BC : the archaeology of Tell Hariri on the Euphrates / Jean-Claude Margueron.
Oxford ; Philadelphia : Oxbow Books , 2014.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
mathematical introduction to robotic manipulation - murr
Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulation.
CRC Press , 2017.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
multimodality across communicative settings discourse domains and genres -
Multimodality across communicative settings, discourse domains and genres / edited by Veronica Bonsignori and Belinda Crawford Camiciottoli.
Newcastle upon Tyne, England : Cambridge Scholars Publishing , 2016.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
nuclear reactor engineering reactor systems engineering - glas
Nuclear Reactor Engineering : Reactor Systems Engineering / by Samuel Glasstone, Alexander Sesonske.
New York, NY : Imprint Springer; Springer US , 1994.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
nuclear reactor kinetics and plant control -
Nuclear reactor kinetics and plant control / Yoshiaki Oka, Katsuo Suzuki, editors.
Tokyo ; New York : Springer , c2013.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
nutrient requirements of fish -
Nutrient requirements of fish / Committee on Animal Nutrition, Board on Agriculture, National Research Council.
Washington, D.C. : National Academy Press , 1993.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
nutrition and disease management for veterinary technicians and nurses -
Nutrition and disease management for veterinary technicians and nurses / by Ann Wortinger and Kara M. Burns.
Ames, Iowa: John Wiley & Sons Inc; Wiley , 2015.
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
physics of electric propulsion - jahn
Physics of Electric Propulsion.
Newburyport : Dover Publications , 2012.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
popularisation of business and economic english in online newspapers - matt
The popularisation of business and economic english in online newspapers / Elisa Mattiello.
Newcastle upon Tyne, England : Cambridge Scholars Publishing , 2014.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
powers of pure reason kant and the idea of cosmic philosophy - ferr
The Powers of Pure Reason : Kant and the Idea of Cosmic Philosophy / Alfredo Ferrarin.
Chicago : University of Chicago Press , [2015]
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
principi e i modelli de l economia aziendale -
I principi e i modelli de l'economia aziendale / Giuseppe Paolone, Luciano D'Amico (a cura di).
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
principles of process planning a logical approach - hale
Principles of Process Planning : A logical approach / by G. Halevi, R. Weill.
Dordrecht : Imprint Springer; Springer Netherlands , 1995.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
probability markov chains queues and simulation the mathematical basis of performance modeling - stew
Probability, Markov Chains, Queues, and Simulation : The Mathematical Basis of Performance Modeling / William J. Stewart.
Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press , [2009]
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
project management a systems approach to planning scheduling and controlling -
Project management : a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling / Harold Kerzner.
Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley , 2017.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
rf power amplifiers for wireless communications - crip
RF power amplifiers for wireless communications / Steve C. Cripps.
Boston : Artech House , c2006.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
robot modeling and control -
Robot modeling and control / Mark W. Spong, Seth Hutchinson and M. Vidyasagar
Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley , [2020]
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
robust control systems theory and case studies - mack
Robust Control Systems : Theory and Case Studies / by Uwe Mackenroth.
Berlin, Heidelberg : Imprint Springer; Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2004.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
scalability challenges in web search engines - camb
Scalability Challenges in Web Search Engines / by B. Barla Cambazoglu, Ricardo Baeza-Yates.
Cham : Imprint Springer; Springer International Publishing , 2016.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
scienza giuridica e tecnologie informatiche - fain
Scienza giuridica e tecnologie informatiche / Fernanda Faini, Stefano Pietropaoli.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
sensors and signal conditioning - pall
Sensors and Signal Conditioning
Wiley-Interscience , 2012
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare s sonnets - edmo
Shakespeare's sonnets / Paul Edmondson and Stanley Wells.
Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2023.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
space environment and its effects on space systems - pisa
The space environment and its effects on space systems [electronic resource] / Vincent L. Pisacane.
Reston, Va. : American Institute of aeronautics and Astronautics , c2008.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
spacecraft structures - wijk
Spacecraft structures / by Jacob Job Wijker.
Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg , 2008.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
strapdown inertial navigation technology - titt
Strapdown inertial navigation technology / David H. Titterton and John L. Weston.
Stevenage, UK ; Reston, VA : Institution of Electrical Engineers , c2004.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
suleyman the second and his time -
Süleymân the Second and His Time / Cemal Kafadar, Halil Inalcik.
Piscataway, NJ : Gorgias Press , [2010]
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
translating for children - oitt
Translating for children / Riita Oittinen.
New York : Garland , 2000.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
understanding business valuation workbook a practical guide to valuing small to medium sized busines -
Understanding business valuation workbook : a practical guide to valuing small to medium sized businesses / Gary R. Trugman.
New York, N.Y.: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants; Wiley , [2018]
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
water management in italy governance performance and sustainability - guer
Water Management in Italy : Governance, Performance, and Sustainability / by Andrea Guerrini, Giulia Romano.
Cham : Imprint Springer; Springer International Publishing , 2014.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
whose story translating the verbal and the visual in literature for young readers -
Whose story? : translating the verbal and the visual in literature for young readers / edited by Maria González Davies and Riitta Oittinen.
Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars Pub , 2008.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
wintrobe s clinical hematology -
Wintrobe's clinical hematology / editors: John P. Greer, MD (Professor, Department of Medicine and Pediatrics, Divisions of Hematology and Oncology, Vanderbilt University of Medicial Center, Nashville, Tennessee) [and 8 others].
Philadelphia, PA : Wolters Kluwer , [2019]
MEDBibl. Medicina e Farmacia | Vedi in OneSearch
solid state physics - gros
Solid state physics / Giuseppe Grosso, Giuseppe Pastori Parravicini.
San Diego : Academic Press , c2000.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
aristotle on memory - sora
Aristotle on memory Richard Sorabji.
Chicago University of Chicago Press , 2006.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
as you like it william shakespeare - gay,
As you like it : William Shakespeare / Penny Gay.
Plymouth : Northcote House Publishers , 1999.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
madwoman in the attic the woman writer and the nineteenth century literary imagination - gilb
The Madwoman in the Attic : The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination / Sandra M. Gilbert, Susan Gubar.
New Haven, CT : Yale University Press , [2020]
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
novels of thomas hardy illusion and reality - viga
The novels of Thomas Hardy : illusion and reality / Penelope Vigar.
London : Bloomsbury , 2013.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
plays of samuel beckett - webb
The plays of Samuel Beckett / Eugene Webb.
Seattle : University of Washington Press , 1974.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
r k narayan - thie
R. K. Narayan / John Thieme.
Manchester, UK : Manchester University Press , 2013.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
taste for luxury in early modern europe display acquisition and boundaries -
A taste for luxury in early modern Europe : display, acquisition and boundaries / edited by Johanna Ilmakunnas and Jon Stobart.
London ; New York : Bloomsbury Academic an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc , 2017.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
time creation and the continuum theories in antiquity and the early middle ages - sora
Time, creation, and the continuum theories in antiquity and the early Middle Ages Richard Sorabji.
Ithaca, N.Y. Cornell University Press , 1983.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
aircraft control and simulation dynamics controls design and autonomous systems - stev
Aircraft control and simulation : dynamics, controls design, and autonomous systems / Brian L. Stevens, Frank L. Lewis, Eric N. Johnson.
Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley , 2016.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
analisi di bilancio lettura e interpretazione - teod
Analisi di bilancio : lettura e interpretazione / Claudio Teodori.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
analisi economico finanziaria dell azienda -
Analisi economico-finanziaria dell'azienda / Marco Allegrini [and four others].
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
aspetti evolutivi nella progettazione delle soluzioni organizzative - gian
Aspetti evolutivi nella progettazione delle soluzioni organizzative / Marco Giannini.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2014.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
attrezzi del giurista introduzione alle pratiche discorsive del diritto - stol
Gli Attrezzi Del Giurista : Introduzione Alle Pratiche Discorsive Del Diritto. / Emanuele Stolfi.
