storia della lingua inglese 1 dalle origini al quattrocentoStoria della lingua inglese / Domenico Pezzini . 1 . Dalle origini al Quattrocento
1981 , Brescia: La scuola
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
dickensDickens / by Peter Ackroyd
1990 , London: Sinclair-Stevenson
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
a sud del saharaA Sud del Sahara : autori & testi della letteratura africana / [Pietro Deandrea, Davide Rigallo]
1998 , Torino: LVIA
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
american literatureAmerican literature : anthology with critical introductions / edited by Carl Bode, Leon Howard and Louis B. Wright
1966 , New york: Washington Square Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
breve storia della letteratura ingleseBreve storia della letteratura inglese / a cura di Paolo Bertinetti
2004 , Torino: Einaudi
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canadia poetryCanadia poetry : the modern era / edited by John Newlove
1977 , Toronto: McClelland and Stewart
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commonwealth literatureCommonwealth literature / introduction by William Walsh
1979 , London: MacMillam
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dickens and the twentieth centuryDickens and the twentieth century / edited by John Gross and Gabriel Pearson
1962 , London: Routledge & Kegan Paul
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dictionnaire moderne francais anglaisDictionnaire moderne Francais-Anglais / par Marguerite Marie Dubois ... [et al.]
1960 , Paris: Libraire Larousse
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
encounters and explorationsEncounters and explorations : canadian writers and european critics / Franz K. Stanzel, Waldemar Zacharasiewicz (eds)
1986 , Würzburg: Konigshausen und Neumann
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
fair of speechFair of speech : the use of euphemism / edited by D. J. Enright
1985 , Oxford New York: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
four english comedies of the 17th and 18th centuriesFour english comedies of the 17th and 18th centuries ; edited by J.M. Morrell
1950 , London: Penguin
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ireland in translationIreland in translation
c2007 , Latina: Yorick
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
king lear dal testo alla scenaKing Lear : dal testo alla scena / P. Pugliatti ... [et al.] ; a cura di Mariangela Tempera
c1986 , Bologna: CLUEB
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
kings and queens of england and great britainKings and queens of England and Great Britain / devised and edited by R. Delderfield
1981 , Newton Abbot London: David & Charles
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
letteratura vittoriana e i mezzi di trasportoLa letteratura vittoriana e i mezzi di trasporto : dalla nave all'astronave / a cura di Mariaconcetta Costantini, Renzo D'Agnillo, Francesco Marroni
2006 , Roma: Aracne
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
trama del delittoLa trama del delitto : teoria e analisi del racconto poliziesco / a cura di Renzo Cremante e Loris Rambelli
[1980! , Parma: Pratiche
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
specchio magicoLo specchio magico : studi sulla poesia canadese / a cura di Alfredo Rizzardi
1986 , Abano Terme: Piovan
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
longman dictionary of contemporary englishLongman dictionary of contemporary english
1978 , London: Longman
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modern british dramatistsModern British dramatists : a collection of critical essays / edited by John Russell Brown
1968 , Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
poems of the great warPoems of the great war : 1914-1918
1998 , London: Penguin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
poesia del novecento in italia e in europaPoesia del Novecento in Italia e in Europa / a cura di Edoardo Esposito
2000 , Milano: Feltrinelli
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
radio plays the object by giles cooper no quarter by barry bermange the ants by caryl churchill the whelks and the chromium by jeremy sandford the long distance piano player by alan sharp happy days are here again by cecil p taylorRadio Plays : The Object [by] Giles Cooper, No Quarter [by] Barry Bermange, The Ants [by] Caryl Churchill, The Whelks and the Chromium [by] Jeremy Sandford, The Long-Distance Piano-Player [by] Alan Sharp, Happy Days are Here Again [by] Cecil P. Taylor / Introduced by Irving Wardle
1968 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
robert browning poetryRobert Browning poetry : authoritative texts criticism / selected and edited by James F. Loucks
1979 , New York London: Norton
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romeo and julietRomeo and Juliet / William Shakespeare ; edited by R. S. White
2001 , Houndmills: Palgrave
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shakespeare measure for measureShakespeare, Measure for measure : a casebook / edited by C.K. Stead
1971 , London: Macmillan
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shakespeare the merchant of veniceShakespeare: 'The merchant of Venice' : a casebook / edited by John Wilders
1969 , London: Macmillan
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shorter novelsShorter novels : seventeenth century / edited by Philip Henderson
1930 , London New York: Dent Dutton
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
speaking of the famousSpeaking of the famous : anthology of spoken esteem / ected and edited by A.F.Scott
1962 , London: Macmillan
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oxford companion to canadian literatureThe Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature / general editor, William Toye
1983 , Toronto: Oxford University Press
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tempestThe tempest / William Shakespeare ; edited by R. S. White
1999 , Houndmills London: Macmillan
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three gothic novelsThree gothic novels / edited by Peter Fairclough ; with an introductory essay by Mario Praz
1968 , London: Penguin
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understanding canadaUnderstanding Canada : a multidisciplinary introduction to Canadian studies / edited by William Metcalfe
1982 , New York London: New York University Press
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amica ironiaAmica ironia / Guido Almansi
1984 , Milano: Garzanti
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alias graceAlias Grace / Margaret Atwood
1997 , London: Virago
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names of comedyThe names of comedy / Anne Barton
1990 , Oxford: Clarendon
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genius of shakespeareThe Genius of Shakespeare / Jonathan Bate
1997 , London: Picador
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prairie firePrairie fire : the 1885 North-West rebellion / Bob Beal & Rod Macleod
c1984 , Edmonton: Hurtig
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move pre intermediateMove. Pre-intermediate : teacher's book / Fiona Beddall ... [et al.]
2006 , Oxford: Macmillan
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collected stories of elizabeth bowenThe collected stories of Elizabeth Bowen
1981 , New York: Knopf
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selected poemsSelected poems : particular accidents / George Bowering ; edited with an introduction by Robin Blaser
1980 , Vancouver: Talonbooks
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victorian peopleVictorian people : a reassessment of persons and themes / by Asa Briggs : 1851-67
1972 , Chicago: University of Chicago Press
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sardegna vista dagli inglesiLa Sardegna vista dagli inglesi : i viaggiatori dell'800 / Myriam Cabiddu
1982 , [Quartu Sant'Elena]: ESA
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
penguin guide to english literatureThe Penguin guide to English literature : Britain and Ireland / Ronald Carter and John McRae
1996 , London: Penguin Books
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magic realist world of gormenghast in peake s trilogyThe magic realist world of gormenghast in peake's trilogy / Francesco M. Casotti
[2004?] , Pisa: ETS
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
scienza del comicoLa scienza del comico / Giorgio Celli ; presentazione di Umberto Eco
1982 , Bologna: Calderini
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girl with a pearl earringGirl with a pearl earring : dal testo alla scena / Tracy Chevalier
2000 , London: Harper Collins
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mondo e dizioneMondo e dizione : la poesia in Gran Bretagna e Irlanda dal 1945 a oggi / Fausto Ciompi
c2007 , Pisa: ETS
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spoken englishSpoken English : an idiomatic grammar for foreign students / by Arthur Melville Clark
1958 , Edinburgh London: Oliver & Boid
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cafe le dogCafé Le Dog / Matt Cohen
1985 , Markham: Penguin Books
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colours of warThe colours of war / Matt Cohen
1986 , Markam, Ontario: Penguin
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dickens and educationDickens and education
1963 , London: Macmillan ; St.Martin's Press
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mad monkton and other storiesMad Monkton and other stories / Wilkie Collins ; edited with an introduction by Norman Page ; with the assistance of Kamal Al-Solaylee
1994 , Oxford New York: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
haunted hotelThe haunted hotel : a mystery of modern Venice / Wilkie Collins
1990 , Stroud: Sutton
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charles dickensCharles Dickens / Steven Connor
1985 , Oxford: Blackwell
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behind the maskBehind the mask : a study of Ben Okri's fiction / Mariaconcetta Costantini
c2002 , Roma: Carocci
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storia della letteratura ingleseStoria della letteratura inglese / David Daiches
1973 , Milano: Garzanti
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avventure di robinson crusoe seguite da le ulteriori avventure e serie riflessioniLe avventure di Robinson Crusoe ; seguite da, Le ulteriori avventure e Serie riflessioni / Daniel Defoe ; traduzioni di Antonio Meo e Giuseppe Sertoli
1998 , Torino: Einaudi
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linguistica elementareLinguistica elementare / Tullio De Mauro
1998 , Roma [etc.]: GLF editori Laterza
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
life and adventures of robinson crusoeThe life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe / Daniel Defoe ; edited with an introduction by Angus Ross
1965 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
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second inspector morse omnibusThe second inspector Morse omnibus
1994 , London: Pan Books
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oliver twistOliver Twist / Charles Dickens ; edited by Peter Fairclough ... [et al.]
1985 , London: Penguin Books
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albero di nataleUn albero di Natale / Charles Dickens, Mirando Haz ; introduzione di Ada Nisbet ; saggi di Guido Almansi ...[et al.] ; con dodici riproduzioni di acqueforti ed uno scritto di Mirando Haz
1981 , Milano: All'insegna del pesce d'oro
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my father as i recall himMy father as I recall him / Mamie Dickens
[1896?] , Westminster: Roxburghe Press
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aristotele detectiveAristotele detective / Margaret Doody ; postfazione di Beppe Benvenuto ; con una nota di Emanuele Ronchetti ; [traduzione di Rosalia Coci]
©1999 , Palermo: Sellerio
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tiger dunlop s upper canadaTiger Dunlop's upper Canada : comprising recollections of the American War 1812-1814 and statistical sketches of upper canada for the use of emigrants by a backwoodsman / William Dunlop ; introduction Carl F. Klinck
1967 , Toronto: McClelland and Stewart
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
maturity of dickensThe maturity of Dickens / Monroe Engel
1959 , Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press
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freaksFreaks : miti e immagini dell'io segreto / Leslie Fiedler
1981 , Milano: Garzanti
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english historical novelThe English historical novel : Walter Scott to Virginia Woolf / Avrom Fleishman
1971 , Baltimore London: Johns Hopkins Press
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english for the italian universityEnglish for the italian university : from ABC to ESP / G.A. Foster
1998 , Napoli: EdiSES
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bush gardenThe bush garden : essays on the canadian imagination / Northrop Frye
1971 , [s.l.]: Anansi
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art of t s eliotThe Art of T. S. Eliot / by Helen Gardner
c1949 , London: Crasset Press
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london life in the eighteenth centuryLondon life in the eighteenth century / M.Dorothy George
1965 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
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good kiplingThe good Kipling : studies in the short story / by Elliot L. Gilbert
1972 , Manchester: Manchester university press
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psicologia dello humourLa psicologia dello humour : prospettive teoriche e questioni empiriche / Jeffrey H. Goldstein, Paul E. McGhee ; edizione italiana a cura di Giovannantonio Forabosco
1976 , Milano: Angeli
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roar of the twentiesThe roar of the Twenties / James H. Gray
1975 , Toronto: Macmillan of Canada
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time to killA time to kill / John Grisham
1992 , London: Arrow
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conflicts of springConflicts of spring / Ralph Gustafson
1981 , Toronto: McClelland and Stewart
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gradations of grandeurGradations of grandeur / a poem by Ralph Gustafson
1982 , Victoria: Sono Nis Press
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sequencesSequences / poems by Ralph Gustafson
1979 , Windsor: Black Moss Press
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vivid airThe vivid air : collected stories / Ralph Gustafson
1980 , Victoria: Sono Nis Press
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oxford advanced learner s dictionary of current englishOxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English / A.S. Hornby
1989 , Oxford: University Press
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london child of the 1870sA London child of the 1870s / Mary Vivian Hughes
1978 , Oxford: Oxford University Press
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walter scott waverleyWalter Scott - Waverley / Richard Humphrey
1993 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
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atto della letturaL'atto della lettura : una teoria della risposta estetica / Wolfgang Iser
1987 , Bologna: Il mulino
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altri racconti di fantasmi di un antiquario e uno spettro scarno e altre storieAltri racconti di fantasmi di un antiquario ; e, Uno spettro scarno e altre storie / Montague Rhodes James ; a cura di Malcom Skey ; traduzione di Donata Marciano
1984 , Roma: Theoria
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
racconti di fantasmi di un antiquarioRacconti di fantasmi di un antiquario / Montague Rhodes James ; traduzione di Donata Marciano
1984 , Roma: Theoria
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
du comique dans le texte litteraireDu comique dans le texte littéraire / Denise Jardon
c1988 , Bruxelles Paris Gembloux: De Boeck Duculot
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sul concetto di ironiaSul concetto di ironia : in riferimento costante a Socrate / Søren Kierkegaard ; a cura di Dario Borso
1989 , Milano: Guerini
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
trill of the grassThe trill of the grass / W. P. Kinsella
1984 , Markham, Ontario: Penguin Books
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almost meeting and other storiesThe Almost Meeting and other stories / Henry Kreisel
c1981 , Edmonton: NeWest Publisher
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irony humorIrony / Humor : critical paradigms / Candace D. Lang
1988 , Baltimore London: John Hopkins
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high windowsHigh windows
1985 , London: Faber and Faber
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danza di desiderioDanza di desiderio / di Irving Layton ; a cura di Alfredo Rizzardi
1993 , [Abano Terme]: Piovan
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
in a glass darklyIn a Glass Darkly / Sheridan Le Fanu ; edited with an introduction by Robert Tracy
1993 , Oxford New York: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
new canadian poetsThe new Canadian poets : 1970-1985 / edited by Dennis Lee
1985 , Toronto: McClelland & Stewart
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picnic at hanging rockPicnic at Hanging Rock / Joan Lindsay
1982 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
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opere completeOpere complete / Howard Phillipd Lovecraft
1983 , Milano: SugarCo
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english for history and philosophyEnglish for history and philosophy / Geraldine Ludbrook
c2000 , Venezia: Cafoscarina
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teach yourself history of englandThe teach yourself history of England / by William McElwee
1960 , London: English universities press
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ironiaL' ironia : la contraddizione consentita / Marina Mizzau
1984 , Milano: Feltrinelli
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sex and violence in the canadian novelSex and violence in the Canadian novel : the ancestral present / John Moss
1977 , Toronto: McClelland and Stewart
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tarts and muggersTarts and muggers : poems new and selected / Susan Musgrave
1982 , Toronto: McClelland and Stewart
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language of humourThe language of humour / Walter Nash
1985 , London New York: Longman
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paesaggio e finzionePaesaggio e finzione : William Gilpin, il Pittoresco e la visibilità nella letteratura inglese / Francesca Orestano
2000 , Milano: UNICOPLI
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
kipling companionA Kipling companion / Norman Page
1984 , London: Macmillan
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brunswick gardensBrunswick gardens / Anne Perry
1998 , New York: Fawcett
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cain his brotherCain his brother : a William Monk novel / Anne Perry
1995 , New York: Ivy
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
pentecost alleyPentecost Alley / Anne Perry
1996 , New York: Fawcett
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sins of the wolfSins of the wolf / Anne Perry
1994 , London: Headline
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
british islesThe British isles / by Thomas Pickles
1935 , London: Dent
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e j prattE. J. Pratt : the master years : 1927-1964 / David G. Pitt
1987 , Toronto: University of Toronto Press
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selected talesSelected tales / Edgar Allan Poe ; edited by Julian Symons
1980 , Oxford New York: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sicilian romanceA Sicilian Romance / Ann Radcliffe ; edited by Alison Milbank
1993 , Oxford New York: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
punsPuns / Walter Redfern
1986 , Oxford: Basil Blackwell in association with André Deutsch
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
joshua then and nowJoshua then and now / Mordecai Richler
1980 , Toronto: Seal Books. McClelland and Stewart-Bantam Limited
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
impossible sum of our traditions malcolm rossThe impossible sum of our traditions : reflections on Canadian literature Malcolm Ross ; with an introductory essay by David Staines
1986 , Toronto: McClelland and Stewart
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
east westEast, West / Salman Rusdie
1995 , London: Vintage
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
moor s last sighThe moor's last sigh / Salman Rushdie
1996 , London: Vintage
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
companion to a tale of two citiesThe companion to A tale of two cities / Andrew Sanders
2002 , Mountfield: Helm
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
redgauntletRedgauntlet / Walter Scott ; edited by Kathryn Sutherland
1985 , Oxford New York: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
hamletHamlet / William Shakespeare ; [introduction by John Dover Wilson ; [stage-history by Harold Child]
1968 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
measure for measureMeasure for measure / [William Shakespeare] ; edited by J.W. Lever
1967 , London: Methuen
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romeo and julietRomeo and Juliet : edited by G. Blakemore Evans
1984 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
tragedy of macbethThe tragedy of Macbeth / edited by Nicholas Brooke
c1990 , Oxford New York: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
hamletHamlet / William Shakespeare ; edited by Martin Coyle
1992 , Houndmills and London: MacMillan
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
george meredithGeorge Meredith : romanzo e sperimentazione / Anna Enrichetta Soccio
---- , Pescara: Campus
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modernist fictionModernist Fiction : An Introduction / Randall Stevenson
1992 , New York [etc.]: Harvester Wheatsheaf
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
r l stevensonR. L. Stevenson / selection and commentary by M. R. Ridley
1953 , Oxford: Oxford University Press
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charles dickensCharles Dickens : Bleak house / Graham Storey
1987 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
gulliver s travelsGulliver's travels / Jonathan Swift ; note by Mary Sewell
1999 , Harlow London: Longman York
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
vanity fairVanity Fair / William Thackeray ; edited with an introduction by J.I.M.. Stewart
1968 1965 , London: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
poetry todayPoetry Today : a Critical Guide to British Poetry 1960-1984 / Anthony Thwaite
1985 , London New York: Longman
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elizabethan world pictureThe Elizabethan world picture / E.M.W. Tillyard
1972 , Harmondsworth: Penguin
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comic heroThe comic hero / Robert M. Terrance
1978 , Cambridge, Massachussetts London: Harvard Universiry Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
approaching that perfect edgeApproaching that perfect edge : a reading of the metafictional writings of Michael Ondaatje (1967-1982) / Monica Turci ; preface by Vita Fortunati
2001 , Bologna: Patron
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
citazione di opere a stampa e manoscrittiLa citazione di opere a stampa e manoscritti / Nereo Vianello
1970 , Firenze: L.S. Olschki
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
english grammar practiceEnglish grammar practice : with key / Michael Vince, Lelio Pallini
1999 , London: Macmillan Heinemann ELT
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeareShakespeare : the poet and his plays / Stanley Wells
1994 , London: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
custode del faroIl custode del faro / Jeanette Winterson ; traduzione di Chiara Spallino Rocca
2005 , Milano: Mondadori
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sexing the cherrySexing the cherry / Jeanette Winterson
1991 , New York: Vintage Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
italian boyThe Italian boy : murder and grave-robbery in 1830s London / Sarah Wise
2004 , London: Jonathan Cape
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
meraviglie della naturaLe meraviglie della natura : introduzione all'alchimia / Elemire Zolla
[1975] , Milano: Bompiani
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch