irish fairy and folk talesIrish fairy and folk tales / edited by W. B. Yeats
[1918] , New York: The Modern Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
pilgrim s progressThe pilgrim's progress / John Bunyan
1907 , London New York: Dent Dutton
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
collection of english poemsA collection of English poems : 1660-1800 / selected and edited by Ronald S. Crane
1932 , New York $ London: Harper & Brothers
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
adventures and encountersAdventures and encounters / selected by E. W. Parker and A. R. Moon
1936 , London: Longmans
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
americanaAmericana : raccolta di narratori dalle origini ai nostri giorni / a cura di Elio Vittorini ; con una introduzione di Emilio Cecchi
1947 , Milano: Bompiani
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
anthology of light verseAn anthology of light verse / edited and with an introduction by Louis Kronenberger
1935 , New York: The Modern Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
arte in valdelsa dal sec 12 al sec 18Arte in Valdelsa dal sec. 12. al sec. 18. : Certaldo, Palazzo Pretorio, 28 luglio-31 ottobre 1963
1963 , [S.l.]: [s.n]
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
basic american documentsBasic American documents / edited with notes by George B. de Huszar, Henry W. Littlefield, Arthur W. Littlefield
1953 , Ames, Iowa: Littlefield, Adams & co.
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
beowulf the fight at finnsburhBeowulf : an anglo-saxon poem The fight at Finnsburh : a fragment / edited, corrected, and enlarged, by James A. Harrison and Robert Sharp ; with text and glossary on the basis of M. Heyne
1885 , Boston: Ginn & company
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
eleven british writersEleven British writers : Beowulf to Arnold and a selection of representative lyrics / by Chearles G. Osgood and MArvin T. Herrick
1940 , Boston [etc.]: Houghton Mifflin Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
elizabethan playsElizabethan plays / written by Shakespeares friends, colleagues, rivals, and successors: to with: Christopher Marlowe ... [et al.] ; edited with new texts based on the original folios, quartos, and octavos, by Hazelton Spencer
1933 , Boston: Little Brown and Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
english poetry of the eighteenth centuryEnglish poetry of the eighteenth-century / edited by Cecil A. Moore
1935 , New York: Henry Holt and Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
english prose and poetryEnglish prose and poetry : 1660-1800 / edited by Odell Shepard and Paul Spencer Wood
1934 , Boston [etc.]: Houghton Mifflin Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
english prose of the eighteenth centuryEnglish prose of the eighteenth century / editeed by Cecil A. Moore
1933 , New York: Henry Holt and Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
italyItaly / edited by Doré Ogrizek ; illustrations by Beauville, A. Brenet; Pierre Noel, Pichard]
1950 , New York: McGraw Hill
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
johnson s englandJohnson's England : an account of the life and manners of his age / edited by A.S. Turberville
1952 , Oxford: Clarendon press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
poetry of the english renaissancePoetry of the english renaissance : 1509-1660 / selected from early editions and manuscripts and edited by J. William Hebel and Hoyt H. Hudson
1936 , New York: F. S. Crofts & Co.
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
representative modern dramasRepresentative modern dramas / edited by Charles Huntington Whitman
1936 , New York: McMillan
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shorter novels eighteenth centuryShorter novels: Eighteenth Century / edited with an introduction by Philip Henderson
1930 , London New York: Dent Dutton
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
american storyThe American story : the age of exploration to the age of the atom : illustrated with contemporary prints and photographs / edited by Earl Schenck Miers ; introduction by Allan Nevins
1956 , New York: Channel press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
complete greek dramaThe complete greek drama : all the extant tragedies of Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides, and the comedies of Aristophanes and Menander, in a variety of translations / edited by Whitney J. Oates and Eugene O'Neill
1938 , New York: Random House
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
complete poetic and dramatic works of robert browningThe complete poetic and dramatic works of Robert Browning
Boston New York Cambridge: Houghton Mifflin Riverside Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
greek poetsThe greek poets / edited, with an introduction, by Moses Hadas
1953 , New York: The modern library
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
webster s collegiate dictionaryWebster's collegiate dictionary
1947 , Springfield: Merriam
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
complete novels of jane austenThe Complete Novels of Jane Austen : Sense and sensibility. Pride and Prejudice. Mansfield Park. Emma. Northanger Abbey. Persuasion / edited by Bennett A. Cerf and Donald S. Klopfer
[19--?] , New York: Modern Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
paladin of philanthropy and other papersA paladin of philanthropy and other papers / by Austin Dobson
1925 , London: Humphrey Milford : Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
history of english novelThe history of english novel / by Ernest A Baker
1924-1970 , London: Witherby
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
in the light of mythIn the light of myth : selections from the world's myths / compiled and interpreted by Rannie B. Baker ; art selection by Ruth C.Stebbins ; illustrations by Alexander Key
1925 , Chicago New York: Row, Peterson and company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
via largaVia Larga / Piero Bargellini
1942 , Firenze: Vallecchi
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
long shipsThe long ships : a saga of the Viking age / by Frans G. Bengtsson ; translated from the Swedish by Michael Meyer
1961 , New York: Knopf
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
aesthetics and history in the visual artsAesthetics and history in the visual arts / Bernard Berenson
1948 , New York: Pantheon
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
italian painters of the renaissanceThe Italian painters of the Renaissance / by Bernhard Berenson
1938 , London: Milford
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
viaggio in siciliaViaggio in Sicilia / Bernard Berenson
1955 , Milano: Electa
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
poems of william blakePoems of William Blake / edited by William Butler Yeats
[1920?] , New York: The Modern Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
seven gothic talesSeven gothic tales / by Isak Dinensen [i.e. Karen Blixen] ; with an introduction by Dorothy Canfield
c1961 , New York: Modern Library
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
boswell s journal of a tour to the hebrides with samuel johnsonBoswell's journal of a tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson : new first published from the original manuscript / prepare for the press, with preface and notes by Frederick A Pottle and Charles H. Bennett
1936 , New York: Viking Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
life of samuel johnson lldThe life of Samuel Johnson L.L.D. / by James Boswell ; with an introduction by Herbert Askwith
[1931?] , New York:
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
jane eyreJane Eyre / Charlotte Brontë ; Bonamy Dobrée
1953 , London Glasgow: Collins
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
dream of arcadiaThe dream of Arcadia : american writers and artists in Italy 1760-1915 / by Van Wyck Brooks
1958 , New York: E.P. Dutton & Co.
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
world of washington irvingThe world of Washington Irving / by Van Wyck Brooks
1944 , [New York]: Dutton & Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
flowering of new england 1815 1865The flowering of New England, 1815-1865 / by Van Wyck Brooks
[1936] , Cleveland: The World Publishing Company
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
life on the laggonsLife on the laggons / by Horatio F. Brown
1900 , London: Rivingtons
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sonnets from the portugueseSonnets from the Portuguese / Elizabeth Barrett Browning ; illustrations by Fred A. Mayer
1937 , New York: Illustrated editions
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
age of fable or beauties of mythologyThe age of fable, or Beauties of mythology / by Thomas Bulfinch ; edited by rev. J. Loughran Scott
1898 , Philadelphia: David McKay
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
evelina or a young lady s entrance into the worldEvelina or a young lady's entrance into the world / Fanny Burney ; introduction by Lewis Gibbs
1958 , London New York: Dent Dutton
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
poems and songsPoems and songs / Burns ; edited by James Kinsley
1969 , London [etc.]: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
history of greece to the death of alexander the greatA history of Greece to the death of Alexander The Great / by J. B. Bury
c St. Martin's Press 1913 , New York: The modern library
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
road to oxianaThe road to Oxiana / Robert Byron ; with a new introduction by Paul Fussell
1982 , New York: Oxford University press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
whole hoggThe whole hogg : drawings by Barry Callaghan / Michael Bell, Vera Frenkel
1997 , Ottawa: Carleton University art gallery
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
america amaraAmerica amara / Emilio Cecchi
1943 , Firenze: Sansoni
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
scrittori inglesi e americaniScrittori inglesi e americani : saggi, note e versioni
1976 , Milano: Garzanti
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
histoire de la domination normande en italie et en sicileHistoire de la domination normande en Italie et en Sicile / par Ferdinand Chalandon
1907 , Paris: Librairie Alphonse Picard et fils
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
pardoner s prologue taleThe pardoner's prologue & tale : from the Canterbury tales / edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by A.C. Spearing
1965 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
new worldThe New World / Winston S. Churchill
1956 , New York: Dodd, Mead & company
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
age of revolutionThe age of revolution / Winston S. Churchill
1957 , New York: Dodd, Mead & company
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
birth of britainThe birth of Britain / Winston S. Churchill
1956 , New York: Dodd, Mead & company
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
great democraciesThe great democracies / Winston S. Churchill
1958 , New York: Dodd, Mead & company
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
closing the ringClosing the ring / Winston S. Churchill
1951 , Boston: H. Mifflin
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
their finest hourTheir finest hour / Winston S. Churchill
1949 , Boston: H. Mifflin
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
in search of leonardoIn search of Leonardo / Matt Cohen ; illustrated by Tony Urquhart
1985 , Toronto: The Coach House press
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
coleridgeColeridge : poetical works : including poems and versions of poems herein published for the first time / edited with textual and bibliographical notes by Ernest Hartley Coleridge
1967 , London [etc.]: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
story of burnt njal or life in iceland at the end of the tenth centuryThe story of Burnt Njal, or Life in Iceland at the end of the tenth century : from the Icelandic of the Njals saga / by George Webbe Dasent
1861 , Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
fortunes and misfortunes of the famous moll flandersThe fortunes and misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders : who was born ... / by Daniel Defoe
[1926?] , New York: Random House
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sketches by bozSketches by Boz / Charles Dickens ; scelta, introduzione e note a cura di Felicina Rota
1965 , Milano: Mursia
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
master humphrey s clockMaster Humphrey's clock / by Charles Dickens
1846 , Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
at prior park and other papersAt Prior Park and other papers / by Austin Dobson
1925 , London: Humphrey Milford : Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
eighteenth century vignettesEighteenth century vignettes : first series / by Austin Dobson
1923 , London [etc.]: Oxford University Press: Humphrey Milford
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
eighteenth century vignettesEighteenth century vignettes : second series / by Austin Dobson
1923 , London [etc.]: Humphrey Milford : Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
eighteenth century vignettesEighteenth century vignettes : third series / by Austin Dobson
1923 , Londo [etc.]: Humphrey Milford : Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
old kensington palace and other papersOld Kensington Palace and other papers / by Austin Dobson
1926 , London [etc.]: Oxford University Press: Humphrey Milford
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
poetical works donnePoetical works = Donne ; edited by Herbert J. C. Grierson
1971 , Oxford: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
travels in arabia desertaTravels in Arabia deserta / By Charles M. Doughty ; with a new introduction by the author, introduction by T. E. Lawrence and all original maps, plans & illustrations
1926 , London: Jonathan Cape
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeareShakespeare / by Edward Dowden
1884 , New York: Appleton and Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
rosalba s journal and other papersRosalba's journal and other papers / by Austin Dubson
1926 , London: Oxford University Press: Humphrey Milford
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
essaysEssays : first and second series / by Ralph Waldo Emerson
1929 , Boston New York Cambridge: Houghton Mifflin Company The Riverside Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ambuscade spotted horsesAmbuscade spotted horses / William Faulkner ; introduzione e note di Nemi D'Agostino
stampa 1965 , Milano: Mursia
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
h thoreau e il trascendentalismo americanoH. Thoreau e il Trascendentalismo Americano / Guido Ferrando
1928 , Venezia: La Nuova Italia
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
dictionary of modern english usageA dictionary of modern English usage / by H.W. Fowler
1957 , Oxford: Clarendon press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
basic teachings of the great philosophersBasic teachings of the great philosophers / S.E. Frost
1957 , New York: Barnes & Noble
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
story of siena and san gimignanoThe story of Siena and San Gimignano / by Edmund G. Gardner ; illustrated by Helen M. James
1902 , London: J.M. Dent
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
decline and fall of the roman empireThe decline and fall of the Roman Empire / by Edward Gibbon
[1932?] , New York: Modern Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
viaggio in italiaViaggio in Italia : 1786-1788 / J.W. Goethe ; [traduzione di Eugenio Zaniboni]
1959 , Firenze: Sansoni
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
assisi of saint francis together with the influence of the franciscan legend on italian artAssisi of Saint Francis / by Mrs Robert Goff ; illustrated by colonel R. Goff . together with The influence of the Franciscan legend on Italian art / by J. Kerr-Lawson
1908 , London: Chatto & Windus
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
vicar of wakefieldThe vicar of Wakefield / Oliver Goldsmith ; introduction by J. M. Dent
1908 , London New York: Dent Dutton
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
poetical works of gray and collinsThe poetical works of Gray and Collins / edited by Austin Lane Poole
1926 , London: Oxford University Press: Humphrey Milford
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
early england 449 1071 foreign kings 1701 1204 the charter 1204 1216Early England, 449-1071 ; Foreign kings, 1701-1204 ; The charter, 1204-1216 / by John Richard Green
1895 , London New York: Macmillan and co.
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
modern england 1760 1815Modern England, 1760-1815 / by John Richard Green
1896 , London New York: Macmillan and co.
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
puritan england 1603 1644Puritan England, 1603-1644 / by John Richard Green
1896 , London New York: Macmillan and co.
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
puritan england 1642 1660 the revolution 1660 1683Puritan england, 1642-1660 ; The revolution, 1660-1683 / by John Richard Green
1896 , London New York: Macmillan and co.
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
the revolution 1683 1760 the modern england 1760 1767The revolution, 1683-1760 ; The modern England, 1760-1767 / by John Richard Green
1896 , London New York: Macmillan and co.
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
charter 1216 1307 the parliament 1307 1400The Charter, 1216-1307 ; The parliament, 1307-1400 / by John Richard Green
1895 , London New York: Macmillan and co.
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
parliament 1399 1461 the monarchy 1461 1540The parliament, 1399-1461 ; The monarchy, 1461-1540 / by John Richard Green
1896 , London New York: Macmillan and co.
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
reformation 1540 1593The reformation, 1540-1593 / by John Richard Green
1896 , London New York: Macmillan and co.
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
echo of greeceThe echo of Greece / Edith Hamilton
1957 , New York: Norton & Company
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
greek wayThe greek way / Edith Hamilton
1942 , New York: Norton & Company
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
normans in european historyThe Normans in European history / by Charles Homer Haskins
1966 , New York: W.W. Norton
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
aku akuAku-Aku : the secret of Easter Island / Thor Heyerdahl
1958 , Chicago [etc.]: Rand McNally & Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
hunting the hard wayHunting the hard way / by Howard Hill ; illustrated by Raymon Naylor
1953 , Chicago: Wilcox and Follett
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
political and social growth of the american peoplePolitical and social growth of the American people : 1492-1865 / by Homer Carey Hockett
1940 , New York: Macmillan
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
dreamers of the american dreamDreamers of the American dream / Stewart H. Holbrook
1957 , Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
iliad of homerThe Iliad of Homer / translated by Alexander Pope
1909 , London [etc.]: Cassell and Company
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
odyssey of homerThe Odyssey of Homer / done into English prose by S.H. Butcher and A. Lang
[1929] , New York: The modern library
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
purple landThe purple land / by W. H. Hudson ; introduction by William McFee
[1926?] , New York: The Modern Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
in unkown tuscanyIn unkown Tuscany / by Edward Hutton ; with notes by William Heywood ; with eight illustrations in colour by O. F. M. Ward
1909 , London: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
italian talesItalian tales / Washington Irving ; testo, introduzione e note a cura di Rolando Anzilotti
1967 , Pisa: Libreria Universitaria
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sketches and tales washington irving scelta introduzione e note a cura di sergio perosaSketches and Tales/ Washington Irving ; scelta, introduzione e note a cura di Sergio Perosa
[1963] , Milano: Mursia
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
turn of the screw the lesson of the masterThe turn of the screw; The lesson of the master / by Henry James ; introduction by Heywood Broun
[1957] , New York: The Modern library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
italy mediaeval and modernItaly mediaeval and modern : a history / by E.M. Jamison ... [et al.]
1919 , Oxford: At the Clarendon press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
jefferson s lettersJefferson's letters : selections from the private and political correspondence of Thomas Jefferson, telling the story of American independence and the fonding of the American government / arranged by Willson Whitman
[194-?] , Eau Claire, Wisconsin: E.M. Hale and company
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
three men in a boat three men on the bummelThree men in a boat : (to say nothing of the dog) Three men on the bummel / jerome K. Jerome ; introduction by D. C. Browning
1957 , London New York: Dent & Sons Dutton
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
portrait of the artist as a young manA portrait of the artist as a young man / by James Joyce ; Introduction by Herbert Gorman
1928 , New York: Modern Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
dublinersDubliners / by James Joyce ; introduction by Padraic Colum
[1926?] , New York: Modern Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
john keats and percy bysshe shelleyJohn Keats and Percy Bysshe Shelley : complete poetical works / with the explanatory notes of Shelley's poems by Mrs. Shelley
[1923?] , New York: Random House
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
reader s digest of booksThe reader's digest of books / by Helen Rex Keller
1940 , New York: MacMillan
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
dark agesThe dark ages / by W. Ker
1958 , New York: New American Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
eothenEothen / A. W. Kinglake ; introduction by Major-General Sir Edward Spears, Bart.
1961 , London New York: Dent Dutton
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
vigilante days and waysVigilante days and ways : the pioneers of the rockies, the makers and making of Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming / by Nathaniel Pitt Langford ; with a new introduction by Dorothy M. Johnson
1957 , Missoula (Montana): Montana State University
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
classical dictionaryA classical dictionary : containing a copious account of all the proper names mentioned in ancient authors : with the value of coins, weights and measures used among the Greeks and Romans and chronologicla table / by J. Lempriere
1902 , London: Routledge
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
a travers l apulie et la lucanieA travers l'Apulie et la Lucanie / François Lenormant
1963 , Cosenza: Casa del Libro
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
grande greceLa grande-Grèce : paysages et histoire / par François Lenormant
1961 , Cosenza: Casa del Libro
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
elementary latin dictionaryAn elementary Latin dictionary / by Charlton T. Lewis ; with an appendix of names of persons and places compiled by Hugh Macmaster Kingery
1915 , New York: American book company
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
intermediate greek english lexiconAn intermediate Greek-English lexicon : founded upon the seventh edition of Liddell and Scott's Greek-English lexicon
1889 , Oxford: Clarendon press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
selections from lincolnSelections from Lincoln / edited by Nathaniel Wright Stephenson
1927 , New York [etc.]: Charles Scribner's sons
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
paul cliffordPaul Clifford / by Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton
1842 , Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
pelham orthe adventures of a gentlemanPelham, or,The adventures of a gentleman / by Edward Bulwer Lytton
1842 , Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
caxtonsThe Caxtons : a family picture / by Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton
1849 , Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
disownedThe disowned / by Edward Bulwer Lytton
1842 , Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
zanoniZanoni / by Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton
1842 , Leipzig: Tauchnitz
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
cassinoCassino : portrait of a battle / by Fred Majdalany
1957 , London [etc.]: Longmans, Green and co.
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
writer s notebookA writer's notebook / W. Somerset Maugham
1949 , Melbourne [etc.]: Heinemann
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
complete short stories of w somerset maughamThe complete short stories of W. Somerset Maugham
1934 , New York: Doubleday & Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
summing upThe summing up / W. Somerset Maugham
1948 , London [etc.]: Heinemann
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
then and nowThen and now : a novel / W. Somerset Maugham
1946 , Garden City (New York): Doubleday & Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
new history of united statesA new history of United States / by William Miller
1958 , New York: George Braziller
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
flyingFlying / by Kate Millett
1974 , New York: Ballantine books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
complete poetry and selected prose of john miltonComplete poetry and selected prose of John Milton
1942 , New York: The Modern Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
paradise lostParadise lost / John Milton ; edited by Merritt Y. Hughes
1935 , New York: Doubleday, Doran & Company
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miltonMilton : poetical works / John Milton ; edited by Douglas Bush
1966 , London: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
turkish embassy lettersThe Turkish embassy letters / Lady Mary Wortley Montagu ; introduction by Anita Desai ; text edited and annotated by Malcolm Jack
1994 , London: Virago press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
moreau de st mery s american journeyMoreau de St. Mery's American journey : [1793-1798] / translated and edited by Kenneth Roberts, Anna M. Roberts ; preface by Kenneth Roberts ; introduction by Stewart L. Mims ; frontespice painting by James Bingham
1947 , Garden City (New York): Doubleday & Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
memories and vagariesMemories and vagaries / by Axel Munthe
1930 , New York: Dutton
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greek studiesGreek studies / by Gilbert Murray
1946 , Oxford: Clarendon press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
rise of the greek epicThe rise of the Greek epic : being a course of lectures delivered at Harvard University / by Gilbert Murray
1907 , Oxford: Clarendon press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
history of the american peopleHistory of the American people / by David Saville Muzzey
1929 , Boston [etc.]: Ginn and company
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
twelve centuries of english poetry and proseTwelve centuries of english poetry and prose / by Alphonso Gerald Newcomer, Alice E. Andrews, Howard Judson Hall
1928 , Chicago [etc.]: Scott, Foresman
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
last attachmentThe last attachment : the story of Byron and Teresa Guiccioli as told in their unpublished letters and other family papers / Iris Origo
[1949] , London: Jonathan Cape
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
deeds of frederick barbarossaThe deeds of Frederick Barbarossa / by Otto of Fresing and his continuator, Rahewin ; translated and annotated with an introduction by Charles Christopher Mierow ; with the collaboration of Richard Emery
1953 , New York: W.W. Norton & company
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
american experienceThe American experience : an interpretation of the histoty and civilization of the American people / Henry Bamford Parkes
1959 , New York: Vintage books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
oregon trailThe Oregon trail : sketches of prairie and Rocky-Mountain life / by Francis Parkman
Brown and Company 1872 , Boston: Little
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
queen anneQueen Anne / Herbert Paul
[1914?] , London New York: J.M. Dent & sons E.P. Dutton
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
gold of troyThe gold of Troy : the story of Heinrich Schliemann and the buried cities of ancient Greece / Robert Payne
1959 , New York: Funk & Wagnalls
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
republic of platoThe Republic of Plato / translated into the english, with an analysis and notes by John Llewelyn Davies and David James Vaughan
1929 , London: MacMillan
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
best tales of edgar allan poeThe best tales of Edgar Allan poe / edited with an introduction by Sherwin Cody
[1924?] , New York: The Modern Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
best of popeThe best of Pope / edited with an introduction by George Sherburn
1940 , New York: Thomas Nelson and Sons
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
exploration of the colorado river and its canyonsThe exploration of The Colorado River and its canyons : (formerly titled: Canyons of the Colorado) / by J. W. Powell
1961 , New York: Dover
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
stronger climateA stronger climate / Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
1983 , London [etc.]: Granada
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legacy of italyThe legacy of Italy / by Giuseppe Prezzolini
1948 , New York: S.F. Vanni
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
frostFrost : a literary life reconsidered / William H. Pritchard
1984 , New York Oxford: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
four portraitsFour portraits : studies of the 18th century / by Peter Quennell
1947 , London: The Reprint society
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
modern classical philosophersModern classical philosophers : selections illustrating modern philosophy from Bruno to Spencer / compiled by Benjamin Rand
1908 , Boston New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
mediterraneanThe Mediterranean : its role in America's foreign policy / William Reitzel
1948 , New York: Harcourt, Brace and company
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
we took to the woodsWe took to the woods / by Louise Dickinson Rich
1948 , New York: Pocket Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
trending into maineTrending into Maine / Kenneth Roberts ; with illustrations by N. C. Wyeth
1949 , Garden City: Doubleday & Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
keats shelley romeKeats Shelley & Rome : an illustrated miscelany / compiled by Neville Rogers ; postscript by Field Marshall Earl Wavell
1949 , London: Christopher Johnson
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
thesaurus of english words and phrasesThesaurus of english words and phrases / classified and arranged so as to facilitate the expression of ideas and to assist in literary composition by Peter Mark Roget ; enlarged by John Lewis Roget ; new edition revised and enlarged by Samuel Romilly Roget
1937 , New York: Grosset & Dunlap
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
history of europeA history of Europe : from the Reformation to the present day / by Ferdinand Schevill
1938 , New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
coming of new dealThe coming of New Deal / Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
1959 , Boston: H. Mifflin
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
quest of the historical jesusThe quest of the historical Jesus : a critical study of its progress from Reimarus to Wrede / by Albert Schweitzer ; with a preface by F.C. Burkitt
1961 , New York: the Macmillan company
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
ivanoeIvanoe : a romance / by Walter Scott ; edited with notes by Edwin L. Miller and Grace Margaret Albert
1917 , Chicago New York: Lyons & Carnahn
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lady of the lakeLady of the lake : a poem in six cantos / Sir Walter Scott, Bart. ; with one hundred new illustration by Joseph M. Gleeson
1892 , New York: Frederick A.Stokes Company
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italy and italiansItaly and Italians / by Count Carlo Sforza ; translated by Edward Hutton
1949 , New York: E.P. Dutton & company
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
complete works of shakespeareThe complete works of Shakespeare / edited by George lyman Kittredge
1936 , Boston [etc.]: Ginn and Company
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nine playsNine plays / by Bernard Shaw
1939 , New York: Dodd, Mead & Company
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american among the riffiAn American among the Riffi / by Vincent Sheean
1926 , New York & London: The Century co
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
complete poetical works of percy bysshe shelleyThe complete poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley / edited by Thomas Hutchinson
1935 , London: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
mediterraneanThe Mediterranean / by André Siegfried ; translated from the French by Doris Hemming
[1947?] , New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
american literature through illustrative readingsAmerican literature through illustrative readings : 1608-1928 / by Sarah E. Simons
1928 , New York [etc.]: Charles Scribner's Sons
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calabriaCalabria : the first Italy / by Gertrude Slaughter
1939 , Madison: University of Wisconsin Press
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expedition of humphry clinkerThe expedition of Humphry Clinker / by Tobias Smollett ; with introduction and notes by L. Rice-Oxley
1925 1960 , Oxford: Oxford University Press
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old english poetryOld English poetry / translations into alliterative verse with an introductions and notes by J. Duncan Spaeth
1927 , Princenton: Princeton University Press
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art and life of william shakespeareThe art and life of William Shakespeare / by Hazelton Spencer
1940 , New York: Harcourt Brace and company
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poetical works of edmund spenserThe poetical works of Edmund Spenser / edited with critical notes by J.C. Smith and E. de Selincourt ; with an introduction by E. de Selincourt with a glossary
1912 , London: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
treasure islandTreasure island / by Robert Louis Stevenson
1898 , New York: Charles Scribner's Sons
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vailima lettersVailima letters : being correspondance addressed by Robert Louis Stevenson to Sidney Colvin
1896 , New York: Charles Scribner's Sons
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aristotelianismAristotelianism / by John Leofric Stocks
1927 , New York: Longmans, Green and co.
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
girl of the limberlostA girl of the Limberlost / Gene Stratton Porter
1950 , London: Hodder and Stoughton
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anglo saxon reader in prose and verseAn Anglo-Saxon reader in prose and verse : with grammatical introduction, notes and glossary / by Henry Sweet
1885 , Oxford: Clarendon Press
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gulliver s travels a tale of a tub battle of the books etcGulliver's travels ; A tale of a tub ; Battle of the books etc. / by Jonathan Swift ; edited with an introduction and notes by William Alfred Eddy
1933 , New York: Oxford University Press
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sketches and studies in italySketches and studies in Italy / by John Addington Symonds
1879 , London: Smith, Elder & Co.
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newcomesThe newcomes : memoirs of a most respectable family / W. M. Thackeray
1854-1855 , Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz
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week on the concord and merrimack riversA week on the Concord and Merrimack rivers / by Henry David Thoreau
1893 , Boston New York Cambridge: Houghton, Mifflin and company Riverside press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
autumnAutumn : from the journal of Henry David Thoreau ; edited by H.G.O. Blake
1892 , Boston New York Cambridge: Houghton, Mifflin and company Riverside press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
cape codCape Cod / by Henry David Thoreau
1893 , Boston New York Cambridge: Houghton, Mifflin and company Riverside press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
early spring in massachusettsEarly spring in Massachusetts : from the journal of Henry David Thoreau ; edited by H.G.O. Blake
1893 , Boston New York Cambridge: Houghton, Mifflin and company Riverside press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
excursionsExcursions / by Henry David Thoreau
1893 , Boston New York Cambridge: Houghton, Mifflin and company Riverside press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
familiar letters of henry david thoreauFamiliar letters of Henry David Thoreau / edited, with introduction and notes by F.B. Sanborn
1894 , Boston New York Cambridge: Houghton, Mifflin and company Riverside press
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men of concord and some others as portrayed in the journal of henry david thoreauMen of Concord and some others as portrayed in the Journal of Henry David Thoreau / edited by Francis H. Allen ; with illustrations by N.C. Wyeth
1936 , Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company
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miscellaniesMiscellanies / by Henry David Thoreau ; with a biographical sketch by Ralph Waldo Emerson and a general index to the writings
1893 , Boston New York Cambridge: Houghton, Mifflin and company Riverside press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
summerSummer : from the journal of Henry David Thoreau ; edited by H.G.O. Blake
1884 , Boston New York Cambridge: Houghton, Mifflin and company Riverside press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
maine woodsThe Maine woods / by Henry David Thoreau
1893 , Boston New York Cambridge: Houghton, Mifflin and company Riverside press
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walden or life in the woodsWalden, or, Life in the woods / by Henry David Thoreau
1893 , Boston New York Cambridge: Houghton, Mifflin and company Riverside press
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winterWinter : from the journal of Henry David Thoreau ; edited by H.G.O. Blake
1887 , Boston New York Cambridge: Houghton, Mifflin and company Riverside press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
history of englandHistory of England / by George Macaulay Trevelyan ; with chronological outline by William Huse Dunham jr.
1937 , London [etc.]: Longmans, Green & Co.
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
garibaldi and the thousandGaribaldi and the Thousand / by George Macaulay Trevelyan
1909 , London [etc.]: Longmans, Green, and co.
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
onere della provaL'onere della prova / Scott Turow ; [traduzione di Roberta Rambelli]
1990 , Milano: CDE
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autobiography of mark twainThe autobiography of Mark Twain / with an introduction, notes and a special essay by Charles Neider
19961 , New York: Washington Square Press
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family mark twainThe family Mark Twain
1935 , New York London: Harper & Brothers
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war of the revolutionThe war of the Revolution / by Christopher Ward ; edited by John Richard Alden
1952 , New York: Macmillan
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
north african preludeNorth African prelude : the first seven thousand years / by Galbraith Welch
1949 , New York: William Morrow and company
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in search of adamIn search of Adam : the story of man's quest for the truth about his earliest ancestors / by Herbert Wendt ; translated from the German by James Cleugh
1956 , Boston: Houghton Mifflin company
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
among the berbers of algeriaAmong the berbers of Algeria / by Anthony Wilkin
1900 , London: T. Fisher Unwin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
drawingsDrawings / Claire Rumin Wilks ; with a poem by John Montague
c1975 , [Toronto]: Exile Editions
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
hillmotherHillmother / Claire Weissman Wilks ; with a poem of John Montague
1983 , [Toronto]: Exile Editions
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
i know not why the roses bloomI know not why the roses bloom : drawings, lithographs, sculpture: 1982-1986 / Claire Weissman Wilks
1986 , Toronto, Canada: Exile editions
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
tremorsTremors / Claire Weissman Wilks ; with an introduction by William Ronald
1983 , Toronto: Exile Editions
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
hills beyondThe hills beyond / Thomas Wolfe ; with a note on Thomas Wolfe by Edward C. Aswell
1943 , New York: The Sun Dial Press
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yankee s odysseyA Yankee's odyssey : the life of Joel Barlow / by James Woodress
1958 , Philadelphia New York: J.B. Lippincott
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collected poems of wb yeatsThe collected poems of W.B. Yeats
1933 , New York: MacMillan Company
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