Torino : G Giappichelli Editore , 2018.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
bilancio di esercizio e principi contabili - quag
Bilancio di esercizio e principi contabili / Alberto Quagli.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
codice di diritto internazionale pubblico - luzz
Codice di diritto internazionale pubblico / Riccardo Luzzatto, Fausto Pocar ; con la collaborazione di Francesca C. Villata, Federica Favuzza e Marina Franchi.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2016.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
comunicazione economico finanziaria d impresa finalita strumenti e comportamenti attuali e teorici i - giac
La comunicazione economico-finanziaria d'impresa : Finalità, strumenti e comportamenti attuali e teorici in un modello "ideale" di comunicazione / Elisa Giacosa.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2012.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
contabilita per l amministrazione economica dello stato dal secolo xix criticita e riflessioni - anse
Contabilità per l'amministrazione economica dello Stato dal secolo XIX : Criticità e riflessioni / Luca Anselmi [and three others].
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2012.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
corrispettivita onerosita e gratuita profili tributari -
Corrispettività, onerosità e gratuità : profili tributari / a cura di Valerio Ficari e Valeria Mastroiacovo.
Turin, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2014.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
cost management volume 1 - cinq
Cost management. Volume 1. / Lino Cinquini.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
costituzioni comparate -
Costituzioni comparate / Federico Furlan [and five others].
Leiden, [Netherlands] ; Boston, [Massachusetts] : Brill , 2017.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
dall insolvenza al sovraindebitamento interesse del debitore alla liberazione e ristrutturazione dei - pell
Dall'insolvenza al sovraindebitamento : Interesse del debitore alla liberazione e ristrutturazione dei debiti / Enza Pellecchia.
Turin, Italy : G Giappichelli Editore , 2012.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
dalla polis allo stato introduzione alla storia del pensiero politico - bass
Dalla polis allo Stato : introduzione alla storia del pensiero politico / Luigi Marco Bassani, Alberto Mingardi.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
diritto dell integrazione europea l ordinamento dell unione - cann
Il diritto dell'integrazione europea : L'ordinamento dell'Unione / Enzo Cannizzaro.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
diritto delle autonomie locali - dima
Diritto delle autonomie locali / Roberto Di Maria, Cristina Napoli, Andrea Pertici.
Torino : G Giappichelli Editore , [2019]
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
diritto privato - ropp
Diritto privato / Vincenzo Roppo.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2016.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
diritto pubblico percorso i percorso ii organizzazione dei poteri pubblici atti pubblici e tutela de - bin,
Diritto pubblico. Percorso I, Percorso II, Organizzazione dei poteri pubblici, Atti pubblici e tutela dei diritti / Roberto Bin, Giovanni Pitruzzella.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
diritto sindacale - mazz
Diritto sindacale / Oronzo Mazzotta.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
disciplina del mercato mobiliare - annu
La disciplina del mercato mobiliare / Filippo Annunziata.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
elementi di bilancio e di management il bilancio di esercizio principi schemi e criteri di valutazio -
Elementi di bilancio e di management. Volume 1 : il bilancio di esercizio. principi, schemi e criteri di valutazione / Marco Allegrini, [and three others], (a cura di).
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2016.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
elements of number theory - stil
Elements of number theory / John Stillwell.
New York : Springer , 2003.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
ers handbook of respiratory medicine - pala
ERS Handbook of respiratory medicine / editors Paolo Palange, Gernot Rohde.
Sheffield, England : European Respiratory Society , [2019]
MEDBibl. Medicina e Farmacia | Vedi in OneSearch
esercitazioni di contabilita e bilancio - gonn
Esercitazioni di contabilita e bilancio / Enrico Gonnella [and three others].
Torino : G Giappichelli Editore , 2019.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
fattori di competitivita dell impresa industriale un analisi economicia e manageriale - silv
Fattori di competitività dell'impresa industriale : Un'analisi economicia e manageriale / Sergio Silvestrelli, Aldo Bellagamba.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
first thousand years a global history of christianity - wilk
The first thousand years : a global history of Christianity / Robert Louis Wilken.
New Haven, Connecticut : Yale University Press , [2012]
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
fondamenti romanistici del diritto europeo la disciplina generale del contratto i - petr
Fondamenti romanistici del diritto europeo : La disciplina generale del contratto I / Aldo Petrucci.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2018.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
formulation of microbial biopesticides beneficial microorganisms nematodes and seed treatments - burg
Formulation of microbial biopesticides : beneficial microorganisms, nematodes and seed treatments / H.D. Burges.
Dordrecht : Imprint Springer; Springer Netherlands , 1998.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
fundamentals of fluid film lubrication - hamr
Fundamentals of fluid film lubrication / Bernard J. Hamrock, Steven R. Schmid, Bo O. Jacobson.
New York : Marcel Dekker , 2004.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
gardening in the tropics - seni
Gardening in the tropics / Olive Senior.
Toronto : Insomniac Press , c2005.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
governo parlamentare in italia - merl
Il governo parlamentare in Italia / Stefano Merlini, Giovanni Tarli Barbieri.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
imperialism power and identity experiencing the roman empire - matt
Imperialism, power, and identity : experiencing the Roman Empire / David J. Mattingly.
Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press , [2013]
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
intellect et imagination dans la philosophie medievale intellect and imagination in medieval philoso - cong
Intellect et imagination dans la philosophie médiévale = Intellect and imagination in medieval philosophy = Intelecto e imaginaçao na filosofia medieval. Volume I : actes du XIe Congrès international de philosophie médiévale de la Société internationale pour l'étude de la philosophie médiévale (S.I.E.P.M.) Porto, du 26 au 31 août 2002 / édités par Maria Cândida Pacheco, José F. Meirinhos.
[Place of publication not identified] : Brepols , 2006.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
introduzione alla contabilita d impresa -
Introduzione alla contabilità d'impresa / Luciano Marchi (a cura di).
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
istituzioni di diritto amministrativo - merl
Istituzioni di Diritto amministrativo / Francesco Merloni ; con il contributo di Enrico Carloni e Benedetto Ponti.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2016.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
kiezdeutsch ein neuer dialekt entsteht - wies
Kiezdeutsch : ein neuer Dialekt entsteht / Heike Wiese.
München, [Germany] : Verlag CHBeck , 2012.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
lezioni di diritto amministrativo - matt
Lezioni Di Diritto Amministrativo / Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella.
Torino : G Giappichelli Editore , [2018]
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
m a and value creation a swot analysis - mari
M&A and value creation : a SWOT analysis / Giovanna Mariani ; with contributions by Francesco Greggio and Gino Reolon.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
machine learning a guide to current research -
Machine Learning : A Guide to Current Research / edited by Tom M. Mitchell, Jaime G. Carbonell, Ryszard S. Michalski.
New York, NY : Imprint Springer; Springer US , 1986.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
maimonides and philosophy - jeru
Maimonides and Philosophy / edited by S. Pines, Y. Yovel.
Dordrecht : Imprint Springer; Springer Netherlands , 1986.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
mammalian neuroendocrinology - malv
Mammalian neuroendocrinology / Paul V. Malven.
Boca Raton, Fla. : CRC Press , ©1993.
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
manuale di diritto dell unione europea - adam
Manuale di diritto dell'Unione Europea / Roberto Adam, Antonio Tizzano.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
manuale di diritto delle assicurazioni private - fare
Manuale di diritto delle assicurazioni private / Luigi Farenga.
Torino : G Giappichelli Editore , [2019]
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
manuale di filosofia del diritto figure categorie e contesti - casa
Manuale di filosofia del diritto : figure, categorie e contesti / Thomas Casadei, Gianfrancesco Zanetti.
Torino, Italy : G Giappichelli Editore , [2019]
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
manuale di giustizia amministrativa - gall
Manuale di giustizia amministrativa / Carlo Emanuele Gallo.
Turin, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2016.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
mathematics for physicists - denn
Mathematics for Physicists [electronic resource].
: Dover Publications , 2012.
CHIBibl. Chimica | Vedi in OneSearch
mathematics of classical and quantum physics - byro
Mathematics of classical and quantum physics / Frederick W. Byron, Jr. and Robert W. Fuller. [electronic resource].
Newburyport : Dover Publications , 1969, c1970.
CHIBibl. Chimica | Vedi in OneSearch
mercato mobiliare - cost
Il mercato mobiliare / Renzo Costi.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2018.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
mobility meaning and the transformations of things - itin
Mobility, meaning and the transformations of things / edited by Hans Peter Hahn and Hadas Weiss.
Oxford ; Oakville : Oxbow Books , [2013]
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
performance gestionali dei confidi un analisi territoriale e settoriale - bald
Le performance gestionali dei confidi : un'analisi territoriale e settoriale / Cinzia Baldan, Enrico Geretto, Francesco Zen.
Torino : G Giappichelli Editore , [2018]
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
plays three - chur
Plays. Three / Caryl Churchill.
London : Bloomsbury , [2015]
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
politica economica le politiche nel nuovo scenario europeo e globale - mare
Politica economica : le politiche nel nuovo scenario europeo e globale / Enrico Marelli, Marcello Signorelli.
Torino : G Giappichelli Editore , [2019]
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
politiche di bilancio e corporate governance relazioni ed effetti economico aziendali - ferr
Politiche Di Bilancio e Corporate Governance : Relazioni Ed Effetti Economico-Aziendali / Silvia Ferramosca.
Torino : G Giappichelli Editore , [2018]
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
principi dell amministrazione europea - dell
I principi dell'amministrazione europea / Giacinto della Cananea, Claudio Franchini ; con la collaborazione di Marco Macchia.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
questioni di genere nel diritto impliciti e crittotipi -
Questioni di genere nel diritto : impliciti e crittotipi / a cura di Lucia Morra e Barbara Pasa.
Turin, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2015.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
random fields and geometry - adle
Random fields and geometry / Robert J. Adler, Jonathan E. Taylor.
New York : Springer , c2007.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
reading and interpreting the works of jhumpa lahiri - clin
Reading and interpreting the works of Jhumpa Lahiri / Greg Clinton.
New York : Enslow Publishing , 2017.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
rethinking hegemony - wort
Rethinking Hegemony / Owen Worth
Basingstoke : Bloomsbury Academic; Bloomsbury Publishing (UK); Palgrave Macmillan , 2015.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
saggi scettici sull interpretazione - guas
Saggi scettici sull'interpretazione / Riccardo Guastini.
[Turino, Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , [2017]
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
side by side survey comparative regional studies in the mediterranean world -
Side-by-side survey : comparative regional studies in the Mediterranean World / editors, Susan E. Alcock, John F. Cherry.
Oxford : Oxbow Books , 2004.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
sistema dei valori e la strategia aziendale - silv
Il sistema dei valori e la strategia aziendale / Martini Silvio Bianchi, Edoardo Forconi, Elisabetta Rocchiccioli.
Torino : G Giappichelli Editore , 2019.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
sistema delle autonomie universitarie - barb
Il sistema delle autonomie universitarie / Carla Barbati.
Torino : G Giappichelli Editore , [2019]
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
sonnets from the portuguese and other poems - brow
Sonnets from the Portuguese and Other Poems [electronic resource].
Newburyport : Dover Publications , 2012.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
stochastic differential equations an introduction with applications - okse
Stochastic Differential Equations : An Introduction with Applications / by Bernt Oksendal.
Berlin, Heidelberg : Imprint Springer; Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 1998.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
twelfth night a user s guide - penn
Twelfth night : a user's guide / Michael Pennington.
London, [England] : Nick Hern Books , 2017.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
urban landscape survey in italy and the mediterranean -
Urban landscape survey in Italy and the Mediterranean / edited by Frank Vermeulen ... [et al.].
Oxford ; Oakville, Conn. : Oxbow Books , c2012.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
access to western esotericism - faiv
Access to Western esotericism / Antoine Faivre. [electronic resource]
Albany : State University of New York Press , c1994.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
advances in atomic physics an overview - cohe
Advances in atomic physics : an overview.
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing Company , 2011.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
age of charles martel - four
The age of Charles Martel / by Paul Fouracre.
London ; New York : Routledge , 2013.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
aicardi s diseases of the nervous system in childhood -
Aicardi's diseases of the nervous system in childhood / edited by Alexis Arzimanoglou ; with Anne O'Hare, Michael V. Johnston, Robert Ouvrier.
London : Mac Keith Press , [2018]
MEDBibl. Medicina e Farmacia | Vedi in OneSearch
aircraft dynamics and automatic control - mcru
Aircraft dynamics and automatic control / Duane McRuer, Irving Ashkenas, Dunstan Graham.
Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press , [1973]
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
algebra chapter 0 - aluf
Algebra : chapter 0 / Paolo Aluffi.
Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society , 2009.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
analysis of poverty data by small area estimation -
Analysis of poverty data by small area estimation / edited by Monica Pratesi.
West Sussex, England : Wiley , 2016.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
another science is possible a manifesto for slow science - sten
Another science is possible : a manifesto for slow science / Isabelle Stengers, translated by Stephen Muecke.
Cambridge, England ; Malden, Massachusetts : Polity Press , 2018.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
astrophel and stella "fool said my muse to me look in thy heart and write" - sidn
Astrophel and Stella : “Fool," said my muse to me. "Look in thy heart and write”.
London : Copyright Group , 2018.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
azienda pubblica nel quasi mercato il management sanitario tra autonomia formale ed opzioni di scelt - mari
L'azienda pubblica nel quasi mercato : Il management sanitario tra autonomia formale ed opzioni di scelta reali / Ludovico Marinò.
Turin, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2014.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
background -
The background / edited by Edwin F. George, Michael A. Hall, Geert-Jan De Klerk.
Dordrecht : Springer , 2008.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
balkan wars habsburg croatia ottoman bosnia and venetian dalmatia 1499 1617 - trac
Balkan wars : Habsburg Croatia, Ottoman Bosnia, and Venetian Dalmatia, 1499-1617 / James D. Tracy.
Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield , 2016.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
bioinformatics and functional genomics - pevs
Bioinformatics and functional genomics / Jonathan Pevsner.
Chichester, England : Wiley Blackwell , 2015.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
bioinorganic chemistry inorganic elements in the chemistry of life an introduction and guide - kaim
Bioinorganic chemistry : inorganic elements in the chemistry of life : an introduction and guide / written and translated by Wolfgang Kaim, Brigitte Schwederski, Axel Klein.
Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. : John Wiley & Sons Inc , 2013.
CHIBibl. Chimica | Vedi in OneSearch
biomedical engineering fundamentals -
Biomedical engineering fundamentals / edited by Joseph D. Bronzino, Founder and President, Biomedical Engineering Alliance and Consortium (BEACON), Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.A.; Donald R. Peterson, Professor of Engineering, Dean of the College
Boca Raton : CRC Press , [2015]
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
blackwell companion to social movements -
The Blackwell companion to social movements / edited by David A. Snow, Sarah A. Soule, and Hanspeter Kriesi.
Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub , 2004.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
brief wondrous life of oscar wao - día
The brief wondrous life of Oscar Wao / Junot Díaz.
New York : Riverhead Books , 2007.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
british historical fiction before scott - stev
British Historical Fiction before Scott / by A. Stevens.
London : Imprint Palgrave Macmillan; Palgrave Macmillan UK , 2010.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
charismatic leadership and social movements the revolutionary power of ordinary men and women -
Charismatic leadership and social movements : the revolutionary power of ordinary men and women / edited by Jan Willem Stutje.
New York : Berghahn Books , 2012.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
chemistry for every kid 101 easy experiments that really work - vanc
Chemistry for every kid : 101 easy experiments that really work / Janice Pratt VanCleave.
, 1989
CHIBibl. Chimica | Vedi in OneSearch
churchill shorts introduced by the author - chur
Churchill : shorts : introduced by the author / Caryl Churchill.
London : Bloomsbury , [2015]
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
collected works of robert louis stevenson -
The Collected Works of Robert Louis Stevenson
PergamonMedia , 2015
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
companion to applied ethics -
A companion to applied ethics / edited by R.G. Frey and Christopher Heath Wellman.
Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub , 2003.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
complete works of jane austen in one volume sense and sensibility pride and prejudice mansfield park - jane
Complete Works of Jane Austen (In One Volume) Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion, Lady ... Sandition, and the Complete Juvenilia.
Hash Books , 2019
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
complete works of oscar wilde more than 150 works - osca
Complete Works of Oscar Wilde (more than 150 Works)
e-artnow , 2013
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
country wife i weigh the man not his title tis not the king s stamp can make the metal better - wych
The Country Wife : "I weigh the man, not his title; 'tis not the king's stamp can make the metal better".
London : Copyright Group , 2017.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
d h lawrence the complete novels women in love sons and lovers lady chatterley s lover the rainbow - d.h.
D. H. Lawrence: The Complete Novels (Women in Love, Sons and Lovers, Lady Chatterley's Lover, The Rainbow...)
The Classics , 2019
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
death mourning and burial a cross cultural reader -
Death, mourning, and burial : a cross-cultural reader / edited by Antonius C.G.M. Robben.
Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub , 2004.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
discourse and the translator - hati
Discourse and the translator / B. Hatim, I. Mason.
Oxon [England] : Routledge , 2013.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
discourse of blogs and wikis - myer
Discourse of blogs and wikis / Greg Myers.
London ; New York : Continuum , c2010.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
drawing for product designers - henr
Drawing for product designers / Kevin Henry.
London : Laurence King , 2012.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
drawn from life issues and themes in animated documentary cinema -
Drawn from life : issues and themes in animated documentary cinema / edited by Jonathan Murray and Nea Ehrlich.
Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press , 2019.
STABibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
edgar allan poe the complete tales and poems the classics collection - edga
Edgar Allan Poe: The Complete Tales and Poems (The Classics Collection)
Athenaeum Classics , 2019
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
egyptian archaeology -
Egyptian archaeology / edited by Willeke Wendrich.
Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell , 2010.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
einfuhrung in die literaturdidaktik - paef
Einführung in die Literaturdidaktik / von Elisabeth K. Paefgen.
Stuttgart : Imprint JB Metzler; JB Metzler , 2006.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
elementi di bilancio e di management il bilancio di esercizio principi schemi e criteri di valutazio -
Elementi di bilancio e di management. Volume 1 : Il bilancio di esercizio : principi, schemi e criteri di valutazione / a cura di Marco Allegrini [and three others].
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2014.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
elementi di bilancio e di management strumenti manageriali per il governo economico dell azienda vol -
Elementi di bilancio e di management. Volume 2 : Strumenti manageriali per il governo economico dell'azienda / a cura di Marco Allegrini [and three others].
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2014.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
empire and holy war in the mediterranean the galley and maritime conflict between the habsburgs and - will
Empire and holy war in the Mediterranean : the galley and maritime conflict between the Habsburgs and Ottomans / by Phillip Williams.
London ; New York : IB Tauris , 2014.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
encyclopedia of volcanoes -
The encyclopedia of volcanoes / editor-in-chief, Haraldur Sigurdsson, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI, USA ; associate editors, Bruce Houghton, National Disaster Preparedness Training Center, University of Hawaiʻi, Honolulu, HI, USA ; Stephen R. McNutt, School of Geosciences, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA, Hazel Rymer, Faculty of Science, the Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, UK, John Stix, Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
London, England : Academic Press , 2015.
SNABibl. Scienze nat. e amb. | Vedi in OneSearch
envy spite and jealousy the rivalrous emotions in ancient greece - kons
Envy, spite, and jealousy : the rivalrous emotions in ancient Greece / edited by David Konstan and N. Keith Rutter.
Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press , 2012.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
euler s gem the polyhedron formula and the birth of topology - rich
Euler's Gem : The Polyhedron Formula and the Birth of Topology / David S. Richeson.
Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press , [2019]
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
extremely loud incredibly close - foer
Extremely loud & incredibly close / Jonathan Safran Foer.
Boston : Mariner Books , [2005]
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
far from the madding crowd webster s thesaurus edition - hard
Far from the Madding Crowd: Webster's Thesaurus Edition
[Place of publication not identified] Icon Group International Incorporated , 2006
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
fundamentals of turfgrass management -
Fundamentals of turfgrass management / Nick E. Christians, Aaron J. Patton, Quincy D. Law.
Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley , 2017.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
george eliot the complete novels - conr
George Eliot : the complete novels / Joseph Conrad.
New York : The Classics , 2019.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
global inequality a new approach for the age of globalization - mila
Global inequality : a new approach for the age of globalization / Branko Milanovic.
Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press , [2016]
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
global resurgence of religion and the transformation of international relations the struggle for the - thom
The global resurgence of religion and the transformation of international relations : the struggle for the soul of the Twenty-first Century / Scott M. Thomas.
New York, N.Y. : Palgrave Macmillan , c2005.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
goblin market and other poems - ross
The Goblin market and other poems / by Christina Rossetti.
[Place of publication not identified] : Digireadscom Publishing , [2013]
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
good agricultural practices for greenhouse vegetable crops principles for mediterranean climate area -
Good agricultural practices for greenhouse vegetable crops : principles for Mediterranean climate areas.
Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations , 2013.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
governing europe how to make the eu more efficient and democratic -
Governing Europe : how to make the EU more efficient and democratic / Lorenzo Vai, Pier Domenico Tortola and Nicoletta Pirozzi (eds.).
Bruxelles, [Belgium] : PIE Peter Lang , 2017.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
governing risk the imf and global financial crises - mosc
Governing Risk : The IMF and Global Financial Crises / by M. Moschella.
London : Imprint Palgrave Macmillan; Palgrave Macmillan UK , 2010.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
great gatsby -
The Great Gatsby
Green World Classics , 2019
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
greenhouse climate control an integrated approach -
Greenhouse climate control : an integrated approach / editors, J.C. Bakker ... [et al.].
Wageningen : Wageningen Pers , 1995.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
greenhouses advanced technology for protected horticulture - hana
Greenhouses : Advanced Technology for Protected Horticulture / by Joe J. Hanan.
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press , [2017].
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
hamlet s dreams the robben island shakespeare - scha
Hamlet's dreams : the Robben Island Shakespeare / David Schalkwyk.
London : Arden Shakespeare , 2013.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
history of danish literature -
A history of Danish literature
[Place of publication not identified] University of Nebraska Press , 1993
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
how to do critical discourse analysis a multimodal introduction - mach
How to do critical discourse analysis : a multimodal introduction / David Machin and Andrea Mayr.
Los Angeles, Calif. : Sage; SAGE , 2012.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
inequality what can be done - atki
Inequality : what can be done? / Anthony B. Atkinson.
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard Univ P , 2015.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
instrument engineers handbook volume one process measurement and analysis -
Instrument Engineers' Handbook, Volume One : Process Measurement and Analysis / edited by Bela G. Liptak.
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press , 2003.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
introducing world religions - urub
Introducing World Religions
[Place of publication not identified] JBE Online Books , 2008
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to applied nonlinear dynamical systems and chaos - wigg
Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos / by Stephen Wiggins.
New York, NY : Imprint Springer; Springer New York , 2003.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to elementary particles - grif
Introduction to elementary particles / David Griffiths.
Weinheim, [Germany] : Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA , 2004.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to quantum field theory - pesk
An Introduction To Quantum Field Theory / Michael E. Peskin (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center), Daniel V. Schroeder (Weber State University).
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press , 2018.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to time series and forecasting - broc
Introduction to time series and forecasting / by Peter J. Brockwell, Richard A. Davis.
New York, NY : Imprint Springer; Springer New York , 2002.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
islam an historical introduction - endr
Islam : an historical introduction / Gerhard Endress ; translated by Carole Hillenbrand.
Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press , [2002]
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
ivanhoe - scot
[Edinburgh] : Edinburgh University Press , 2017.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
jane eyre - bron
Jane Eyre.
Ware : Wordsworth Editions Ltd , 2011.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
jane eyre - char
Jane Eyre.
The Classics , 2019
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
john donne s performances sermons poems letters and devotions - fetz
John Donne's performances : sermons, poems, letters and devotions / by Margret Fetzer.
Manchester, UK : Manchester University Press , 2013.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
joseph andrews or the history of the adventures of joseph andrews and his friend mr abraham adams - fiel
Joseph Andrews, or, The history of the adventures of Joseph Andrews and his friend Mr. Abraham Adams / Henry Fielding.
[Auckland, New Zealand] : The Floating Press , [2014]
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
lady chatterley s lover - d.h.
Lady Chatterley's Lover
Big Cheese Books , 2019
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
language of business studies lectures a corpus assisted analysis - cami
The language of business studies lectures : a corpus-assisted analysis / Belinda Crawford Camiciottoli.
Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : J Benjamins Pub , 2007.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
language of fictional television drama and identity - bedn
The language of fictional television : drama and identity / Monika Bednarek.
New York, NY : Continuum International Pub Group , 2010.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
life and adventures of robinson crusoe the best of men cannot suspend their fate the good die early - defo
The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe : "The best of men cannot suspend their fate: The good die early, and the bad die late".
London : Copyright Group , 2017.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
life and opinions of tristram shandy gentleman - ster
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman.
London : Alma Books , 2017.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
long awaited west eastern europe since 1944 - bott
Long awaited West : Eastern Europe since 1944 / Stefano Bottoni ; translated by Sean Lambert.
Bloomington, [Indiana] : Indiana University Press , 2017.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
making of selim succession legitimacy and memory in the early modern ottoman world - çıp
The Making of Selim : Succession, Legitimacy, and Memory in the Early Modern Ottoman World / H. Erdem Cipa.
Bloomington, Indiana ; Indianapolis, Indiana : Indiana University Press , 2017.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
man of mode or sir fopling flutter a comedy - ethe
The Man of Mode : or, Sir Fopling Flutter. A Comedy.
London : Copyright Group , 2017.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
metaphysics in ordinary language - rose
Metaphysics in ordinary language / Stanley Rosen.
New Haven, CT : Yale University Press , [2008]
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
metodi di stima in presenza di errori non campionari -
Metodi di stima in presenza di errori non campionari / Giovanna Nicolini ... [et al.].
Milan : Springer , 2013.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
military history of the ottomans from osman to ataturk - uyar
A military history of the Ottomans : from Osman to Ataturk / by Mesut Uyar and Edward J. Erickson.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Bloomsbury Publishing (US); Praeger Security International , c2009.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
modern gothic and literary doubles stevenson wilde and wells - dryd
The Modern Gothic and Literary Doubles : Stevenson, Wilde and Wells / by L. Dryden.
London : Imprint Palgrave Macmillan; Palgrave Macmillan UK , 2003.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
moral dilemmas in real life current issues in applied ethics - ezra
Moral dilemmas in real life : current issues in applied ethics / by Ovadia Ezra.
Dordrecht ; [Great Britain] : Springer , c2006.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
motherless brooklyn a novel - leth
Motherless Brooklyn : A Novel / Jonathan Lethem.
New York, NY : Vintage Books , 2000.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
multidirectional memory remembering the holocaust in the age of decolonization - roth
Multidirectional memory : remembering the Holocaust in the age of decolonization / Michael Rothberg.
Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press , 2009.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
nato a guide to the issues - coll
NATO : a guide to the issues / Brian J. Collins.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO , 2011.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
need to help the domestic arts of international humanitarianism - malk
The need to help : the domestic arts of international humanitarianism / Liisa H. Malkki.
Durham : Duke University Press , 2015.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
negotiating memories of protest in western europe the case of italy - haje
Negotiating Memories of Protest in Western Europe : The Case of Italy / by A. Hajek.
London : Imprint Palgrave Macmillan; Palgrave Macmillan UK , 2013.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
new war plays from kane to harris - boll
The New War Plays : From Kane to Harris / by J. Boll.
London : Imprint Palgrave Macmillan; Palgrave Macmillan UK , 2013.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
nigger of the narcissus a tale of the sea - conr
The Nigger of the Narcissus : A Tale of the Sea / by Joseph Conrad.
S.l. : The Floating Press , 2010.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
oroonoko or the royal slave - behn
Oroonoko : Or, the Royal Slave / by Aphra Behn.
S.l. : The Floating Press , 2009.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ottoman diplomacy conventional or unconventional - yurd
Ottoman Diplomacy : Conventional or Unconventional? / by A. Nuri Yurdusev.
London : Imprint Palgrave Macmillan; Palgrave Macmillan UK , 2004.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
paradise lost - milt
Paradise lost / John Milton ; edited by Alastair Fowler.
Oxon [England] : Routledge , 2013.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
pattern classification - duda
Pattern classification / Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, David G. Stork.
New York : Wiley , c2001.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
paul wilmott introduces quantitative finance - wilm
Paul Wilmott introduces quantitative finance.
Chichester, West Sussex, England ; Hoboken, NJ : J Wiley & Sons Ltd , 2007.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
pesticide risk in groundwater -
Pesticide risk in groundwater / edited by Marco Vighi and Enzo Funari.
Boca Raton ; London : CRC , ©1995.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
philosophy of language the classics explained - mcgi
Philosophy of language : the classics explained / Colin McGinn.
Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : The MIT Press , 2015.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
plant nutrition of greenhouse crops - sonn
Plant nutrition of greenhouse crops / Cees Sonneveld, Wim Voogt.
Dordrecht : Springer Science , 2009.
AGRBibl. Agraria | Vedi in OneSearch
plays one strange fruit where there is darkness the shelter - phil
Plays one : strange fruit, where there is darkness, the shelter / Caryl Phillips.
London : Bloomsbury Publishing , 2020.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
poems of emily dickinson - dick
The poems of Emily Dickinson / edited by R.W. Franklin.
Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press , [1999]
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
poems of william wordsworth collected reading texts from the cornell wordsworth series volume i - word
The poems of William Wordsworth [electronic resource] : collected reading texts from the Cornell Wordsworth series. Volume I / edited by Jared Curtis.
Tirril [England] ; Penrith, Calif. : Humanities-Ebooks , 2011.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
poems of william wordsworth collected reading texts from the cornell wordsworth series volume iii - word
The poems of William Wordsworth [electronic resource] : collected reading texts from the Cornell Wordsworth series. Volume III / edited by Jared Curtis.
Tirril [England] ; Penrith, Calif. : Humanities-Ebooks , 2011.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
politics of migration and immigration in europe - gedd
The politics of migration and immigration in Europe / Andrew Geddes, Peter Scholten.
London : SAGE Publications Ltd , 2016.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
principles of composite material mechanics - gibs
Principles of Composite Material Mechanics / Ronald F. Gibson.
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press , [2016]
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
principles of virology - flin
Principles of Virology
Washington : ASM Press , 2015.
MEDBibl. Medicina e Farmacia | Vedi in OneSearch
reluctant fundamentalist - hami
The reluctant fundamentalist / Mohsin Hamid.
Orlando : Harcourt , c2007.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
rethinking social inquiry diverse tools shared standards -
Rethinking social inquiry : diverse tools, shared standards / edited by Henry E. Brady and David Collier.
Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers , c2010.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
rewriting the nation british theatre today - sier
Rewriting the nation : British theatre today / by Aleks Sierz.
London : Methuen Drama , [2011]
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
robinson crusoe - defo
Robinson Crusoe / by Daniel Defoe.
S.l. : The Floating Press , 2009.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
rudyard kipling the complete novels and stories - kipl
Rudyard Kipling: The Complete Novels and Stories
Rudyard Kipling , 2019
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sage handbook of complexity and management -
The SAGE handbook of complexity and management / edited by Peter Allen, Steve Maguire and Bill McKelvey.
London : SAGE , 2011.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
sage handbook of marketing theory -
The SAGE handbook of marketing theory / edited by Pauline Maclaran ... [et al.].
Los Angeles, [CA] ; London : SAGE , 2010.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare and war -
Shakespeare and War / edited by R. King, P. Franssen.
London : Imprint Palgrave Macmillan; Palgrave Macmillan UK , 2008.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
slave law and the politics of resistance in the early atlantic world - ruge
Slave law and the politics of resistance in the early Atlantic world / Edward B. Rugemer.
Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press , [2018]
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
social media e comunicazione della salute profili istituzionali e pratiche digitali -
Social media e comunicazione della salute: Profili istituzionali e pratiche digitali
Edizioni Angelo Guerini e Associati , 2017
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
social movements an introduction - dell
Social movements : an introduction / Donatella della Porta and Mario Diani.
Malden, MA : Blackwell Publishing , c2006.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
spanish tragedy "the less i speak the more i meditate" - kyd,
Spanish Tragedy : “The less I speak, the more I meditate.”.
LONDON : Copyright Group; Stage Door , 2014.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
spark the definitive guide big data processing made simple - cham
Spark : the definitive guide : big data processing made simple / Bill Chambers and Matei Zaharia.
Sebastopol, CA : O'Reilly , February 2018.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
springer handbook of robotics -
Springer Handbook of Robotics / edited by Bruno Siciliano, Oussama Khatib.
Cham : Imprint Springer; Springer International Publishing , 2016.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
study guide for shelagh delaney s a taste of honey -
A study guide for Shelagh Delaney's "A Taste of Honey" / David Galens, project editor.
Farmington Hills, Michigan : Gale Cengage Learning , 2000.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
studying social networks a guide to empirical research - henn
Studying social networks : a guide to empirical research / Marina Hennig [and three others] ; in collaboration with Stephen P. Borgatti, Lothar Krempel, and Michael Schnegg.
Frankfurt am Main, Germany ; New York, [New York] : Campus Verlag , 2012.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
subtlety of emotions - ben-
The subtlety of emotions / Aaron Ben-Ze?ev.
Cambridge, MA : MIT Press , c2000.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
textbook of neuroanatomy -
A textbook of neuroanatomy / Maria A. Patestas, Leslie P. Gartner.
Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley Blackwell , [2016]
MEDBibl. Medicina e Farmacia | Vedi in OneSearch
theories of the multinational firm a multidimensional creature in the global economy - fors
Theories of the multinational firm : a multidimensional creature in the global economy / Mats Forsgren, Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar Publishing , [2017]
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
to the lighthouse - wool
To the lighthouse / Virginia Woolf.
Surrey, [England] : Alma Classics , 2015.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
tragedy romeo and juliet - shak
The tragedy Romeo and Juliet / by William Shakespeare.
[Place of publication not identified] : Start Publishing LLC , 2012.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
translating humour in audiovisual texts -
Translating humour in audiovisual texts / Gian Luigi De Rosa [and three others], (eds.).
Bern, Switzerland : Peter Lang , 2014.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ulysses - jame
James Joyce , 2019
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ulysses bestsellers and famous books - joyc
Ulysses : Bestsellers and famous Books.
Dinslaken : anboco , 2016.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
understanding nmr spectroscopy - keel
Understanding NMR spectroscopy / James Keeler.
Chichester, U.K. : John Wiley and Sons , 2010.
CHIBibl. Chimica | Vedi in OneSearch
united nations and changing world politics - weis
The United Nations and changing world politics / Thomas G. Weiss [and three others].
New York ; London : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group , 2018.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
user's guide to network analysis in r - luke
A User’s Guide to Network Analysis in R / by Douglas Luke.
Cham : Imprint Springer; Springer International Publishing , 2015.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
vampyre and ernestus berchtold or the modern oedipus - poli
The Vampyre and Ernestus Berchtold; Or The Modern Oedipus / D.L. Macdonald, Kathleen Scherf.
Toronto : University of Toronto Press , [2020]
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
vertebrate palaeontology - bent
Vertebrate palaeontology / Michael J. Benton ; chapter opening illustrations drawn by John Sibbick.
West Sussex, England : John Wiley & Sons Ltd , 2015.
SNABibl. Scienze nat. e amb. | Vedi in OneSearch
waiting for godot character studies - lawl
Waiting for Godot : character studies / Paul Lawley.
London ; New York : Continuum , 2008.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
warfare on the mediterranean in the age of sail a history 1571 1866 - blac
Warfare on the Mediterranean in the age of sail : a history, 1571-1866 / David S.T. Blackmore ; foreword by J.A. Baldwin, Jr.
Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland & Co , 2011.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
william golding s lord of the flies -
William Golding's Lord of the flies / edited & with an introduction by Harold Bloom.
New York : Bloom's Literary Criticism , 2010.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
william shakespeare -
William Shakespeare / edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom ; Neil Heims, volume editor.
New York, NY : Bloom's Literary Criticism , c2010.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
william shakespeare s antony and cleopatra -
William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra / edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom.
New York : Bloom's Literary Criticism , 2011.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
william shakespeare s hamlet -
William Shakespeare's Hamlet / edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom.
New York : Bloom's Literary Criticism , c2009.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
william shakespeare s julius caesar -
William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar / edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom.
New York : Bloom's Literary Criticism , c2010.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
william shakespeare s king lear -
William Shakespeare's King Lear / edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom.
New York : Bloom's Literary Criticism , 2010.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
william shakespeare s macbeth -
William Shakespeare's Macbeth / edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom.
New York : Bloom's Literary Criticism , 2010.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
william shakespeare s othello -
William Shakespeare's Othello / edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom.
New York : Bloom's Literary Criticism , 2010.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
william shakespeare s romeo and juliet -
William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet / edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom.
New York : Bloom's Literary Criticism , c2009.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
william shakespeare s the merchant of venice -
William Shakespeare's The merchant of Venice / edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom.
New York : Bloom's Literary Criticism , 2010.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
william shakespeare s the tempest -
William Shakespeare's The tempest / edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom.
New York : Bloom's Literary Criticism an Infobase Learning Co , 2011.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
william shakespeare the comedies -
William Shakespeare : the comedies / edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom.
New York : Bloom's Literary Criticism , 2009.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
works of aphra behn v 5 complete plays - todd
The Works of Aphra Behn: v. 5: Complete Plays / by Janet Todd.
Boca Raton, FL : Routledge , [2018].
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
works of aphra behn v 6 complete plays - todd
The Works of Aphra Behn: v. 6: Complete Plays / by Janet Todd.
Boca Raton, FL : Routledge , [2018].
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
eserciziario di elettrotecnica -
Eserciziario di Elettrotecnica
Pisa University Press , 2013
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
veterinary neuroanatomy and clinical neurology - dela
Veterinary neuroanatomy and clinical neurology [electronic resource] / Alexander de Lahunta, Eric Glass.
St. Louis, Mo. : Saunders Elsevier , c2009.
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
ancient marbles in naples in the eighteenth century findings collections dispersals - dode
Ancient marbles in Naples in the eighteenth century : findings, collections, dispersals / by Eloisa Dodero.
Leiden Boston : BRILL , 2019.
STABibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
breath of fresh eyre intertextual and intermedial reworkings of jane eyre -
A breath of fresh Eyre : intertextual and intermedial reworkings of Jane Eyre / edited by Margarete Rubik, Elke Mettinger-Schartmann.
Amsterdam ; New York : Rodopi , 2007.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
companion to medieval palermo the history of a mediterranean city from 600 to 1500 -
A companion to medieval Palermo : the history of a Mediterranean city from 600 to 1500 / edited by Annliese Nef ; French and Italian texts translated by Martin Thom.
Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2013.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
criticism of heaven on marxism and theology - boer
Criticism of heaven : on Marxism and theology / by Roland Boer.
Leiden, The Netherlands ; Boston : Brill , 2007.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
short story theories a twenty first century perspective -
Short story theories : a twenty-first century perspective / edited by Viorica Patea.
Amsterdam : Editions Rodopi , 2012.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
southern italy in the late middle ages demographic institutional and economic change in the kingdom - sake
Southern Italy in the late middle ages : demographic, institutional and economic change in the Kingdom of Naples, c.1440-c.1530 / by Eleni Sakellariou.
Boston : Brill , c2012.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
canine and feline nutrition a resource for companion animal professionals -
Canine and feline nutrition : a resource for companion animal professionals / Linda P. Case ... [et al.].
Maryland Heights, MO : Mosby , c2011.
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
handbook of natural gas transmission and processing - mokh
Handbook of natural gas transmission and processing / Saeid Mokhatab.
Amsterdam ; Boston, Mass. : Elsevier/Gulf Professional Pub , 2012.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
il popolo e i suoi rappresentanti a cura di sabino cassese con testi di orlando et al -
Il popolo e i suoi rappresentanti / [a cura di] Sabino Cassese ; con testi di Orlando ... [et al].
Storia e Letteratura , 2019
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
transatlantic relations since 1945 an introduction - hanh
Transatlantic relations since 1945 : an introduction / Jussi M. Hanhimaki, Benedikt Schoenborn and Barbara Zanchetta.
London : Routledge , 2012.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
cultura della plebs romana - hors
La cultura della plebs romana / Nicholas Horsfall
Barcelona PPU, Littera, Departament Filologia Llatina UB , 1996
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
aristotle s nicomachean ethics an introduction - paka
Aristotle's Nicomachean ethics : an introduction / Michael Pakaluk.
Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2005.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
aristotle s politics a critical guide -
Aristotle's Politics : a critical guide / edited by Thornton Lockwood and Thanassis Samaras.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2015.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
charlemagne the formation of a european identity - mcki
Charlemagne : the formation of a European identity / Rosamond McKitterick.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2008.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
economics of network industries - shy,
The economics of network industries / Oz Shy.
Cambridge, U.K. New York : Cambridge University Press , 2001.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
geographical information systems in archaeology - cono
Geographical information systems in archaeology / James Conolly, Mark Lake.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2006.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
leo strauss and the recovery of medieval political philosophy - pare
Leo Strauss and the recovery of medieval political philosophy / Joshua Parens.
Rochester, NY : University of Rochester Press , 2016.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
meaning and relevance - wils
Meaning and relevance / Deirdre Wilson and Dan Sperber.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2012.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
plotinus on sense perception a philosophical study - eyjo
Plotinus on sense-perception : a philosophical study / Eyjólfur Kjalar Emilsson.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1988.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
understanding language change - mcma
Understanding language change / April M. S. McMahon.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1994.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ancient anger perspectives from homer to galen -
Ancient anger : perspectives from Homer to Galen / [edited by] Susanna Morton Braund, Glenn W. Most.
New York : Cambridge University Press , 2003.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
argument realization - levi
Argument realization / Beth Levin, Malka Rappaport Hovav.
Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2005.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
cambridge handbook to latin epigraphy - cool
The Cambridge handbook to Latin epigraphy / Alison E. Cooley.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2012.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
cambridge introduction to postcolonial literatures in english - inne
The Cambridge introduction to postcolonial literatures in English / C.L. Innes.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2007.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
cambridge introduction to the american short story - scof
The Cambridge introduction to the American short story / Martin Scofield.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2006.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
cambridge introduction to theatre studies - balm
The Cambridge introduction to theatre studies / Christopher B. Balme.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2008.
STABibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
christianization and the rise of christian monarchy scandinavia central europe and rus c 900 1200 -
Christianization and the rise of Christian monarchy : Scandinavia, Central Europe and Rus' c. 900-1200 / edited by Nora Berend.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2007.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
cognitive linguistics - crof
Cognitive linguistics / William Croft and D. Alan Cruse.
New York : Cambridge University Press , 2004.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
democracy defended - mack
Democracy defended / Gerry Mackie.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2003.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
dictionaries in early modern europe lexicography and the making of heritage - cons
Dictionaries in early modern Europe : lexicography and the making of heritage / John Considine.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2008.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
domestic space in classical antiquity - neve
Domestic space in classical antiquity / Lisa C. Nevett.
New York : Cambridge University Press , 2010.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
early textual history of lucretius de rerum natura - butt
The early textual history of Lucretius' De rerum natura / David Butterfield.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2013.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
economic dynamics phase diagrams and their economic application - shon
Economic dynamics : phase diagrams and their economic application / Ronald Shone.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2002.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
elements of hittite - hout
The elements of Hittite / Theo van den Hout.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2011.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
empire and power in the reign of suleyman narrating the sixteenth century ottoman world - sahi
Empire and Power in the Reign of Suleyman : narrating the sixteenth-century Ottoman world / Kaya Sahin.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , c2013.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
english word formation - baue
English word-formation / Laurie Bauer.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1983.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
evolution of language - fitc
The evolution of language / W. Tecumseh Fitch.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2010.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
freedom and the construction of europe volume 1 religious and constitutional liberties -
Freedom and the construction of Europe. Volume 1, Religious and constitutional liberties / edited by Quentin Skinner and Martin van Gelderen.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2013.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
freedom and the construction of europe volume 2 free persons and free states -
Freedom and the construction of Europe. Volume 2, Free persons and free states / edited by Quentin Skinner and Martin van Gelderen.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2013.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
hamlet - shak
Hamlet / William Shakespeare ; edited by John Dover Wilson.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2010.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
hegel and aristotle - ferr
Hegel and Aristotle / Alfredo Ferrarin.
Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2001.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
history and memory in the carolingian world - mcki
History and memory in the Carolingian world / Rosamond McKitterick.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2004.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
importance of what we care about philosophical essays - fran
The importance of what we care about : philosophical essays / Harry G. Frankfurt.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1988.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
industrious revolution consumer behavior and the household economy 1650 to the present - devr
The industrious revolution : consumer behavior and the household economy, 1650 to the present / Jan de Vries.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2008.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
interpreting figurative meaning - gibb
Interpreting figurative meaning / Raymond W. Gibbs, Jr., Herbert L. Colston.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2012.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
introducing english linguistics - meye
Introducing English linguistics / Charles F. Meyer.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2009.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
invention of tradition -
The Invention of tradition / edited by Eric Hobsbawm and Terence Ranger.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2012.
| Vedi in OneSearch
king henry v the cambridge dover wilson shakespeare - shak
King Henry V : The Cambridge Dover Wilson Shakespeare / William Shakespeare, Edited by John Dover Wilson.
Place of publication not identified : Cambridge University Press; publisher not identified , 1947.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
kingship and politics in the late ninth century charles the fat and the end of the carolingian empir - macl
Kingship and politics in the late ninth century : Charles the Fat and the end of the Carolingian Empire / Simon Maclean.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2003.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
machiavelli and republicanism -
Machiavelli and republicanism / edited by Gisela Bock, Quentin Skinner, Maurizio Viroli.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1990.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
middle egyptian an introduction to the language and culture of hieroglyphs - alle
Middle Egyptian : an introduction to the language and culture of hieroglyphs / James P. Allen.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2014.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
moral repair reconstructing moral relations after wrongdoing - walk
Moral repair : reconstructing moral relations after wrongdoing / Margaret Urban Walker.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , c2006.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
nadine gordimer - head
Nadine Gordimer / Dominic Head.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1994.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
othello - shak
Othello / William Shakespeare ; edited by John Dover Wilson.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2010.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
palaeopathology - wald
Palaeopathology / Tony Waldron.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2009.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
peace a history of movements and ideas - cort
Peace : a history of movements and ideas / David Cortright.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2008.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
plato s laws a critical guide -
Plato's "Laws" : a critical guide / [edited by] Christopher Bobonich.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2010.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
pottery in archaeology - orto
Pottery in archaeology / Clive Orton, Institute of Archaeology, University College London, Michael Hughes, The British Museum.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2013.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
republicanism a shared european heritage volume 2 the values of repubicanism in early modern europe -
Republicanism [electronic resource] : a shared European heritage. Volume 2, The values of Repubicanism in early modern Europe / edited by Martin van Gelderen and Quentin Skinner.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2002.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
republicanism and constitutionalism in early modern europe a shared european heritage -
Republicanism and constitutionalism in early modern Europe : a shared european heritage / edited by Martin van Gelderen and Quentin Skinner.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2002.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
richard ii the cambridge dover wilson shakespeare - shak
Richard II : The Cambridge Dover Wilson Shakespeare / William Shakespeare, Edited by John Dover Wilson.
Place of publication not identified : Cambridge University Press; publisher not identified , 1939.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
richard iii the cambridge dover wilson shakespeare - shak
Richard III : The Cambridge Dover Wilson Shakespeare / William Shakespeare, Edited by John Dover Wilson.
Place of publication not identified : Cambridge University Press; publisher not identified , 1954.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
rise and fall of languages - dixo
The rise and fall of languages / R.M.W. Dixon.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1997.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
state and society in the early middle ages the middle rhine valley 400 1000 - inne
State and society in the early Middle Ages : the middle Rhine valley, 400-1000 / Matthew Innes.
Cambridge, UK ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press , 2000.
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
t lucreti cari de rerum natura libri sex -
T. Lucreti Cari De Rerum Natura Libri Sex / Edited by Karl Lachmann.
Place of publication not identified : Cambridge University Press; publisher not identified , 1850.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
typology and universals - crof
Typology and universals / William Croft.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2003.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
word formation in english - plag
Word-formation in English / Ingo Plag.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2003.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
oxford handbook of language and society -
The Oxford handbook of language and society / edited by Ofelia García, Nelson Flores, and Massimiliano Spotti.
New York : Oxford University Press , 2017.
LM2Bibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
oxford handbook of construction grammar -
The Oxford handbook of construction grammar / edited by Thomas Hoffmann and Graeme Trousdale.
Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2013.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
oxford handbook of greek and roman art and architecture -
The Oxford handbook of Greek and Roman art and architecture / edited by Clemente Marconi.
New York : Oxford University Press , 2015.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
corso di diritto pubblico romano ristampa emendata - petr
Corso di diritto pubblico romano : ristampa emendata / Aldo Petrucci.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
diritto sanitario e dei servizi sociali -
Diritto sanitario e dei servizi sociali
G Giappichelli Editore , 2014
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
giustizia amministrativa -
Giustizia amministrativa / a cura di Franco Gaetano Scoca.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
il modello di common law -
Il modello di common law
G Giappichelli Editore , 2010
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
il nuovo mercato del lavoro -
Il nuovo mercato del lavoro
G Giappichelli Editore , 2013
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
impresa concorrenza regole -
Impresa, concorrenza, regole
G Giappichelli Editore , 2009
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
introduzione al diritto internazionale -
Introduzione al diritto internazionale
G Giappichelli Editore , 2016
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
istituzioni di diritto privato - niva
Istituzioni di diritto privato / Luca Nivarra, Vincenzo Ricciuto, and Claudio Scognamiglio.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
la tradizione giuridica occidentale -
La tradizione giuridica occidentale
G Giappichelli Editore , 2018
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
lezioni di giustizia amministrativa - trav
Lezioni di giustizia amministrativa / Aldo Travi
G Giappichelli Editore , 2018
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
manuale di diritto amministrativo - cors
Manuale di diritto amministrativo / Guido Corso.
Torino, [Italy] : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
manuale di diritto costituzionale italiano ed europeo -
Manuale di diritto costituzionale italiano ed europeo
G Giappichelli Editore , 2018
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
manuale di diritto costituzionale italiano ed europeo -
Manuale di diritto costituzionale italiano ed europeo / a cura di Roberto Romboli.
G Giappichelli Editore , 2015
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
nuove forme e nuove discipline del partenariato pubblico privato -
Nuove Forme e Nuove Discipline Del Partenariato Pubblico Privato / a cura di Alfredo Fioritto.
Torino, Italy : G Giappichelli Editore , 2017.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
lezioni pisane di diritto commerciale -
Lezioni pisane di diritto commerciale
Pisa University Press , 2014
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
nuove modifiche alla legge sul procedimento amministrativo -
Nuove modifiche alla legge sul procedimento amministrativo
Pisa University Press , 2017
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
genetics of the dog -
The genetics of the dog / edited by Elaine A. Ostrander and Anatoly Ruvinsky.
Oxfordshire : CAB International , c2012.
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
bioelectricity a quantitative approach - plon
Bioelectricity : A Quantitative Approach / by Robert Plonsey, Roger C. Barr.
New York, NY : Imprint Springer; Springer US , 2007.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
algebra - dima
, 2003
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
analisi e modelli di segnali biomedici -
Analisi e modelli di segnali biomedici / a cura di Luigi Landini e Nicola Vanello.
Pisa : Pisa University Press , 2016.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
anti austerity left parties in the european union competition coordination and integration - calo
Anti-Austerity Left Parties in the European Union : Competition, Coordination and Integration / Enrico Calossi.
Pisa : Pisa University Press , 2016.
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
cinema neorealista - noto
Il cinema neorealista / Paolo Noto, Francesco Pitassio. [electronic resource]
Bologna : Archetipo libri , 2010.
STABibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
cittadini e no forme e funzioni dell inclusione e dell esclusione - mind
Cittadini e no : Forme e funzioni dell'inclusione e dell'esclusione / Patricia Mindus.
Firenze, Italy : Firenze University Press , [2014]
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
da kussara a karkemish storia del regno ittita - dema
Da Kussara a Karkemish : storia del regno ittita / Stefano de Martino.
LoGisma , 2016
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
dimensioni della bioetica la filosofia morale dinanzi alle sfide delle scienze della vita - batt
Dimensioni della bioetica : la filosofia morale dinanzi alle sfide delle scienze della vita / Luisella Battaglia. [electronic resource]
Genova : Name , 1999.
VETBibl. Medicina veterinaria | Vedi in OneSearch
dopo la virtu saggio di teoria morale - maci
Dopo la virtù : saggio di teoria morale
Armando , 2007
FILBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
elaborazione dei segnali per la fisica - ferr
Elaborazione dei segnali per la fisica / Isidoro Ferrante.
Pisa : University Press , 2015.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
il metodo ecostorico - pier
Il metodo ecostorico / Piero Pierotti ; raccolta di saggi a cura di Denise Ulivieri.
Pisa : Plus-Pisa University Press , 2009.
STABibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
io voglio tu non vuoi manuale di educazione nonviolenta - patf
Io voglio, tu non vuoi : manuale di educazione nonviolenta / Pat Patfoort.
Pisa : PLUS-Pisa University Press , 2010.
IUSBibl. Giurisprudenza | Vedi in OneSearch
is euro voting truly supranational national affiliation and political group membership in the europe - cicc
Is Euro-voting truly supranational? : national affiliation and political group membership in the European Parliament / Lorenzo Cicchi.
Pisa University Press , 2016
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
logiche e metodologie di valutazione d azienda valutazioni stand alone - gonn
Logiche e metodologie di valutazione d'azienda : valutazioni stand-alone / Enrico Gonnella.
Pisa : PLUS-Pisa University Press , 2008.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
maghreb dalle indipendenze alle rivolte arabe storia e istituzioni - tamb
Il Maghreb dalle indipendenze alle rivolte arabe : storia e istituzioni / Francesco Tamburini.
Pisa University Press , 2016
SPOBibl. Scienze politiche | Vedi in OneSearch
medioevo volgare germanico - batt
Medioevo volgare germanico / Marco Battaglia.
Pisa : Pisa University Press , 2016.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
primo corso di fisica statistica - guad
Primo corso di fisica statistica / Enore Guadagnini. [electronic resource]
Pisa : PLUS , 2004.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
problemi di elettromagnetismo classico - macc
Problemi di elettromagnetismo classico / Andrea Macchi, Giovanni Moruzzi, Francesco Pegoraro.
Pisa : Pisa University Press , 2015.
MIFBibl. Mat. inform. fisica | Vedi in OneSearch
sistemi di codifica argomentale tipologia ed evoluzione - rova
Sistemi di codifica argomentale : tipologia ed evoluzione / Francesco Rovai ; prefazione di Romano Lazzeroni.
Ospedaletto (Pisa) : Pacini , 2012.
ANTBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
verso il primo piano attrazioni e racconto nel cinema americano 1908 1909 il caso griffith biograph - carl
Verso il primo piano [electronic resource] : attrazioni e racconto nel cinema americano : 1908-1909 : il caso Griffith-Biograph / Giulia Carluccio.
Bologna : CLUEB , 1999.
STABibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
cambridge companion to travel writing -
The Cambridge companion to travel writing / edited by Peter Hulme and Tim Youngs.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2002.
STABibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
essential physics of medical imaging - bush
The essential physics of medical imaging / Jerrold T. Bushberg [and three others].
Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins , [2012]
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
grabb and smith s plastic surgery -
Grabb and Smith's plastic surgery / editor-in-chief, Charles H. Thorne ; editors, Kevin C. Chung, Arun K. Gosain, Geoffrey C. Gurtner, Babak Joseph Mehrara, J. Peter Rubin, Scott L. Spear.
Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer Health / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins , [2014]
MEDBibl. Medicina e Farmacia | Vedi in OneSearch
thermal hydraulics of water cooled nuclear reactors - d'au
Thermal-hydraulics of water cooled nuclear reactors / Francesco D'Auria.
London, [England] : Academic Press , 2017.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
user innovation and the entrepreneurship phenomenon in the digital economy - isai
User innovation and the entrepreneurship phenomenon in the digital economy / Pedro Isaias, The University of Queensland, Australia, Luísa Cagica Carvalho, Universidade Aberta, Portugal & Universidade de Evora, Portugal.
Hershey, Pennsylvania : IGI Global , 2018.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
handbook of generation iv nuclear reactors -
Handbook of generation iv nuclear reactors / editor, Igor L. Pioro ; designer, Greg Harris.
Amsterdam, [Netherlands] : Woodhead Publishing , 2016.
INGBibl. Ingegneria | Vedi in OneSearch
new perspectives on the bank firm relationship lending management and the impact of basel iii - ferr
New Perspectives on the Bank-Firm Relationship : Lending, Management and the Impact of Basel III / by Paola Ferretti.
Cham : Imprint Palgrave Macmillan; Springer International Publishing , 2016.
ECOBibl. Economia | Vedi in OneSearch
metal catalysis in industrial organic processes -
Metal-catalysis in industrial organic processes / edited by Gian Paolo Chiusoli, Peter M. Maitlis.
Cambridge : RSC Pub , c2006.
CHIBibl. Chimica | Vedi in OneSearch
software takes command extending the language of new media - mano
Software takes command : extending the language of new media / by Lev Manovich.
New York ; London : Bloomsbury , 2013.
STABibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch