prince and the law 1200 1600The prince and the law, 1200-1600 : sovereignty and rights in the Western legal tradition / Kenneth Pennington
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game play literatureGame, play, literature / edited by Jacques Ehrmann
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witchcraft sourcebookThe witchcraft sourcebook / edited by Brian P. Levack
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hundred years warThe Hundred Years War : England and France at war, c. 1300-c. 1450 / Christopher Allmand
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history of witchcraftA history of witchcraft : sorcerers, heretics and pagans / Jeffrey B. Russell
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lancaster and yorkLancaster and York : the Wars of the Roses / Alison Weir
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judicial tribunals in england and europe1: Judicial tribunals in England and Europe : 1200-1700 / edited by Maureen Mulholland and Brian Pullan ; with Anne Pullan
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primary sources1: Primary sources / edited by Ann Hughes
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23 modern british poets23 Modern british poets / edited by John Matthias ; introduction by Peter Jay
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domestic and international trials2: Domestic and international trials : 1700-2000 / edited by R. A. Melikan
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revelations of the medieval world2: Revelations of the Medieval world / Georges Duby, editor ; Arthur Goldhammer, translator
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devil s law case a cure for a cuckold appius and virginia2: The Devilʼs law-case ; A cure for a cuckold ; Appius and Virginia
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four contemporary plays from the european stage3: Four contemporary plays from the European stage ... / edited with an introduction by Robert W. Corrigan
1968 , New York: Dell
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3 parte terza poesie di eccellenti autori toscani per far ridere le brigate3: Parte terza [Poesie di eccellenti autori toscani per far ridere le brigate]
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renaissance and enlightenment paradoxes3: Renaissance and enlightenment paradoxes / Natalie Zemon Davis and Arlette Farge, editors
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renaissance poetry3: Renaissance poetry / edited by Leonard Dean
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sixteenth century britain3: Sixteenth-century Britain / edited by Boris Ford
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naturalism impressionism the film age4: Naturalism, Impressionism, the film age / Arnold Hauser
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objections to sex and violence rose s story blood and ice pinball4: Objections to sex and violence / by Caryl Churchill . Rose's story / by Grace Dayley . Blood and ice / by Liz Lochhead . Pinball / by Alison Lyssa
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companion to shakespeareA companion to Shakespeare / edited by David Scott Kastan
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controversy of poetsA controversy of poets : an anthology of contemporary American poetry ; edited by Paris Leary and Robert Kelly
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handful of pleasant delights 1584A handful of pleasant delights 1584
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modernist readerA modernist reader : modernism in England 1910-1930 / edited by Peter Faulkner
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short history of italy from classical times to the present dayA short history of Italy from classical times to the present day / edited by H. Hearder and D.P. Waley
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across the wounded galaxiesAcross the wounded galaxies : interviews with contemporary American science fiction writers / conducted and edited by Larry McCaffery
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outline of philosophy of aristotleAn outline of philosophy of Aristotle / prepared by William J. Callaghan
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andrew marvellAndrew Marvell : a collection of critical essays / edited by George deF. Lord
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beowulfBeowulf / edited with an introduction, notes, and new prose translation by Michael Swanton
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black dramaBlack Drama : an anthology / edited by Woodie King and Ron Milner
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breaking the sequenceBreaking the Sequence : Women's experimental fiction / introduced and edited by Ellen G. Friedman and Miriam Fuchs
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brechtBrecht : a collection of critical essays / edited by Peter Demetz
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british literary manuscriptsBritish literary manuscripts : series I from 800 to 1800 / catalogue by Verlyn Klinkenborg, checklist by Herbert Cahoon, introduction by Charles Ryskamp
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british political thought in history literature and theory 1500 1800British political thought in history, literature and theory, 1500-1800 / edited by David Armitage
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cambridge international dictionary of englishCambridge international dictionary of English / [editor-in-chief Paul Procter]
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carved in rockCarved in rock : short stories by musicians / edited by Greg Kihn
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christopher marloweChristopher Marlowe / edited by Brian Morris
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church and society in englandChurch and society in England : Henry 8. to James 1. / edited by Felicity Heal and Rosemary O'Day
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classic american autobiographiesClassic American autobiographies / edited and with an introduction by William L. Andrews
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classical french dramaClassical French drama / edited and translated by Wallace Fowlie
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classical rhetorics and rhetoriciansClassical rhetorics and rhetoricians : critical studies and sources / edited by Michelle Ballif and Michael G. Moran
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constructing and reconstructing genderConstructing and reconstructing gender : The links among communication, language, and gender / Edited by Linda A.M. Perry, Lynn H. Turner, Helen M. Sterk
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contemporary short storiesContemporary short stories : representative selections / edited, with an introduction, by Maurice Baudin jr
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cosi fan tutteCosì fan tutte : ossia La scuola degli amanti : dramma giocoso in due atti / di Lorenzo Da Ponte ; musica di Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
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crisis in europe 1560 1660Crisis in Europe 1560-1660 / edited by Trevor Aston ; with an introduction by Christopher Hill
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critical theory and performanceCritical theory and performance / edited by Janelle G. Reinelt, Joseph R. Roach. -
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criticismCriticism : the major texts / edited by Walter Jackson Bate
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crown and parliament in tudor stuart englandCrown and Parliament in Tudor-Stuart England : a documentary constitutional history : 1485-1714 / edited with introductions and commentary by Paul L. Hughes, Robert F. Fries
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culture and politics in early stuart englandCulture and politics in early Stuart England / edited by Kevin Sharpe and Peter Lake
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curye on inglyschCurye on Inglysch : English culinary manuscripts of the fourteenth century (including the Forme of cury) / edited by Constance B. Hieatt and Sharon Butler
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daughters wives and widowsDaughters, wives, and widows : writings by men about women and marriage in England : 1500-1640 / edited by Joan Larsen Klein
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dialogue and differenceDialogue and difference : English into the nineties / edited by Peter Brooker and Peter Humm
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divine right and democracyDivine right and democracy : an anthology of political writing in Stuart England / edited by David Wootton
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edmund ironsideEdmund Ironside : Shakespeare's lost play / edited by Eric Sams
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eight american authorsEight American authors : a review of research and criticism / edited by James Woodress. Essays by Jay B. Hubbell [and others]
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elizabethan jacobean dramaElizabethan-Jacobean drama / edited by G. Blakemore Evans
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enciclopedia garzanti della musicaEnciclopedia Garzanti della musica
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enclosure actsEnclosure acts : sexuality, property, and culture in early modern England / edited by Richard Burt and John Michael Archer
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english masquesEnglish masques / with an introduction by Herbert Arthur Evans
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english moral interludesEnglish moral interludes / edited with an introduction by Glynne Wickham
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english mystery playsEnglish mystery plays : a selection / edited with an introduction and notes by Peter Happe
1985 , London: Penguin Books
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english poetry and proseEnglish poetry and prose : 1540-1674 / edited by Christopher Ricks
1986 , London: Sphere Reference
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erotic politicsErotic politics : desire on the Renaissance stage / edited by Susan Zimmerman
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essays in shakespearean criticismEssays in shakespearean criticism / edited by James L.Calderwood and Harold E.Toliver
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essays on fiction 1971 82Essays on fiction 1971-82 / Frank Kermode
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essentials of european literatureEssentials of European literature : a guide to great books / by Vincent F. Hopper and Bernard D. N. Grebanier
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european literary theory and practiceEuropean literary theory and practice : from existential phenomenology to structuralism / edited with introduction by Vernon W. Gras
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european women and preindustrial craftEuropean women and preindustrial craft / edited by Daryl M. Hafter
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everyman and medieval miracle playsEveryman and medieval miracle plays / edited with an introduction by A.C. Cawley
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famous american plays of the 1940sFamous American plays of the 1940s / selected and introduced by Henry Hewes
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feminist readings of early modern cultureFeminist readings of early modern culture : emerging subjects / edited by Valerie Traub, M. Lindsay Kaplan, Dympna Callaghan
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forbidden journeysForbidden journeys : fairy tales and fantasies by Victorian women writers / edited by Nina Auerbach and U. C. Knoepflmacher
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formations of fantasyFormations of fantasy / edited by Victor Byrgin, James Donald and Kora Kaplan
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fresh verdicts on joan of arcFresh verdicts on Joan of Arc / edited by Bonnie Wheeler, Charles T. Wood
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from james to eliotFrom James to Eliot / edited by Boris Ford
1983 , Harmondsworth: Penguin
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great german short novels and storiesGreat German short novels and stories / edited, with an introduction, by Victor Lange
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guthrie new theaterGuthrie new theater : volume 1 / edited by Eugne Lion and David Ball ; foreword by Michael Langham
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herbertHerbert / selected with an introduction and notes by Dudley Fitts
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into another mouldInto another mould : change and continuity in English culture, 1625-1700 / edited by T. G. S. Cain and Ken Robinson
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jacobean civic pageantsJacobean civic pageants / edited by Richard Dutton
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john websterJohn Webster / edited by Brian Morris
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king johnKing John : new perspectives / edited by Deborah T. Curren-Aquino
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vida de lazarillo de tormes y sus fortunas y adversidadesLa vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y sus fortunas y adversidades / edited by Everett W. Hesse and Harry F. Williams ; with an introduction by Américo Castro
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sigaraie del padule di fucecchioLe sigaraie del padule di Fucecchio / Marco Borghini ... \et al.!
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literary and philosophical essaysLiterary and philosophical essays : french, german and italian : with introductions, notes and illustrations
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magia e civiltaMagia e civiltà / Ernesto de Martino
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maids and mistresses cousins and queensMaids and mistresses, cousins and queens : women's alliances in early modern England / edited by Susan Frye, Karen Robertson
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major american writersMajor american writers / edited by Howard Mumford Jones, Ernest E. Leisy, Richard M. Ludwig
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marloweMarlowe : a collection of critical essays / edited by Clifford Leech
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masterpieces of the modern german theatreMasterpieces of the modern German theatre : five plays / edited by Robert W. Corrigan
1967 , New York: Collier Books
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mazzini nella cultura italianaMazzini nella cultura italiana : discussioni e documenti / scritti di: Alberto Aquarone ... [et al.] ; e di: Carlo Antoni ... [et al.]
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metaphysical poetryMetaphysical poetry
1970 , London: Edward Arnold
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middle english surveyMiddle English survey : critical essays / edited by Edward Vasta
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modern american and modern british poetryModern American and modern British poetry / edited by Louis Untermeyer ; in consultation with Karl Shapiro and Richard Wilbur
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modern french theatreModern French theatre : an anthology of plays / edited and translated by Michael Benedikt and George E. Wellwarth
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music in the plays of shakespeareMusic in the plays of Shakespeare : a practicum / [compiled and annoted by] Andrew Charlton
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new english dramatists 5New English dramatists . 5 / introduced by Alan Brien ; edited by Tom Maschler
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new historical literary studyNew historical literary study : essays on reproducing texts, representing history / edited by Jeffrey Cox and Larry Reynolds
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new poetry anthology 1New poetry anthology. 1. / edited by Michael Anania
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new theatre in americaNew theatre in America / edited with an introduction by Edward Parone
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new theatre voices of the seventiesNew theatre voices of the seventies : sixteen interviews from Theatre quarterly, 1970-1980 / edited by Simon Trussler ; from the original interviews conducted by Clive Barker ... [et al.] ; with a foreword by Martin Esslin
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one actOne act : eleven short plays of the modern theatre / edited by Samuel Moon
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one hundred middle english lyricsOne hundred Middle English lyrics / edited with an introduction by Robert D. Stevick
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palace of pleasurePalace of pleasure : Elizabethan versions of Italian and French novels from Boccaccio, Bandello, Cinthio, Straparola, Quenn Margaret of Navarre, and others : in three volumes / done into English by William Painter ; now again edited for the fourth time by Joseph Jacobs
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performance and politics in popular dramaPerformance and politics in popular drama : aspects of popular entertainment in theatre, film and television, 1800-1976 / edited by David Bradby, Louis James and Bernard Sharratt
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phoenix nest 1593Phoenix nest 1593
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plays by american women 1900 1930Plays by American women, 1900-1930 : edited and with an introduction by Judith E. Barlow
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religion society in early modern englandReligion & society in early modern England : a sourcebook / edited by David Cressy & Lori Anne Ferrell
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samuel beckettSamuel Beckett : a collection of critical essays / edited by Martin Esslin
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seven plays by womenSeven plays by women : female voices, fighting lives / edited by Cheryl Robson
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seventeenth century english poetrySeventeenth-century English poetry : modern essays in criticism / edited by William R. Keast
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sexuality and gender in early modern europeSexuality and gender in early modern Europe : institutions, texts, images / edited by James Grantham Turner
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1991 , London: Quartet Books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
fire on the mountainFire on the mountain / Edward Abbey
1962 , New York: Avon Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
introduzione alla sessuologia medicaIntroduzione alla sessuologia medica / Giorgio Abraham e Willy Pasini ; con la collaborazione di J.J. Eisenring ... [et al.]
1978 , Milano: Feltrinelli
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
so long and thanks for all the fishSo long, and thanks for all the fish : the Hitch Hikers' guide to the Galaxy 4 / Douglas Adams
1985 , London Sidney: Pan Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
more than complete hitchhiker s guideThe more than complete hitchhiker's guide : complete & unabridged / Douglas Adams
1994 , New York Avenel: Wings Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
language changeLanguage change : progress or decay? / Jean Aitchison
1981 , [London]: Fontana
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
linguisticsLinguistics / Jean Aitchison
1987 , [London]: Hodder and Stoughton
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
grand meaulnesLe grand meaulnes / Alain-Fournier ; transalted by Frank Davison
1966 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
everything in the gardenEverything in the garden / a play by Edward Albee
1969 , New York: Pocket Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
american dream and the zoo storyThe American dream and ; The zoo story / two plays by Edward Albee
1961 , New York: Signet Book
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sandbox the death of bessie smith with fam and yamThe sandbox ; The death of Bessie Smith (with Fam and Yam) / by Edward Albee
1959 , New York: New American Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
religion in england 1558 1662Religion in England 1558-1662 / H. G. Alexander
1981 , London [etc.]: Hodder and Stoughton
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare s henry vi and richard iiiShakespeare's Henry VI and Richard III / by Peter Alexander ; with an introduction by Alfred W. Pollard
1929 , Cambridge: At the University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
problems in the origins and development of the english languageProblems in the origins and development of the English language / John Algeo
1982 , New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
infernoThe Inferno / Dante Alighieri ; a verse rendering for the modern reader by John Ciardi ; historical introduction by Archibald T. MacAllister
1954 , New York Toronto: New American library
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
divine comedyThe divine comedy / Dante ; foreword by Mario Praz ; edited with an introduction by Edmund Gardner
1955 , London New York: Dent Dutton
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
house of the spiritsThe house of the spirits / Isabel Allende ; translated from the Spanish by Magda Bogin
1986 , London: Black Swan
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
machiavelli and usMachiavelli and us / Louis Althusser ; edited by François Matheron ; translated with an introduction by Gregory Elliott
1999 , London New York: Verso
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
tudor play of mindThe Tudor play of mind : rhetorical inquiry and the development of Elizabethan drama / Joel B. Altman
1978 , Berkeley [etc.]: University of California Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ichot a burde in a bourIchot a burde in a bour : il sapere scientifico nella lirica inglese del Trecento / Antonietta Amati
1994 , Fasano: Schena
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
lucky jimLucky Jim : a novel / by Kingsley Amis
1958 , New York: The Viking press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
one fat englishmanOne fat Englishman / Kingsley Amis
1966 , London: Penguin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
rachel papersThe Rachel papers / Martin Amis
1984 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ordered societyAn ordered society : gender and class in early modern England / Susan Dwyer Amussen
1988 , New York: Columbia University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
art of courtly loveThe art of courtly love / Andreas Capellanus ; translated by John Jay Parry ; edited and abridged by Frederick W. Locke
c1957 , New York: Frederick Ungar
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
dark angelDark angel / Virginia Andrews
1987 , Glasgow: Fontana/Collins
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
singin and swingin and gettin merry like christmasSingin' and swingin' and gettin' merry like Christmas / Maya Angelou
1985 , London: Virago Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
nation divided3: The nation divided / by Paul M. Angle
1960 , Greenwich, Conn: Fawcett
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
4 making of a world power4: The making of a world power / by Paul M. Angle
printing 1968 , Greenwich (Conn.): Fawcett Premier Book
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
nation dividedThe nation divided / selected from the American Reader by Paul M. Angle
1967 , Greenwich: A Fawcett premier book
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
five playsFive plays : volume 2 / Jean Anouilh
c1959 , New York: Hill and Wang
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
serjeant musgrave s danceSerjeant Musgrave's Dance : an historical parable / by John Arden
1960 , New York: Grove
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
origins of totalitarianismThe origins of totalitarianism / by Hannah Arendt
c1973 , San Diego New York London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
ragionamentiThe ragionamenti : the lives of nuns, the lives of married women, the lives of courtesans / Pietro Aretino
1971 , London: Panther
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
nicomachean ethicsNicomachean ethics / Aristotle ; translated, with introduction and notes by Martin Ostwald
1962 , Indianapolis New York: Bobbs Merrill
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
politics of aristotleThe Politics of Aristotle / translated with an introduction, notes and appendixes by Ernest Barker
1958 , London [etc.]: Oxford University press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare and the prince of loveShakespeare and the Prince of love : the feast of misrule in the middle temple / by Anthony Arlidge
2000 , London: DLM
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
orison the two executioners fando and lis the car cemeteryVolume 1: Orison, The two executioners, Fando and Lis, The car cemetery / Arrabal ; translated by Barbara Wright
1976 , London: John Calder
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
guernica the labyrinth the tricycle picnic on the battlefield the condemned man s bicycleVolume 2: Guernica, The Labyrinth, The Tricycle, Picnic on the Battlefield, The Condemned Man's Bicycle : translated from the french by Barbara Wright / Fernando Arrabal
1976 , London: John Calder
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
theater and its doubleThe theater and its double / by Antonin Artaud ; translated from the French by Mary Caroline Richards
1958 , New York: Grove Press
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
perkin warbeck conspiracy 1491 1499The Perkin Warbeck conspiracy, 1491-1499 / Ian Arthurson
1997 , Phoenix Mill [etc.]: Sutton
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
anne askew1: Anne Askew / selected and introduced by John N. King
1996 , Aldershot: Scolar press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
surfacingSurfacing / Margaret Atwood
1972 , New York: Fawcett Crest
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
edible womanThe edible woman / Margaret Atwood
1980 , London: Virago
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
handmaid s taleThe handmaid's tale / Margaret Atwood
1987 , London: Virago
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
handmaid s taleThe handmaid's tale / Margaret Atwood
1987 , New York: Ballantine Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
wilderness tipsWilderness tips / Margaret Atwood
1992 , Toronto: Seal Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
selected poetry of w h audenSelected poetry of W. H. Auden : chosen for this edition by the author
1958 , New York: Random House
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
renaissance womanRenaissance woman : a sourcebook : constructions of femininity in England / edited by Kate Aughterson
1995 , London New York: Routledge
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
emmaEmma / Jane Austen
1994 , London: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
new york trilogyThe New York trilogy / Paul Auster
1988 , London: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
feminist theories from dramatic criticismFeminist theories from dramatic criticism / Gayle Austin
1990 , Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
hiding placeThe hiding place / Trezza Azzopardi
2000 , London: Picador
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
essaysEssays / Francis Bacon ; introduction by Michael J. Hawkins
c1972 , London: J.M. Dent & Sons
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
reformation of the sixteenth centuryThe Reformation of the sixteenth century / Roland H. Bainton
©1952 , Boston: The Beacon Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
samuel beckettSamuel Beckett : a biography / Deirdre Bair
1980 , London: Pan books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to english legal historyAn introduction to English legal history / by J. H. Baker
1990 , London [etc.]: Butterworths
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
chinese civilization and bureaucracyChinese civilization and bureaucracy : variations on a theme / by Etienne Balazs ; translated by H. M. Wright ; edited by Arthur F. Wright
c1964 , New Haven London: Yale University press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
another countryAnother country / James Baldwin
c1962 , New York: Dell
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
song of stoneA song of stone / Iain Banks
1998 , London: Abacus
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
crow roadThe crow road / Iain Banks
1993 , London: Abacus
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
wasp factoryThe wasp factory / Ian Banks
1990 , London: Abacus
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
creating elizabethan tragedyCreating Elizabethan tragedy : the theater of Marlowe and Kyd / C.L. Barber ; edited with and introduction, by Richard P. Wheeler
1988 , Chicago London: the University of Chicago press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
whole journeyThe whole journey : Shakespeare's power of development / C. L. Barber and Richard P. Wheeler
1986 , Berkeley Los Angeles London: University of California Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
english languageThe English language : a historical introduction / Charles Barber
1993 , Cambridge: Cambridge university press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
flaubert s parrotFlaubert's parrot / Julian Barnes
1985 , New York: McGraw-Hill
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
staring at the sunStaring at the sun / Julian Barnes
1987 , London: Pan books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
porcupineThe porcupine / Julian Barnes
1993 , London: Picador
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
feminist fabulationFeminist fabulation : space, postmodern fiction / by Marleen S. Barr
©1992 , Iowa City: University of Iowa Press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
secret scriptureThe secret scripture / Sebastian Barry
2009 , London: Faber and faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
chimeraChimera / John Barth
1982 , London [etc.]: Granada
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
giles goat boy or the revised new syllabusGiles goat-boy or, The revised new syllabus / John Barth
1981 , Toronto [etc.]: Bantam Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
lost in the funhouseLost in the funhouse : fiction for print, tape, live voice / by John Barth
1969 , Toronto [etc.]: Bantam Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sot weed factorThe sot-weed factor / John Barth
1966 , New York: Grosset & Dunlap
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
image music textImage music text / Roland Barthes ; essays selected and translated by Stephen Heath
1984 , London: Fontana paperbacks
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
mythologiesMythologies / Roland Barthes ; selected and translated from the French by Annette Lavers
1973 , London: Paladin
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
italiansThe Italians / Luigi Barzini
1965 , New york: Bantam Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
zweite fremdeDie zweite Fremde : zehn jüdische Lebensbilder / Christoph W. Bauer
c2013 , Innsbruck Wien: Haymon
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
history of the english languageA history of the English language / Albert C.Baugh, Thomas Cable
1993 , Englewood Cliffs (New Jersey): Prentice-Hall International
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare and companyShakespeare and company / Sylvia Beach ; introduction by James Laughlin
1991 , Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
spqrSPQR : a history of ancient Rome / Mary Beard
2015 , New York: Liveright
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
picturing willPicturing will / Ann Beattie
1991 , New York: Vintage Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
crime and the courts in englandCrime and the courts in England : 1660-1800 / J. M. Beattie
c1986 , Princeton : Princeton University press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
king and no kingA king and no king / Beaumont and Fletcher ; edited by Robert K. Turner, Jr.
1963 , Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare at the globe 1599 1609Shakespeare at the Globe, 1599-1609 / Bernard Beckerman
1962 , New York: Macmillan
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
making of modern irelandThe making of modern Ireland : 1603-1923 / by J.C. Beckett
1981 , London Boston: Faber and Faber
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
krapp s last tape and other dramatic piecesKrapp's last tape and other dramatic pieces / Samuel Beckett
1960 , New York: Grove Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
beckett trilogyThe Beckett trilogy : Molloy, Malone dies, The unnamable / Samuel Beckett
1979 , London: Pan books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
hostageThe hostage / by Brendan Behan
1962 , London: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
oroonoko and other writingsOroonoko and other writings / Aphra Behn ; edited with an introduction and notes by Paul Salzman
1998 , Oxford [etc.]: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
rover or the banished cavaliersThe rover or The banished cavaliers / Aphra Behn ; edited by Anne Russell
1999 , Peterborough (Ontario): Broadview Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
biographical dictionary of english women writers 1580 1720A biographical dictionary of English women writers 1580-1720 / Maureen Bell, George Parfitt, Simon Shepherd
1990 , Boston: G.K. Hall $ Co.
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
him with his foot in his mouth and other storiesHim with his foot in his mouth and other stories / Saul Bellow
1985 , London: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
humboldt s giftHumboldtʼs gift / Saul Bellow
1976 , New York: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
adventures of augie marchThe adventures of Augie March : a novel / by Saul Bellow
stampa 1966 , New York: The Viking Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
portable saul bellowThe portable Saul Bellow / with a critical introduction by Gabriel Josipovici ; compiled under the supervision of the author by Edith Tarcov
1974 , New York: Viking press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
subject of tragedyThe subject of tragedy : identity and difference in Renaissance drama / Catherine Belsey
1985 , London: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
illuminationsIlluminations / Walter Benjamin ; edited and with an introduction by Hannah Arendt ; translated by Harry Zohn
1973 , London: Fontana-Collins
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
ale beer and brewsters in englandAle, beer and brewsters in England : womens work in a changing world, 1300-1600 / Judith M. Bennett
1996 , New York Oxford: Oxford University press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeareShakespeare : a biographical handbook / by Gerald Eades Bentley
1964 , New Haven: Yale University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
profession of dramatist in shakespeare s timeThe profession of dramatist in Shakespeare's time : 1590-1642 / Gerald Eades Bentley
1986 , Guildford: Princeton University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
population of oneA population of one / Constance Beresford-Howe
1986 , Toronto: McClelland and Stewart
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
imaginary auditionImaginary audition : Shakespeare on stage and page / Harry Berger, jr
1989 , Berkeley: University of California press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
english civic pageantry 1558 1642English civic pageantry, 1558-1642 / by David M. Bergeron
1971 , Columbia: University of South Carolina press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
east agamennon the fall of the house of usherEast ; Agamennon ; The fall of the house of Usher / Steven Berkoff
1977 , London: Calder
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
greekGreek / by Steven Berkoff
c1980 , [s.l.]: S. Berkoff
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
games people playGames people play : the psychology of human relationships / Eric Berne
1967 , London: Penguin Books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
what do you say after you say helloWhat do you say after you say hello? : the psycology of human destiny / Eric Berne
1973 , New York: Bantam books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
boar s head playhouseThe Boar's Head playhouse / Herbert Berry ; illustrated by C. Walter Hodges
1986 , Washington London Toronto: Folger Shakespeare Library Associated University Presses
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
literature and politics in the english reformationLiterature and politics in the English Reformation / Tom Betteridge
2004 , Manchester New York: Manchester University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
from mankind to marloweFrom Mankind to Marlowe : Growth of structure in the popular drama of Tudor England
1962 , Cambridge (Massachusetts): Harvard University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
modern american drama 1945 1990Modern American drama, 1945-1990 / C. W. E. Bigsby
1992 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
stoppard the playwrightStoppard the playwright / Michael Billington
1987 , London New York: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
refashioning of catholicism 1450 1700The refashioning of Catholicism, 1450-1700 : a reassessment of the counter Reformation / Robert Bireley
1999 , Basingstoke [etc.]: Macmillan
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
out of africaOut of Africa / Karen Blixen
1954 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
closing of the american mindThe closing of the American mind / Alan Bloom
---- , New York: Simon & Schuster
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
thomas heywoodThomas Heywood / by Frederick S. Boas
1975 , New York: Phaeton Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
scientific renaissance 1450 1630The scientific renaissance, 1450-1630 / by Marie Boas
1962 , New York: Harper & Row
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to the theory of musicIntroduction to the theory of music / Howard Boatwtright
1956 , New York: Norton
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
on the demon mania of witchesOn the demon-mania of witches / Jean Bodin ; translated by Randy A. Scott ; abridged with an introduction by Jonathan L. Pearl ; notes by Randy A. Scott and Jonathan L. Pearl
2001 , Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
consolation of philosophyConsolation of philosophy / Boethius ; translated, with introduction and notes by Richard Green
1962 , Indianapolis New York: The Bobbs-Merrill
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
contour in timeContour in time : the plays of Eugene O'Neill / Travis Bogard
1988 , New York: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
man for all seasonsA man for all seasons : a play of sir Thomas More / Robert Bolt ; with notes by E. R. Wood
1963 , London: Heinemann
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
state of revolutionState of revolution : a play in two acts / by Robert Bolt
1977 , London: Heinemann in association with the National Theatre
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
discoverersThe discoverers / Daniel J. Boorstin
1985 , New York: Vintage Books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
labyrinthsLabyrinths : selected stories & other writings / Jorge Luis Borges ; edited by Donald A. Yates & James E. Irby ; preface by Andre Maurois
1964 , New York: New directions book
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
book of imaginary beingsThe book of imaginary beings / Jorge Luis Borges ; with Margarita Guerrero ; translated by Andrew Hurley ; illustred by Peter Sís
2005 , New York [etc.]: Viking
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
under the molehillUnder the molehill : an Elizabethan spy story / John Bossy
c2001 , New Haven and London: Yale University press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
political ontology of martin heideggerThe political ontology of Martin Heidegger / Pierre Bourdieu ; translated by Peter Collier
1991 , Stanford, California: Stanford University Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
commentary on the general prologue to canterbury talesA commentary on the general prologue to Canterbury Tales / by Muriel Bowden
1948 , New York: Macmillan
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
reader s guide to geoffrey chaucerA reader's guide to Geoffrey Chaucer / Muriel Bowden
1964 , New York: The Noonday press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
restlessRestless / William Boyd
2007 , London: Bloomsbury
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
john websterJohn Webster : citizen and dramatist / M. C. Bradbrook
1980 , London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
no not bloomsburyNo, not Bloomsbury / Malcom Bradbury
1989 , London: Arrow books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
mists of avalonThe mists of Avalon / Marion Zimmer Bradley
1984 , New York: Ballantine
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
mother courage and her childrenMother courage and her children : a chronicle of the thirty years war / by Bertolt Brecht ; English version by Eric Bentley
1963 , New York: Grove Press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
parables for the theatreParables for the theatre / two plays by Bertolt Brecht ; revised English versions by Eric Bentley
1966 , London [etc.]: Penguin books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
saint joan of the stockyardsSaint Joan of the stockyards / a drama by Bertolt Brecht ; translated by Frank Jones ; Introduction by Frederic Grab
c1969 , Bloomington: Indiana University Press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
eminent edwardiansEminent edwardians / Piers Brendon
1980 , Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
vexed and troubled englishmen 1590 1642Vexed and troubled Englishmen, 1590-1642 / Carl Bridenbaugh
1968 , New York: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
this stage play worldThis Stage-Play World : English Literature and its Background 1580-1625 / Julia Briggs
1983 , Oxford[Oxfordshire] New York: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
identita dell uomoL'identità dell'uomo / Jacob Bronowski
1968 , Milano: Edizioni di Comunità
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
western intellectual traditionThe western intellectual tradition : from Leonardo to Hegel / J. Bronowski, Bruce Mazlish
1962 , New York: Harper & Row
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
jane eyreJane Eyre : an autobiography / [Charlotte Bronte] ; edited by Currer Bell
1848 , Leipzig: Tauchnitz
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
family and friendsFamily and friends / Anita Brookner
1986 , London: Triad Grafton Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
major worksThe major works / Sir Thomas Browne ; edited with an introduction and notes by C. A. Patrides
1977 , London [etc].: Penguin books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
ordinary menOrdinary men : reserve police battalion 101 and the final solution in Poland / Christopher R. Browning
2001 , London [etc.]: Penguin Books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
third theatreThe third theatre / by Robert Brustein
1970 , New York: Simon and Schuster
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
drama and the market in the age of shakespeareDrama and the market in the age of Shakespeare / Douglas Bruster
1992 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
mother tongueMother tongue : the english language / Bill Bryson
1990 , London: Penguin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
1: The .civilization of the Renaissance in Italy / Jacob Burckhardt ; introduction by Benjamin Nelson and Charles Trinkaus
1958 , New York: Harper & Brothers
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
nothing like the sunNothing like the sun : a story of Shakespeare's love-life / Anthony Burgess
1966 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
pianoplayersThe pianoplayers / Anthony Burgess
1987 , London: Arrow Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
enderby s dark lady or no end to enderbyEnderby's dark lady, or No end to enderby / Anthony Burgess
1985 , London: Abacus
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
language made plainLanguage made plain / Anthony Burgess
1984 , London: Fontana Paperbacks
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
politics of the ancient constitutionThe politics of the ancient constitution : an introduction to English political thought, 1603-1642 / Glenn Burgess
1993 , University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
on symbols and societyOn symbols and society / Kenneth Burke ; edited and with an introduction by Joseph R. Gusfield
1989 , Chicago London: University of Chicago press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
exterminatorExterminator! : a novel / by William S. Burroughs
1979 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
soft machineThe soft machine / William S. Burroughs
1986 , London [etc.]: Paladin Grafton books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ticket that explodedThe ticket that exploded / William S. Burroughs
1987 , New York: Grove Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare s life and stageShakespeare's life and stage / S. H. Burton
1989 , Edinburgh: Chambers
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
mythology and the renaissance tradition in english poetryMythology and the renaissance tradition in English poetry / Douglas Bush
1963 , New York: Norton & Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ravennaRavenna : i mosaici, i monumenti, l'ambiente : [guida storica-artistica] / Gianfranco Bustacchini
1984 , San Lazzaro di Savena (Bo): La fotometalgrafica emiliana
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
virgin in the gardenThe virgin in the garden / A. S. Byatt
1992 , New York: Vintage
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
possessionPossession : a romance / A.S. Byatt
1991 , London: Vintage
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
tag wie sonstEin Tag wie sonst : Horspiele / Heinrich Böll
1980 , München: Deutscher Taschenbuch
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
new england s witches and wizardsNew England's witches and wizards / Robert Ellis Cahill
1983 , Peabody [Mass.]: Chandler-Smith
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
eulogy of judges written by a lawyerEulogy of judges written by a lawyer / Piero Calamandrei ; translated by John Clarke Adams and C. Abbott Phillips, Jr ; with an introduction by B. S. Markesinis
c1992 , Philadelphia: American Law Institute-American Bar Association Committee on Continuing Professional Education
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
reformation debateA reformation debate : Sadoleto's letter to the Genevans and Calvin's reply : with an appendix on the Justification Controversy / John Calvin & Jacopo Sadoleto ; edited with an introduction by John C. Olin
1966 , New York: Harper & Row
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
barone rampanteIl barone rampante / Italo Calvino
1970 , Torino: Einaudi
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
citta invisibiliLe città invisibili / Italo Calvino
1977 , Torino: Einaudi
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
marcovaldo ovvero le stagioni in cittaMarcovaldo, ovvero Le stagioni in città / Italo Calvino ; presentazione e note a cura dell'autore
[1966] , Torino: Einaudi
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
palomarPalomar / Italo Calvino
[1983] , Torino: Einaudi
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ti con zeroTi con zero / Italo Calvino
1977 , Torino: Einaudi
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ultimo viene il corvoUltimo viene il corvo / Italo Calvino
1976 , Torino: Einaudi
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
transformations of myth through timeTransformations of myth through time / Joseph Campbell
1990 , New York [etc.]: Harper & Row
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
strangerThe stranger / by Albert Camus ; translated from the French by Stuart Gilbert
©1946 , New York: Vintage books
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
vademecum del pianista da cameraVademecum del pianista da camera / Bruno Canino
©1997 , Antella [Bagno a Ripoli]: Passigli
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
fascismo a fumettiIl fascismo a fumetti / Claudio Carabba
[1973] , Firenze: Guaraldi
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
storia d italia dall unita ad oggiStoria d'Italia dall'Unità ad oggi / Giampiero Carocci
1975 , Milano: Feltrinelli
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
alice in wonderlandAlice in Wonderland : authoritative texts of Alice's adventures in Wonderland, Through the looking-glass, The hunting of the snark : backgrounds, essays in criticism / Lewis Carroll ; edited by Donald J.Gray
1971 , New York London: Norton & Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
annotated aliceThe annotated Alice : Alice's adventures in Wonderland and Through the looking-glass by Lewis Carroll ; illustrated by John Tenniel ; with an introduction and notes by Martin Gardner
1970 , Harmondsworth: Penguin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
big pictureThe Big picture : on the origins of life, meaning, and the universe itself / Sean Carroll
2016 , New York: Dutton
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
heroes and villainsHeroes and villains / Angela Carter
1981 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
nothing sacredNothing sacred : selected writings / Angela Carter
1982 , London: Virago
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
infernal desire machines of doctor hoffmanThe infernal desire machines of doctor Hoffman / Angela Carter
1982 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
magic toyshopThe magic toyshop / Angela Carter
1967 , London: Virago
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
wise childrenWise children / Angela Carter
1992 , London: Vintage
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
what we talk about when we talk about loveWhat we talk about when we talk about love : stories / by Raymond Carver
1982 , New York: Vintage Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
tragedy of mariam the lady faulkland her lifeThe tragedy of Mariam : the fair Queen of Jewry / Elizabeth Cary, Lady Faulkland . The Lady Faulkland, her life / by one of her daughters ; edited by Barry Weller and Margaret W. Ferguson
1994 , Berkeley [etc.]: University of California Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
feminism and theatreFeminism and theatre / Sue-Ellen Case
1988 , New York: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
linguaggio e mitoLinguaggio e mito : contributo al problema dei nomi degli dei / Ernst Cassirer
1975 , Milano: Garzanti
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
individual and the cosmos in renaissance philosophyThe individual and the cosmos in Renaissance philosophy / Ernst Cassirer ; translated with an introduction by Mario Domandi
1964 , New York Evanston: Harper & Row
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
impressionisti e la loro epocaGli impressionisti e la loro epoca / testo di Jean Cassou
1962 , Roma: Edizioni mediterranee
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
my antoniaMy Antonia / Willa Cather ; foreword by Doris Grumbach
1988 , Boston: Houghton Mifflin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
disowning knowledge in six plays of shakespeareDisowning knowledge in six plays of Shakespeare / Stanely Cavell
1987 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
hiveThe hive / Camilo José Cela ; translated by J.M. Cohen, in consultation with Arturo Barea
1990 , New York: Noonday
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
gods graves and scholarsGods, graves, and scholars : the story of archaeology / by C. W. Ceram ; translated from the German by E. B. Garside and Sophie Wilkins
1972 , Toronto [etc.]: Bantam Books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
exemplary storiesExemplary stories / Cervantes ; translated by C.A. Jones
1972 , London [etc.]: Penguin
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
saggio sulla filosofia delle lingueSaggio sulla filosofia delle lingue / Melchiorre Cesarotti ; saggio introduttivo, annotazioni, commento e bibliografia a cura di U. Perolino
stampa 2001 , [Pescara]: Campus
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
gentleman usherThe gentleman usher / George Chapman ; edited by John Hazel Smith
1970 , London: Edward Arnold
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
what am i doing hereWhat am I doing here / Bruce Chatwin
1990 , London: Pan Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
works of geoffrey chaucerThe works of Geoffrey Chaucer / edited by F. N. Robinson
1957 , Cambridge (Massachusetts): Riverside Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
reinventing eveReinventing Eve : modern woman in search of herself / by Kim Chernin
1988 , New York [etc.]: Harper & Row
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
theories of modern artTheories of modern art : a source book by artists and critics / Herschel B. Chipp ; contributions by Peter Selz and Joshua C. Taylor
c1968 , Berkeley: University of California
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
language and responsibilityLanguage and responsibility / Noam Chomsky ; based on conversations with Mitsou Ronat ; translated from the French by John Viertel
c1979 , New York: Pantheon Books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
rules and representationsRules and representations / by Noam Chomsky
1980 , Oxford: Blackwell
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
and then there were noneAnd then there were none / Agata Christie
1977 , New York: Pocket Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
poirot loses a clientPoirot loses a client / Agatha Christie
1980 , New York: Dell
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
mysterious affair at stylesThe mysterious affair at styles / Agata Christie
1961 , New york: Bantam Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
churchill shortsChurchill: shorts / short plays by Caryl Churchill
1990 , London: Nick Hern Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
cloud nineCloud nine : a play / by Caryl Churchill
1980 , London: Pluto
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
fenFen / Caryl Churchill
1983 , London: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
light shining in buckinghamshireLight shining in Buckinghamshire / Caryl Churchill
1978 , London: Pluto press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
playsPlays : two / Caryl Churchill
1990 , London: Metuhen Drama
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
skrikerThe skriker / Caryl Churchill
1994 , London: Nick Hern books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
top girlsTop girls / Caryl Churchill
1982 , London: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
trapsTraps / Caryl Churchill
1978 , London: Pluto press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
can yoy hear me at the backCan yoy hear me at the back? / Brian Clark
1979 , Ashover: Amber Lane
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
five playsFive plays / Jean Cocteau
c1961 , New York: Hill and Wang
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
machine infernaleLa machine infernale : pièce en 4 actes / Jean Cocteau
1982 , [Paris]: Grasset
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare s culture of violenceShakespeareʼs culture of violence / Derek Cohen
1993 , Basingstoke London New York: MacMillan St. Martinʼs Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
beautiful losersBeautiful losers / Leonard Cohen
1972 , Frogmore (St. Albans): Panther
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
third part of the institutes of the laws of englandThe third part of the institutes of the laws of England : concerning high treason, and other pleas of the Crown and criminal causes / authore Edwardo Coke
2002 , Union, N.J.: Lawbook Exchange
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
known and strange thingsKnown and strange things : essays / Teju Cole
2016 , New York: Random House
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
patrick whitePatrick White / John Colmer
1984 , London New York: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
last of the mohicansThe last of the Mohicans : a narrative of 1757 / by J. F. Cooper ; revised, corrected, and illustrated with a new introduction, etc. by the author
1835 , Paris: Baudry's European Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
searching for shakespeareSearching for Shakespeare / Tarnya Cooper ; with essays by Marcia Pointon, James Shapiro and Stanley Wells
2006 , London: National Portrait Gallery
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
modern philosophy descartes to leibniz4: Modern philosophy : Descartes to Leibniz / by Frederick Copleston
1963 , Garden City, New York: Image books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
modern philosophy 2 kant6.2: Modern philosophy. 2, Kant / by Frederick Copleston
1964 , Garden City: Image Books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
stoppardStoppard : the mystery and the clockwork / Richard Corballis
1984 , Oxford: Amber Lane
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
trattato di decomposizioneTrattato di decomposizione / di Franco Cordero
1970 , Bari: De Donato
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare s neighborsShakespeare's neighbors : theory matters in the bard and his contemporaries / Rocco Coronato
2001 , New York: University Press of America
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
birth marriage and deathBirth, marriage, and death : ritual, religion, and the life-cycle in Tudor and Stuart England / David Cressy
1997 , Oxford: Oxford university press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
jurassic parkJurassic Park / Michael Crichton
1991 , New York: Ballantine books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
rising sunRising sun / Michael Crichton
1993 , New York: Ballantine books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
thomas cromwell on church and commonwealthThomas Cromwell on church and commonwealth : selected letters, 1523-1540 / edited with an introd. by Arthur J. Slavin
1969 , New York: Harper & Row
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
outline of the law of evidenceOutline of the law of evidence / Cross and Wilkins
1996 , London [etc.]: Butterworths
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
free agentFree agent : the unseen war, 1941-1991 / Brian Crozier
1993 , London: Harper Collins
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
investigating english styleInvestigating English style / [by] David Crystal, Derek Davy
1969 , [London]: Longman
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
cambridge encyclopedia of english languageThe Cambridge encyclopedia of English language / David Crystal
1995 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
english languageThe English language / David Crystal
c1988 , London: Penguin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
penguin dictionary of literary terms and literary theoryThe penguin dictionary of literary terms and literary theory / J. A. Cuddon
1992 , London: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
framing the signFraming the sign : criticism and its institutions / Jonathan Culler
1988 , Oxford: Basil Blackwell
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
e e cummingsE. E. Cummings : a selection of poems ; with an introduction by Horace Gregory
1965 , New York: Harcourt, Brace & World
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
voyage au bout de la nuitVoyage au bout de la nuit / Louis-Ferdinand Céline
c1952 , Paris: Gallimard
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
elizabethan and jacobean poetsElizabethan and Jacobean poets : studies in Sidney, Shakespeare, Beaumont & Fletcher / by John F. Danby
1965 , London: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
panegyrike with a defence of ryme 1603A panegyrike with A defence of ryme, [1603]
1969 , Menston: The Scholar Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
delia with the complaint of rosamond 1592Delia with The complaint of Rosamond, 1592 / Samuel Daniel
1969 , Menston: Scolar press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
playsPlays : Two / Sarah Daniels
1994 , London: Methuen Drama
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
kiss of lamouretteThe kiss of Lamourette : reflection in cultural history / Robert Darnton
1990 , New York London: W. W. Norton
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
deptford trilogyThe Deptford trilogy / Robertson Davies
1983 , Harmondsworth: Penguin
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
fiction in the archivesFiction in the archives : pardon tales and their tellers in Sixteenth-Century France / Natalie Zemon Davis
1987 , Stanford: Stanford University Press
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
law tricks 1608Law tricks, 1608 / by John Day ; [prepared by John Crow with assistance from W.W. Greg and the General Editor]
1950 , [London]: Malone Society
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
letteratura e storiaLetteratura e storia / Lidia De Federicis
1998 , Roma: GLF editori Laterza
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
troublesome offspring of cardinal guzmanThe troublesome offspring of Cardinal Guzman / Louis De Bernieres
1993 , London: Minerva
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
mythmaking and metaphor in black women s fictionMythmaking and metaphor in black women's fiction / Jacqueline de Weever
1992 , New York: St. Martin's Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
biography of william caxtonA biography of William Caxton : the first English editor / Richard Deacon
1976 , London: Frederick Muller
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
revolutionizing the sciencesRevolutionizing the sciences : European knowledge and its ambitions, 1500-1700 / Peter Dear
2009 , Princeton: Princeton University Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
old fortunatus 1600Old fortunatus, 1600 / Thomas Dekker
[1971] , Menston: Scolar Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shoemakers holidayThe shoemakers' holiday : 1600 / Thomas Dekker
1971 , Menston: Scolar Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
rationalistsThe rationalists / René Descartes, Benedict de Spinoza, Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr Von Leibniz
1974 , Garden City (New York): Anchor books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
reading shakespeare s charactersReading Shakespeare's characters : rhetoric, ethics, and identity / Christy Desmet
1992 , Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
problemi dell adolescenzaProblemi dell'adolescenza / Helene Deutsch
©1974 , Firenze: La nuova Italia
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
old englishOld English : grammar and reader / by Robert E. Diamond
1970 , Detroit: Wayne State University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
old curiosity shopThe old curiosity shop / Charles Dickens ; edited by Angus Easson with an introduction by Malcolm Andrews and original illustrations by George Cattermole ... [et al.]
1972 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
american notes for general circulationAmerican notes for general circulation / by Charles Dickens
1842 , Leipzig: Bernard Tauchnitz
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
david copperfieldDavid Copperfield / Charles Dickens
1988 , [s.n]: Galley Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
dealings with the firm of dombey and son wholesale retail and for exportationDealings with the firm of Dombey and son wholesale, retail, and for exportation / by Charles Dickens
1847-1848 , Leipzig: Tauchnitz
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
nicholas nicklebyNicholas Nickleby / Charles Dickens ; edited with an introduction and notes by Michael Slater ; original illustrations by Hablot K. Browne (Phiz)
1978 , London: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
oliver twistOliver Twist / Charles dickens ; introduction by G.K. Chesterton
1907 , London Melburne: Dent
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
selected poems and letters of emily dickinsonSelected poems and letters of Emily Dickinson : together with Thomas Wentworth Higginsonʼs account of his correspondance with the poet and his visit to her in Amherst / edited, with an introduction, by Robert N. Linscott
1959 , Garden City (N.Y.): Doubleday
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
monacaLa monaca / Denis Diderot
[1966] , Firenze: Sansoni
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ragtimeRagtime / by E.L. Doctorow
1976 , Toronto [etc.]: Bantam Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
city of godCity of God : a novel / E. L. Doctorow
2000 , London: Abacus
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
lives of the poetsLives of the poets : six stories and a novella / E. L. Doctorow
1986 , New York: Avon books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
welcome to hard timesWelcome to hard times / E. L. Doctorow
1963 , London Sidney: Pan books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
world s fairWorldʼs fair / E. L. Doctorow
1985 , New York: Fawcett Crest
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
limite dell ombraIl limite dell'ombra : le figure della soglia nel teatro inglese fra Cinque e Seicento / Mario Domenichelli
1994 , Milano: F. Angeli
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
history of italian literatureA history of italian literature / Eugenio Donadoni ; with additional materials on Twentieth century literature by Ettore Mazzali and Robert J. Clements ; translated by Richard Monges
1969 , New York London: New York University Press University of London Press
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
by force of willBy force of will : the life and art of Ernest Hemingway / Scott Donaldson
1978 , Harmondsworth [etc.]: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
complete english poemsThe complete english poems / John Donne ; edited by A. J. Smith
1986 , Harmondworth: Penguin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
feminist theoryFeminist theory : the intellectual traditions of American feminist / Josephine Donovan
1992 , New York: Continuum
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
endeavors of artEndeavors of art : a study of form in Elizabethan drama / by Madeleine Doran
1954 , Madison: University of Wisconsin Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
princes pastors and peoplePrinces, pastors and people : the church and religion in England, 1529-1689 / Susan Doran and Christoper Durston
©1991 , London New York: Routledge
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
history of music in performanceThe history of music in performance : the art of musical interpretation from the Renaissance to our day / by Frederick Dorian
1966 , New York: Norton
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
midcenturyMidcentury / John Dos Passos
1962 , New York: Pocket Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
notes from underground the doubleNotes from underground ; The double / Fyodor Dostoyevsky ; translated with an introduction by Jessie Coulson
1982 , London: Penguin books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
sherlock holmesSherlock Holmes : selected stories / Arthur Conan Doyle ; introduction by S. C. Roberts
1980 , Oxford New York: Oxford University press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
summer burd cageA summer burd-cage / Margaret Drabble
1963 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
jerusalem the goldenJerusalem the golden / Margaret Drabble
1969 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
garrick yearThe Garrick Year / Margaret Drabble
1966 , London: Penguin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
middle groundThe middle ground / Margaret Drabble
1982 , Toronto [etc.]: Bantam Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
the needle s eyeThe needle's eye / Margaret Drabble
1973 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
susan du verger5: Susan du Verger / selected and introduced by Jane Collins
1996 , Aldershot: Scolar press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
happier edenA happier Eden : the politics of marriage in the Stuart epithalamium / Heather Dubrow
1990 , Ithaca, N.Y. London: Cornell University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare and the nature of womenShakespeare and the nature of Women / Juliet Dusimberre
1996 , New York: St.Martin's Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
angel comes to babylon romulus the greatAn angel comes to Babylon ; & Romulus the Great / Friedrich Dürrenmatt
[1966] , New York: Grove
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
literary theoryLiterary theory : an introduction / Terry Eagleton
1983 , Minneapolis: University of Minnesota press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
significance of theoryThe significance of theory / Terry Eagleton
1990 , Oxford: Blackwell
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
william shakespeareWilliam Shakespeare / Terry Eagleton
1986 , Oxford Cambridge (Massachusetts): Basil Blackwell
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
poetry as discoursePoetry as discourse / Antony Easthope
1983 , London and New York: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
baudolinoBaudolino / Umberto Eco ; translated from the Italian by William Weaver
2003 , London: Vintage
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
memory keeper s daughterThe memory keeper's daughter / Kim Edwards
2007 , London: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
making of the modern english state 1460 1660The making of the modern English state, 1460-1660 / Philip Edwards
2001 , Basingstoke New York: Palgrave
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
against the grainAgainst the grain : an autobiography / Boris Yeltsin ; translated by Michael Glenny
1990 , New York: Summit Books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
semiotics of theatre and dramaThe semiotics of theatre and drama / Keir Elam
1980 , London New York: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
mill on the flossThe mill on the floss / by George Eliot
1903 , London: Grant Richards
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
four quartetsFour quartets / T. S. Eliot
1943 , New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
on poetry and poetsOn poetry and poets / T.S.Eliot
1961 , New York: The Noonday Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
murder in the cathedralMurder in the cathedral / by T. S. Eliot
1963 , New York: Harcourt, Brace & World
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
english legal systemEnglish legal system / Catherine Elliott and France Quinn
2006 , Harlow [etc.]: Pearson Longman
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
language thought and logicLanguage, thought, and logic / John M. Ellis
1993 , Evanston: Northwestern university press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
one fairy story too manyOne fairy story too many : the brothers Grimm and their tales / John M. Ellis
1983 , Chicago London: University of Chicago press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
tudor irelandTudor Ireland : crown, community and the conflict of cultures, 1470-1603 / Steven G. Ellis
c1985 , London and New York: Longman
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
post war british theatrePost-war British theatre / John Elsom
1976 , London [etc.]: Routledge and Kegan Paul
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
england under the tudorsEngland under the Tudors / by G. R. Elton
1962 , London New York: Methuen Barnes & Noble
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
policy and policePolicy and police : the enforcement of the Reformation in the age of Thomas Cromwell / [by] G.R. Elton
1972 , Cambridge: University Press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
reform and reformationReform and Reformation : England 1509-1558 / G.R. Elton
1977 , London: E. Arnold
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
reformation europeReformation Europe : 1517-1559 / G. R. Elton
1966 , New York: Harper Torchooks
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
parliament of england 1559 1581The Parliament of England, 1559-1581 / G. R. Elton
1986 , Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge University Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
things we couldn t sayThings we couldn't say / Diet Eman with James Schaap
2003 , Carlisle: Monarch Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
evidenceEvidence / Raymond Emson
2006 , Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
christian humanism and the reformationChristian humanism and the reformation : selected writings with the life of Erasmus by Beatus Rhenanus / edited by John C. Olin
1965 , New York: Harper & Row
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
erasmus on womenErasmus on women / edited by Erika Rummel
©1996 , Toronto [etc.]: University of Toronto press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
essential erasmusThe essential Erasmus / selected and newly translated with introduction and commentary by John P. Dolan
1964 , New York: The New American Library
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
patriarchal structures in shakespeare s dramaPatriarchal structures in Shakespeare's drama / Peter Erickson
1985 , Berkely [etc.]: University of California Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
brechtBrecht : a choice of evils : a critical study of the man, his work and his opinions / Martin Esslin
1970 , London: Heinemann
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
field of dramaThe field of drama : how the signs of drama create meaning on stage and screen / Martin Esslin
1987 , London: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
lytell cronycleA lytell cronycle : Richard Pynson's translation (c1520) of La fleur des histoires de la terre d'Orient (c1307) / Hetoum ; edited by Glenn Burger
1988 , Toronto [etc.]: University of Toronto press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
orestes and other playsOrestes and other Plays / Euripides ; translated with an introduction by Philip Vellacott
1972 , London: Penguin
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
bacchaeThe Bacchae : and other plays / Euripides ; translated by Philip Vellacott
1973 , Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
word playWord play : what happens when people talk / by Peter Farb
1975 , [New York]: Bantam
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare s tragic frontierShakespeare's tragic frontier : the world of his final tragedies / by Willard Farnham
1950 , Berkeley: California University Press
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absalom absalomAbsalom, Absalom / William Faulkner ; introduction by Harvey Breit
1951 , New York: Random House
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
go down mosesGo down, Moses / William Faulkner
1942 , New York: Random House
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
light in augustLight in August / by William Faulkner
c1959 , New York: Random House
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
requiem for a nunRequiem for a nun / William Faulkner
1960 1965 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books in association with Chatto & Windus
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
hamletThe Hamlet / William Faulkner
1940 , New York: Vintage Books
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signs symbols in christian art with illustrations from paintings of the renaissanceSigns & symbols in Christian art / by George Ferguson with illustrations from paintings of the Renaissance
1961 c1954 , New York: Oxford University Press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
bridget jone s diaryBridget Jone's diary : a novel / Helen Fielding
2001 , London: Picador
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
formation of englandThe formation of England : 550-1042 / H. P. R. Finberg
c1974 , London: Hart-Davis Mac Gibbon, Paladin Grafton books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare s perjured eyeShakespeare's perjured eye : the invention of poetic subjectivity in the sonnets / Joel Fineman
1986 , Berkeley London: Los Angeles University of California press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
john marston of the middle templeJohn Marston of the Middle Temple : an Elizabethan dramatist in his social setting
1969 , Cambridge (Massachusetts): Harvard University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
fantasy and politicsFantasy and politics : visions of the future in the Weimar Republic / Peter S. Fisher
c1991 , Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
madame bovaryMadame Bovary : a story of provincial life / Gustave Flaubert ; translated by Alan Russell
1950 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sentimental educationSentimental education / Gustave Flaubert ; translated with an introduction by Robert Baldick
1964 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
conscience courageConscience & courage : rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust / Eva Fogelman
1995 , New York: Anchor Books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
passage to indiaA passage to India / E.M. Forster ; edited by Oliver Stallybrass
1936 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
discipline and punishDiscipline and punish : the birth of the prison / Michel Foucault ; translated from the French by Alan Sheridan
1991 , London: Penguin books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
language counter memory practiceLanguage, counter-memory, practice : selected essays and interviews / Michel Foucault ; edited with an introduction by Donald F. Bouchard ; translated from the French by Donald F. Bouchard and Sherry Simon
1980 , Ithaca New York: Cornell university press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
mantissaMantissa / John Fowles
1993 , London: Pan Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
aristosThe Aristos / John Fowles
1981 , (s.l.): Granada
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
magusThe magus / John Fowles ; with a foreword by the author
1977 , London: Triad Panther
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ebony towerThe ebony tower / John Fowles
1985 , London: Panther Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
emergence of the modern european worldThe emergence of the modern European world : from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth century / Edward Whiting Fox ; with the editorial assistance of Susan Harris Shefter
1991 , Cambridge, MA Oxford, UK: Blackwell
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
city marriage tournamentCity, marriage, tournament : arts of rule in late medieval Scotland / Louise Olga Fradenburg
c1991 , Madison: The University of Wisconsin press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
snowman snowmanSnowman Snowman : fables and fantasies / Janet Frame
1993 , New York: George Braziller
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
carpathiansThe Carpathians / Janet Frame
1988 , New York: George Braziller
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
adaptable manThe adaptable man / Janet Frame
1965 , New York: George Braziller
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
edge of the alphabetThe edge of the alphabet : a novel / Janet Frame
1991 , New York: George Braziller
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
autobiography and other writingsThe autobiography and other writings / by Benjamin Franklin ; edited and with an Introduction by Peter Shaw
1989 , New York: Bantam
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
desire for originsDesire for origins : new language, old English, and teaching the tradition / Allen J. Frantzen.
1990 , New Brunswick London: Rutgers university
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
freedomFreedom / Jonathan Franzen
2010 , London: Fourth Estate
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
gunpowder plotThe Gunpowder Plot : terror & faith in 1605 / Antonia Fraser
1999 , London: Arrow Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
fight against fearsFight against fears / Lucy Freeman
1952 , New York: Pocket Cardinal
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
civilization and its discontens3: Civilization and its discontens / Sigmund Freud ; newly translated from the German and edited by James Strachey
c1961 , New York London: Norton & Company
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
group psychology and the analysis of the ego8: Group psychology and the analysis of the ego / Sigmund Freud ; translated and edited by James Strachey
c1989 , New York London: Norton & C.
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
art and literatureArt and literature : Jensen's Gradiva, Leonardo da Vinci and other works / Sigmund Freud ; edited by Albert Dickson ; translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey
1985 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
jokes and their relation to the unconsciousJokes and their relation to the unconscious / Sigmund Freud ; newly translated from the German and edited by James Strachey
1963 , New York: Norton
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
new introductory lectures on psychoanalysisNew introductory lectures on psychoanalysis / Sigmund Freud ; translated by James Strachey ; edited by Angela Richards
1973 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
nazi germany and the jews 1933 1945Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1933-1945 / Saul Friedlander ; abridged by Orna Kenan
c2009 , London: Phoenix
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
faith healerFaith healer / Brian Friel
1980 , London Boston: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
philadelphia here i comePhiladelphia, here I come| / Brian Friel
1965 , London: Faber and faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
communication cordThe communication cord / Brian Friel
1983 , London: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
communication cordThe communication cord / Brian Friel
1989 , Loughcrew, Oldcastle (County Meath): The Gallery Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
translationsTranslations / Brian Friel
1981 , London: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
iron windAn iron wind : Europe under Hitler / Peter Fritzsche
2016 , New York: Basic Books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
chroniclesChronicles / Froissart ; selected, translated, and edited by Geoffrey Brereton
1978 , Harmondsworth: Penguin
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
playsPlays / Christopher Fry
1970 , London [etc.]: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
playsPlays / Christopher Fry
1971 , London [etc.]: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
playsPlays / Christopher Fry
1969 , London: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
fools of timeFools of time : studies in Shakespearean tragedy / Northrop Frye
1967 , Toronto: University of Toronto Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
natural perspectiveA natural perspective : the development of Shakespearean comedy and romance / Northrop Frye
1965 , New York: Columbia University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
anatomy of criticismAnatomy of criticism : four essays / by Northrop Frye
1957 , Princeton: Princeton University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
good conscienceThe good conscience / by Carlos Fuentes ; translated by Sam Hileman
1986 , London: Andre Deutsch
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
old gringoThe old gringo / Carlos Fuentes ; translated by Margaret Sayers Peden and the author
1987 , London: Pan Books
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
where the air is clearWhere the air is clear / a novel by Carlos Fuentes ; translated by Sam Hileman
1986 , London: Andre Deutsch
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
worthies of englandThe Worthies of England / Thomas Fuller ; edited with an Introduction and Notes by John Freeman
1952 , London: Allen and Unwin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
magritteMagritte / Suzi Gablik
1970 , Greenwich: New York Graphic Society
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
quer pasticciaccio brutto de via merulanaQuer pasticciaccio brutto de Via Merulana / Carlo Emilio Gadda : romanzo
1971 , Milano: Garzanti
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
salome mostruosa fanciullaSalomè, mostruosa fanciulla / Giuseppe Galigani
2012 , Firenze: Firenze University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
medusa s gazeMedusa's gaze : casuistry and coscience in the Renaissance / Lowell Gallagher
1991 , Stanford: Stanford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare s ghost writersShakespeare's ghost writers : literature as uncanny causality / Marjorie Garber
1987 , New York: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
nozze di sangue yerma donna rosita nubile la casa di bernarda albaNozze di sangue ; Yerma ; Donna Rosita nubile ; La casa di Bernarda Alba / Federico Garcia Lorca ; traduzione di Vittorio Bodini
1967 , Milano: A. Mondadori
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
three tragediesThree tragedies : Blood wedding, Yerma, Bernarda Alba / by Federico García Lorca ; translated by James Graham-Luján and Richard L. O'Connell ; introduction by Francisco García Lorca
1955 , New York: New Directions
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
cent anni di solitudineCent'anni di solitudine : romanzo / Gabriel Garcìa Marquez
1973 , Milano: Feltrinelli
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
chronicle of a death foretoldChronicle of a death foretold / Gabriel Garcia Marquez ; translated from the Spanish by Gregory Rabassa
1983 , London: Picador
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
cronica de una muerte anunciadaCrónica de una muerte anunciada / Gabriel García Márquez
1982 , Barcelona: Bruguera
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
in evil hourIn evil hour / Gabrile García Márquez ; translalted from the Spanish by Gregory Rabassa
1980 , New York: Bard Books
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
love in the time of choleraLove in the time of cholera / Gabriel García Márquez ; translated from the Spanish by Edith Grossman
1989 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
trial of witchesA trial of witches : a seventeenth-century witchcraft prosecution / Gilbert Geis and Ivan Bunn
1997 , London New York: Routledge
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
dusa fish stat and viDusa, Fish, Stat and VI / Pam Gems
1985 , London [etc.]: Samuel French
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
piafPiaf / Pam Gems
1979 , Ashover: Amber Lane
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
gerard s herbalGerard's herbal : the history of plants / edited by Marcus Woodward
1994 , London: Senate
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
vanquishedThe vanquished : why the First World War fail to end 1917-1923 / Robert Gerwarth
2016 , [S.l.]: Allen Lane
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
dalla parte delle bambineDalla parte delle bambine : l'influenza dei condizionamenti sociali nella formazione del ruolo femminile nei primi anni di vita / Elena Gianini Belotti
1973 , Milano: Feltrinelli
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
mla handbook for writers of research papersMLA handbook for writers of research papers / Joseph Gibaldi, Walter S. Achtert
1988 , New York: The Modern Language Association of America
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
mla handbook for writers of research papersMLA handbook for writers of research papers / Joseph Gibaldi
2003 , New York: The Modern Language Association of America
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sotterranei del vaticanoI sotterranei del Vaticano / André Gide ; versione di Roberto Ortolani
1965 , Milano: Garzanti
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
righteousThe righteous : the unsung heroes of the Holocaust / Martin Gilbert
2003 , London: Black Swan
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare and the geography of differenceShakespeare and the geography of difference / John Gillies
1994 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
clues myths and the historical methodClues, myths, and the historical method / Carlo Ginzburg ; translated by John and Anne C. Tedeschi
1992 , Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
lessico famigliareLessico famigliare / Natalia Ginzburg ; introduzione di Cesare Garboli
1972 , Milano: A. Mondadori
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
four playsFour plays / Jean Giraudoux ; adapted and with an introduction by Maurice Valency
[1958] , New York: Hill and Wang
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
robert fluddRobert Fludd : hermetic philosopher and surveyor of two worlds / Joscelyn Godwin
c1979 , London: Thames and Hudson
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
goethe s faustGoethe's Faust : parts 1. and 2. / an abridged version translated by Louis Macneice
1961 , New York: Oxford University Press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
raging turke the couragious turkeThe raging Turke ; The couragious Turke / [by Thomas Goffe]
1974 , [Oxford]: Malone Society
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
hitler s willing executionersHitlerʼs willing executioners : ordinary Germans and the Holocaust / Daniel Jonah Godhagen
1997 , London: Abacus
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
contemporary feminist theatresContemporary feminist theatres : to each her own / Lizbeth Goodman
1993 , London New York: Routledge
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
burger s daughterBurger's Daughter / Nadine Gordimer
1980 , London: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
saltoIl salto / Nadine Gordimer
1992 , Milano: Feltrinelli
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
something out thereSomething out there / Nadine Gordimer
1985 , London: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
time s arrow time s cycleTime's arrow, time's cycle : myth and metaphor in the discovery of geological time / Stephen Jay Gould
1987 , London: Penguin books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
confessio amantis the lover s shriftConfessio amantis = The lover's shrift / John Gower ; translated into modern English with an introduction by Terence Tiller
1963 , Harmondsworth [etc.]: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
literature against itselfLiterature against itself : literary ideas in modern society / by Gerald Graff
1979 , Chicago London: University of Chicago press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
language and the distortion of meaningLanguage and the distortion of meaning / Patrick de Gramont
c1990 , New York London: New York university press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
cat and mouseCat and mouse / Günter Grass ; translated from the German by Ralph Manheim
stampa 1971 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
dog yearsDog years / Gunter Grass ; translated by Ralph Manheim
1983 , New York: Fawcett Crest [published by Ballantine Books]
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
four playsFour Plays / Günter Grass ; Introduction by Martin Esslin
1967 , New York: Harcourt, Brace & World
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
from the diary of a snailFrom the diary of a snail / Gunter Grass
1976 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
headbirths or the germans are dying outHeadbirths or the Germans are dying out / Gunter Grass ; translated by Ralph Manheim
1983 , New York: Fawcett Crest [published by Ballantine Books]
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
local anaestheticLocal anaesthetic / Gunter Grass
1979 , New York: Fawcett Crest
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
flounderThe Flounder / a novel by Gunter Grass
1983 , New York: Fawcett Crest published by Ballantine Books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
elizabethan parliaments 1559 1601Elizabethan Parliaments, 1559-1601 / Michael A. R. Graves
1996 , London and New York: Longman
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
1 the greek mythsThe Greek Myths: 1: [The Greek Myths] / Robert Graves
1960 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
copyhold equity and the common lawCopyhold, equity and the common law / Charles Montgomery Gray
1963 , Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
language unboundLanguage unbound : on experimental writing by women / Nancy Gray
1992 , Urbana Chicago: University of Illinois Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
unnatural pursuitAn unnatural pursuit : and other pieces / Simon Gray
1985 , London Boston: Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
close of play pig in a pokeClose of play ; &, Pig in a poke / Simon Gray
1978 , London: Eyre Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
dutch uncleDutch uncle / by Simon Gray
1969 , London: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
otherwise engagedOtherwise engaged : and other plays / Simon Gray
1976 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
common pursuitThe common pursuit : scenes from the literary life / Simon Gray
c1984 , London New York: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
holy terror tartuffeThe holy terror : Melon revised Tartuffe : an adaptation / Simon Gray
1990 , London Boston: Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
rear columnThe rear column : and other plays / Simon Gray
1978 , London: Eyre Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
gods of the celtsThe gods of the Celts / Miranda Green
1986 , Gloucester Totowa: Alan Sutton Barnes and Noble Books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
inns of court and early english dramaThe Inns of Court and early English drama / by A.Wigfall Green ; with a preface by Roscoe Pound
1965 , New York: Benjamin Blom
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
learning to curseLearning to curse : essays in early modern culture / Stephen J. Greenblatt
1990 , New York London: Routledge
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
renaissance self fashioningRenaissance self-fashioning : from More to Shakespeare / Stephen Greenblatt
1984 , Chicago London: University of Chicago press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
friar bacon and friar bungayFriar Bacon and Friar Bungay / Robert Greene ; edited by Daniel Seltzer
1963 , Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
the impossible lives of greta wellsThe impossible lives of Greta Wells / Andrew Sean
2013 , London: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
on meaningOn meaning : selected writings in semiotic theory / Algirdas Julien Greimas ; translation by Paul J. Perron and Frank H. Collins ; foreword by Frederic Jameson ; introduction by Paul J. Perron
1987 , Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
poetry of john donne and the metaphysical poetsThe poetry of John Donne and the metaphysical poets / Joseph E. Grennen
1965 , New York: Monarch press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
cross currents in english literature of the seventeenth centuryCross currents in English literature of the Seventeenth Century : or, The world, the flesh & the spirit, their actions & reactions
[1966] , Baltimore: Penguin in association with Chatto & Windus
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
brethrenThe brethren / John Grisham
2000 , London: Arrow
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
other schindlersThe other Schindlers : why some people chose to save Jews in the Holocaust / Agnes Grunwald-Spier
2011 , Stroud: The history Press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
romance of the roseThe romance of the Rose / by Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun ; translated into English verse by Harry W. Robbins ; edited and with an introduction by Charles W. Dunn
1962 , New York: Dutton
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
playgoing in shakespeares londonPlaygoing in Shakespeares London / Andrew Gurr
1987 , Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge University press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
tudor englandTudor England / John Guy
1990 , Oxford: Oxford University press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
in a dark wood wanderingIn a dark wood wandering / Hella S. Haasse ; revised and edited by Anita Miller from an English translation from the Dutch by Lewis C. Kaplan
1991 , Chicago: Academy C
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
pocket style manualA pocket style manual / Diana Hacker
c2004 , Boston New York: Bedford/St. Martin's
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
curious incident of the dog in the night timeThe curious incident of the dog in the night-time / Mark Haddon
2004 , London: Vintage
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sheShe / H. Rider Haggard ; edited with an introduction by Daniel Karlin
1991 , Oxford New York: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
nazi officer s wifeThe Nazi officer's wife : how one Jewish woman survived the Holocaust / Edith Hahn Beer with Susan Dworkin
2001 , London: Abacus
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
voyages and dscoveriesVoyages and dscoveries : the principal navigations voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English Nation / Richard Hakluyt ; edited, abridged and introduced by Jack Beeching
1985 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
primer of jungian psychologyA primer of jungian psychology / Calvin S. Hall and Vernon J. Nordby
c1973 , New York: New American library
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
court of virtue 1565The court of virtue (1565) / John Hall ; edited and with an introduction by Russell A. Fraser
1961 , New Brunswick (New Jersey): Rutgers University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
rise of puritanism or the way to the new jerusalem as set forth in pulpit and press from thomas cartwright to john lilburne and john milton 1570 1643The rise of puritanism, or The way to the New Jerusalem as set forth in pulpit and press from Thomas Cartwright to John Lilburne and John Milton, 1570-1643 / by William Haller
1957 , New York: Harper & Brothers
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeareShakespeare / F. E. Halliday
1986 , [London]: Thames and Hudson
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
image of america in montaigne spenser and shakespeareThe image of America in Montaigne, Spenser, and Shakespeare : Renaissance ethnography and literary reflection / William M. Hamlin
1995 , New York: St. Martin's Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
able s willAble's will / Christopher Hampton
1979 , London Boston: Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
tales from hollywoodTales from Hollywood / Christopher Hampton
1983 , London Boston: Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
total eclipseTotal eclipse / Christopher Hampton
1981 , London: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
treatsTreats / a play by Christopher Hampton
1976 , London: Faber & Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
writing from historyWriting from history : the rhetoric of exemplarity in Renaissance literature / Timothy Hampton
1990 , Ithaca London: Cornell University Press
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ties that boundThe ties that bound : peasant families in medieval England / Barbara A. Hanawalt
1986 , New York: Oxford University Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
two novelsTwo novels / by Peter Handke ; translated by Ralph Manheim
1979 , New York: Avon books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
william shakespeareWilliam Shakespeare : a reader's guide / Alfred Harbage
1963 , New York: Noonday Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
social history of english lawA social history of English law / Alan Harding
1973 , Gloucester: Peter Smith
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
christian rite and christian drama in the middle agesChristian rite and Christian drama in the Middle Ages : essays in the origin and early history of modern drama / by O. B. Hardison
1965 , Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
jude the obscureJude the Obscure / Thomas Hardy
1959 , New York: Dell
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
nugae antiquae 1779Nugae antiquae (1779) / John Harington ; edited by Henry Harington
1968 , Hildesheim: Georg Olms
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
elizabethan plays and playersElizabethan plays and players / G. B. Harrison
1956 , Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
description of englandThe description of England : the classic contemporary account of Tudor social life / by William Harrison ; edited by Georges Edelen
1994 , Washington New York: The Folger Shakespeare Library Dover Publications
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
rule of lawThe rule of law : 1603-1660 : crown, courts and judges / James S. Hart Jr
2003 , Harlow: Pearsons, Longman
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
when the moon is lowWhen the moon is low / Nadia Hashimi
2015 , New York: William Morrow
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
forest unseenThe forest unseen : a year's watch in nature / David George Haskell
2013 , New York: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
hamletHamlet / Michael Hattaway
1987 , Houndmills London: Macmillan
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
that shakespeherian ragThat Shakespeherian rag : essays on a critical process / Terence Hawkes
1986 , London New York: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
classics and trashClassics and trash : tradition and taboos in high literature and popular modern genres / Harriett Hawkins
1990 , New York \etc.!: Harvester Wheatsheaf
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
artaud and afterArtaud and after / Ronald Hayman
1977 , Oxford [etc.]: Oxford University press
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
tom stoppardTom Stoppard / by Ronald Hayman
1979 , London: Heinemann
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
invisible powerInvisible power : the Elizabethan secret services, 1570-1603 / Alan Haynes
1992 , New York: St. Martin's Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
etruscan sculptureEtruscan sculpture / Sybille Haynes
1971 , London: The Trustees of the British Museum
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
last gift of timeThe last gift of time : life beyond sixty / Carolyn G. Heilbrun
1998 , New York: Ballantine Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
gender and knowledgeGender and knowledge : elements of a postmodern feminism / Susan J. Hekman
1990 , Boston: Northeastern University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
scoundrel timeScoundrel time / Lillian Hellman ; introduction by Garry Wills
1977 , New York Toronto London: Bantam books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
little foxes and another part of the forestThe little foxes and Another part of the forest / two plays by Lillian Hellman
1976 , New York: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
fiestaFiesta / by Ernest Hemingway
1941 , Garamond: I.S.B. Political Division for The British publishers guild
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
for whom the bell tollsFor whom the bell tolls / Ernest Hemingway
1976 , London: Granada
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
old man and the seaThe old man and the sea / Ernest Hemingway
1966 , Harmondsworth: Penguin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
letters of king henry 8The letters of King Henry 8 : a selection, with a few other documents / ed. by M. St. Clare Byrne
1968 , New York: Funk & Wagnalls
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
dramatic records of sir henry herbertThe dramatic records of sir Henry Herbert / edited by Joseph Quincy Adams
pref. 1917 , New York: Benjamin Blom
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
common peaceThe common peace : partecipation and the criminal law in seventeenth-century England / Cynthia B. Herrup
1987 , Cambridge : Cambridge university press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
pellegrinaggio in orienteIl pellegrinaggio in Oriente / Hermann Hesse
©1973 , Milano: Adelphi
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
siddharthaSiddhartha / Hermann Hesse ; translated by Hilda Rosner
1957 , New York: New Direction Publishing Corporation
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
fair maid of the westThe fair maid of the west : parts 1. and 2. / Thomas Heywood ; edited by Robert K. Turner, Jr
1968 , London: Edward Arnold
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
first and second parts of edward ivThe first and second parts of Edward IV / Thomas Heywood ; edited by R. Rowland
2005 , Manchester New York: Manchester University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
virgin queenThe Virgin queen : Elisabeth I, genius of the Golden Age / Christopher Hibbert
c1991 , Reading, Mass. [etc.]: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
our house in the last worldOur house in the last world / Oscar Hijuelos
1990 , New York [etc.]: Washington Square Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
perpetrators victims bystandersPerpetrators, victims, bystanders : the Jewish catastrophe 1933-1945 / Raul Hilberg
1993 , New York: HarperPerennial
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
who s who in stuart britainWhoʼs who in Stuart Britain / C. P. Hill
1988 , London: Shepheard-Walwyn
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
change and continuity in seventeenth century englandChange and continuity in Seventeenth-century England / Cristopher Hill
©1991 , New Haven London: Yale university press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
liberty against the lawLiberty against the law : some seventeenth-century controversies / Christopher Hill
1997 , London: Penguin books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
puritanism and revolutionPuritanism and revolution : studies in interpretation of the English revolution of the 17th century / Christopher Hill
1986 , Harmondsworth: Penguin
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
woman in blackThe woman in black / Susan Hill
1992 , London: Mandarin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
interrupted lifeAn interrupted life : the diaries of Etty Hillesum 1941-43 / Etty Hillesum
1985 , Washington, D.C.: Washington Square Pr.
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
state and social change in early modern england c1550 1640The state and social change in early modern England, c.1550-1640 / Steve Hindle
2000 , Basingstoke New York: Palgrave
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
parafrasi italiana degli aforismi d ippocrate di g n col testo latino in corrispondenzaParafrasi italiana degli Aforismi d'Ippocrate di G N col testo latino in corrispondenza
1823 , Napoli: dai torchi di Luca Marotta, strada s. Biagio dei libraj n. 119
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
authority and conflictAuthority and conflict : England, 1603-1658 / Derek Hirst
1986 , London: E. Arnold
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
witches hammerThe witches' hammer / Jane Stanton Hitchcock
1994 , London: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
leviathanLeviathan / Thomas Hobbes ; edited with an introduction by C. B. Macpherson
1985 , London [etc.]: Penguin books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
leviathan parts 1 and 2Leviathan, parts 1 and 2 / Thomas Hobbes ; with an introduction by Herbert W. Schneider
1958 , Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
end crowns allThe end crowns all : closure and contradiction in Shakespeare's history / Barbara Hodgdon
1991 , Princeton: Princeton University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
uses of literacyThe uses of literacy : aspects of working-class life with special reference to publications and entertainments / Richard Hoggart
1958 , London: Penguin books Chatto & Windus
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
words and deedsWords and deeds : problems in the theory of speech acts / David Holdcroft
1978 , Oxford (Eng.): Clarendon Press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
william shakespeareWilliam Shakespeare : Richard II ; Graham Holderness
1989 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
witchcraft in englandWitchcraft in England / Christina Hole
1966 , New York London: Collier books Collier-Macmillan
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
why does the world existWhy does the world exist? : One man's quest for the big answer / Jim Holt
2013 , London: Profile Books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
iliad of homerThe Iliad of Homer / translated with an introduction by Richmond Lattimore
1961 , Chicago: The University of Chicago press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
odyssey of homerThe Odyssey of Homer / translated with an introduction by Richmond Lattimore
1968 , New York [etc.]: Harper & Row
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeareShakespeare : a life / Park Honan
1998 , Oxford: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
discovery of witches and witchcraftThe discovery of witches and witchcraft : the writings of the witchfinders / Matthew Hopkins and John Stearne ; edited with an introduction and notes by S. F. Davies
2007 , Brighton: Puckrel Publishing
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
satires and epistles of horaceThe Satires and Epistles of Horace : a modern English verse translation / by Smith Palmer Bovie
1959 , Chicago [etc.]: The university of Chicago press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
engendering a nationEngendering a nation : a feminist account of Shakespeare's English histories / Jean E. Howard and Phyllis Rackin
1997 , London and New York: Routledge
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
stage and social struggle in early modern englandThe stage and social struggle in early modern England / Jane E. Howard
c1994 , London New York: Routledge
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
state of the languageThe state of the language : English observed / by Philip Howard
1986 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sir philip sidneySir Philip Sidney : the shepherd knight / Roger Howell
1968 , London: Hutchinson
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
monstrous imaginationMonstrous imagination / Marie-Hélène Huet
1993 , Cambridge (Massachusetts) London: Harvard University press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
studies in administration and finance 1558 1825Studies in administration and finance, 1558-1825 : with special reference to the history of salt taxation in England / by Edward Hughes
1980 , Philadelphia: Porcupine
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
moortownMoortown / Ted Hughes
1979 , London: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
hunchback of notre dameThe hunchback of Notre Dame / by Victor Hugo ; translated and abridged by Lowell Bair
1981 , Toronto [etc.]: Bantam books
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
erasmus and the age of reformationErasmus and the age of Reformation / Johan Huizinga ; with a selection from the letters of Erasmus
1957 , New York: Harper & brothers
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
waning of the middle agesThe waning of the Middle Ages : a study of the forms of life, thought and art in France and the Netherlands in the 14th and 15th centuries / by J. Huizinga
1954 , Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday & company
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
dialogues concerning natural religionDialogues concerning natural religion / by David Hume ; edited with an introduction by Henry D. Aiken
1961 , New York: Hafner
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
metaphysical poetsThe metaphysical poets / Jim Hunter
1965 , London: Evans Brothers
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
tom stoppard s playsTom Stoppard's plays / Jim Hunter
1982 , London: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
freedom corruption and government in elizabethan englandFreedom, corruption and government in Elizabethan England / Joel Hurstfield
1973 , Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
mules and menMules and men / Zora Neale Hurston ; preface by Franz Boas ; with a new foreword by Arnold Rampersad ; illustrations by Miguel Covarrubias
1990 , New York: Harper Perennial
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
their eyes were watching godTheir eyes were watching God : a novel / by Zora Neale Hurston ; with a forward by Sherley Anne Williams
1978 , Urbana Chicago: University of Illinois press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
usurer s daughterThe usurer's daughter : male friendship and fictions of women in sixteenth-century England / Lorna Hutson
1994 , London New York: Routledge
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
psycholinguisticsPsycholinguistics : an introduction to research and theory / Hans Hormann
1971 , Berlin: Springer Verlag
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
theatrum sanitatis di ububchasym de baldachTheatrum sanitatis di Ububchasym de Baldach : codice 4182 della Biblioteca Casanatense di Roma
1970-1971 , Parma: Franco Maria Ricci
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ibsen plays translated with an introduction by james walter mcfarlaneIbsen: plays; translated with an introduction by James Walter McFarlane
1971 , London New York: Oxford University Press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
elizabethan poetsThe elizabethan poets : the making of english poetry from Wyatt to Ben Jonson / Fred Inglis
1969 , London: Evans Brothers
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
church courts sex and marriage in england 1570 1640Church courts, sex and marriage in England, 1570-1640 / Martin Ingram
1990 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
avant garde theatre 1892 1992Avant garde théâtre 1892-1992 / Christopher Innes
1993 , London [etc.]: Routledge
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
modern british dramaModern British drama / Christopher Innes
1992 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
therapy in psychosomatic medicineTherapy in psychosomatic medicine / proceedings of the 3rd Congress of the International college of psychosomatic medicine ; edited by W. Luthe and F. Antonelli
1977 , Roma: Pozzi
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
four playsFour plays : The Bald Soprano, The Lesson, Jack or the Submission, The Chairs / Eugène Ionesco ; translated by Donald M. Allen
c1958 , New York: Grove
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
plays 11Plays 11 / Eugene Ionesco ; translated from the French by Donald Watson and Clifford Williams
[1980] , London: Calder
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
plays 4Plays 4 / Eugene Ionesco ; translated by Derek Prouse
1978 , London: Calder
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
plays 9Plays 9 / Eugene Ionesco ; translated from the French by Donald Watson
1973 , London: Calder & Boyars
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
prayer for owen meanyA prayer for owen meany / John Irving
2007 , London: Bloomsbury
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
setting free the bearsSetting free the bears / John Irving
1979 , London: Corgi books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
irving s sketch bookIrving's sketch book ; edited with introduction and notes by Mary E.Litchfield
1901 , Boston [etc.]: Ginn and Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
dalla nascita ai sei anniDalla nascita ai sei anni / Susan Isaacs ; a cura di Alberto Marzi ; traduzione di Corinna Ranchetti
1971 , Firenze: Giunti Barbera
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
shrubShrub : the short but happy political life of George W. Bush / Molly Ivins and Lou Dubose
2000 , New York: Random House
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
farsi e il disfarsi del linguaggioIl farsi e il disfarsi del linguaggio : linguaggio infantile e afasia / Roman Jakobson ; traduzione di Lidia Lonzi
©1971 , Torino: Einaudi
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
true law of free monarchies and basilikon doronThe true law of free monarchies and Basilikon doron : a modernized edition / James 1. ; edited, with an introduction by Daniel Fischlin and Mark Fortier
1996 , Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance studies
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
selected short storiesSelected short stories / Henry James ; edited with an introduction by Quentin Anderson
1957 , New York: Rinehart and Winston
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
bostonianeLe bostoniane / Henry James ; traduzione di Luigi Lunari
2021 , Milano: Feltrinelli
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
roderick hudsonRoderick Hudson / Henry James ; edited with an introduction by Geoffrey Moore and notes by Patricia Crick
1986 , London: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
americanThe American / Henry James ; with an afterword by Leon Edel
1963 , New York: New American Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
aspern papers and other storiesThe Aspern Papers and Other Stories / Henry James ; edited with an introduction and notes by Adrian Poole
1983 , Oxford New York: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
europeansThe Europeans / Henry James
1964 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
portrait of a ladyThe portrait of a lady / Henry James
1963 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
spoils of poyntonThe spoils of Poynton / Henry James ; with an introduction and notes by Bernard Richards
1982 , Oxford New York: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
turn of the screw and other storiesThe turn of the screw and other stories / Henry James ; introduction by S. Gorley Putt
1969 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
wings of the doveThe wings of the dove / Henry James ; edited with an introduction and notes by Peter Brooks
1984 , Oxford New York: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
society politics and cultureSociety, politics and culture : studies in early modern England / Mervyn James
1988 , Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge U. P.
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
postmodernism or the cultural logic of late capitalismPostmodernism, or, The cultural logic of late capitalism / Fredric Jameson
1991 , London New York: Verso
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
reading shakespeare historicallyReading Shakespeare historically / Lisa Jardine
1996 , London New York: Routledge
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
writingWriting : the story of alphabets and scripts / Georges Jean
1992 , New York: Harry N. Abrams
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
dionisoDioniso : religione e cultura in Grecia / Henri Jeanmaire ; appendice e aggiornamento bibliografico di Furio Jesi
[1972] , Torino: G. Einaudi
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
theatre of tom stoppardThe theatre of Tom Stoppard / Anthony Jenkins
1989 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
history of the american peopleA history of the American people / Paul Johnson
1997 , New York: HarperCollins
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
liberating voicesLiberating voices : oral tradition in African American literature / Gayl Jones
1992 , New York: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
three booksThree books / by Imamu Amiri Baraka (Leroi Jones)
1975 , New York: Grove
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
birth of the elizabethan ageThe birth of the Elizabethan age : England in the 1560s / Norman Jones
1993 , Oxford Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
god and the moneylendersGod and the moneylenders : usury and law in early modern England / Norman Jones
1989 , Oxford Cambridge (Mass.): Blackwell
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
politics and the benchPolitics and the bench : the judges and the origins of the English Civil War / W. J. Jones
1971 , London New York: Allen & Unwin Barnes and Noble
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
fear of flyingFear of flying : a novel / Erica Jong
1973 , New York: New American library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
bartholomew fairBartholomew fair / Ben Jonson ; edited by Eugene M. Waith
1963 , New Haven London: Yale University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ben jonson s playsBen Jonson's plays : in two volumes / Introduction by Felix E. Schelling
1910 , London: Dent
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ben jonson s plays and masquesBen Jonson's plays and masques : texts of the plays and masques Jonson on his work contemporary readers on Jonson criticism / Ben Jonson ; selected and edited by Robert M. Adams
1979 , New York London: Norton & Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
every man in his humourEvery man in his humour / Ben Jonson ; a programme/text with commentary by Simon Trussler
1986 , London: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
five playsFive plays / Ben Jonson ; edited with an introduction by G. A. Wilkes
1988 , Oxford New York: Oxford University press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
poetasterPoetaster / Ben Jonson ; edited by Tom Cain
1995 , Manchester and New York: Manchester University press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
devil is an assThe devil is an ass / Ben Jonson ; edited by Peter Happé
1996 , Manchester New York: Manchester University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
three comediesThree comedies / Ben Jonson ; edited by Michael Jamieson
1985 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
volponeVolpone / Ben Jonson ; edited by Alvin B. Kernan
1962 , New Haven London: Yale University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
rhetoric in shakespeares timeRhetoric in Shakespeares time : literary theory of Renaissance Europe / by Sister Miriam Joseph
c1962 , New York Burlingame: Harcourt, Brace & World
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
world and the bookThe world and the book : a study of modern fiction / Gabriel Josipovici
1979 , Basingstoke London: MacMillan
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ulyssesUlysses / by James Joyce ; with a foreword by Morris L. Ernst and the decision of the United States District Court rendered by Judge John M. Woolsey
1961 , New York: Random House
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
finnegans wake hceFinnegans wake H.C.E. / James Joyce ; introduzione di Giorgio Melchiori ; traduzione e appendici di Luigi Schenoni ; bibliografia di Rosa Maria Bosinelli
1982 , Milano: Mondadori
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
man and his symbolsMan and his symbols / Carl G. Jung ... [et al.]
1978 , London: Picador
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
metamorphosis and other storiesMetamorphosis and other stories / Franz Kafka ; translated by Willa and Edwin Muir
1961 , Harmondsworth: Penguin
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
castleThe castle / Franz Kafka ; translated from the German by Willa and Edwin Muir ; with additional material translated by Eithne Wilkins and Ernst Kaiser
1957 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
trialThe trial / Franz Kafka ; with an epilogue by Max Brod
1953 , London: Penguin Books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
good germanThe good German : a novel / Joseph Kanon
2002 , New York: Picador Henry Holt and company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
english grammarEnglish grammar : principles and facts / Jeffrey P. Kaplan
1995 , Englewood Cliffs (New Jersey): Prentice Hall
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
johann gutenbergJohann Gutenberg : the man and his invention / Albert Kapr ; translated from the Germanby Douglas Martin
1996 , Aldershot Brookfield: Scolar Press Ashgate
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
irelandIreland : a history / Robert Kee
1982 , London: Abacus
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
penguin history of medieval europeThe Penguin history of medieval Europe / Maurice Keen
1991 , London: Penguin
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
love meLove me / Garrison Keillor
2004 , London: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
constitutional history of modern britain 1485 1937The constitutional history of modern Britain, 1485-1937 / by Lindsay Keir
1946 , London: Black
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
prayers for the deadPrayers for the dead / Faye Kellerman
1996 , London: Headline
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
divine providence in the england of shakespeare s historiesDivine providence in the England of Shakespeareʼs histories / Henry Ansgar Kelly
1970 , Cambridge (Massachusetts): Harvard university press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
matrimonial trials of henry 8The matrimonial trials of Henry 8. / Henry Ansgar Kelly
1976 , Stanford: Stanford University press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
yorkist ageThe Yorkist Age : daily life during the Wars of the Roses / Paul Murray Kendall
1970 , New York: Norton & Company
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
astrologyAstrology : the celestial mirror / Warren Kenton
1974 , New York: Avon
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare the king s playwrightShakespeare, the king's playwright : theater in the Stuart court, 1603-1613 / Alvin Kernan
1995 , New Haven$4aLondon: Yale University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
idea of the renaissanceThe idea of the Renaissance / William Kerrigan & Gordon Braden
©1989 , Baltimore, MD [etc.]: Johns Hopkins University Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
ritual politics and powerRitual, politics, and power / David I. Kertzer
copyr. 1988 , New Haven London: Yale University Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
sacrificed for honorSacrificed for honor : Italian infant abandonment and the politics of reproductive control / David I. Kertzer
c1993 , Boston: Beacon Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
one flew over the cuckoo s nestOne flew over the cuckoo's nest / by Ken Kesey
1962 , New York: New American Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sometimes a great notionSometimes a great notion / Ken Kesey
1964 , Toronto [etc.]: Bantam Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
mercy and authority in the tudor stateMercy and authority in the Tudor state / K.J. Kesselring
2003 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
feminist theatreFeminist theatre : an introduction to plays of contemporary British and American women / Helene Keyssar
1984 , Basingstoke London: MacMillan
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
magicMagic : the Western tradition / Francis King
1975 , London: Thames and Hudson
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
women of the renaissanceWomen of the Renaissance / Margaret L. King
©1991 , Chicago [etc.]: University of Chicago press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
chorus of historyThe chorus of history : literary-historical relations in Renaissance Britain, 1485-1558 / A. M. Kinghorn
1971 , London: Blandford Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
high tide in tucsonHigh tide in Tucson : essays from now or never / Barbara Kingsolver
1995 , Australia: Faber and Faber
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poems of nightPoems of night / Galway Kinnell
1968 , London: Rapp & Carroll
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare by stagesShakespeare by stages : an historical introduction / Arthur F. Kinney
2003 , Malden [MA]: Blackwell
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
debits and creditsDebits and Credits / by Rudyard Kipling
1982 , London: Macmillan
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
jungle booksThe jungle books / Rudyard Kipling ; edited with an introductionand notes by Daniel Karlin
1987 , Harmondsworth: Penguin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
monarchy transformedA monarchy transformed : Britain 1603-1714 / Mark Kishlansky
1996 , London: Allen Lane Penguin Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
heart has reasonsThe heart has reasons : Holocaust rescuers and their stories of courage / Mark Klempner
2006 , Cleveland, Ohio: The Pilgrim Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
alchemyAlchemy : the secret art / Stanislas Klossowski De Rola
1973 , New York: Avon
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare s tribeShakespeare's tribe : church, nation and theater in Renaissance England / Jeffrey Knapp
2002 , Chicago London: The University of Chicago press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ulyssesUlysses : notes / by Edward A. Kopper
c1981 (stampa 1995) , Lincoln, Nebr.: Cliffs notes
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
kill all the lawyersKill all the lawyers? : Shakespeare's legal appeal / Daniel J. Koernstein
1994 , Princeton (New Jersey): Princeton University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
being thereBeing there / Jerzy Kosinski
1972 , New York: Bantam books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
pinballPinball / Jerzy Kosinski
1982 , Toronto: Bantam Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
theatre notebookTheatre notebook : 1947-1967 / Jan Kott ; translated from the Polish by Boleslaw Taborski
1968 , New York: Doubleday & Company
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
renaissance concepts of manRenaissance concepts of man : and other essays / Paul Oskar Kristeller
c1972 , New York [etc.]: Harper & Row
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
kristeva readerThe Kristeva reader / Julia Kristeva ; edited by Toril Moi
1986 , Oxford: B. Blackwell
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
oppositional voicesOppositional voices : women as writers and translators of literature in the English Renaissance / Tina Krontiris
1992 , London New York: Routledge
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
spiel mir das lied vom lebenSpiel mir das Lied vom Leben : Judith und der Junge von Schindlers Liste / Angela Krumpen
[2014] , Freiburg, Br. Basel Wien: Herder
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
book of laughter and forgettingThe book of laughter and forgetting / Milan Kundera ; translated from the Czech by Michael Henry Heim
1980 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
unbearable lightness of beingThe unbearable lightness of being / Milan Kundera ; translated from the Czech by Michael Henry Heim
1984 , London Boston: Faber and Faber
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
when bad things happen to good peopleWhen bad things happen to good people / Harold S. Kushner
c1981 , New York: Schocken Books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
spanish comedy or the first part of hieronimo and the spanish tragedy or hieronimo is mad againThe Spanish Comedy, or The first part of Hieronimo ; and The Spanish Tragedy, or Hieronimo is mad again / Thomas Kyd ; edited by Andrew S. Cairncross
1967 , Lincoln: University of Nebraska press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
beschenkteDer Beschenkte : Roman / Barbara König
1983 , [Frankfurt am Main]: Ullstein
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
modern philosophyModern philosophy : an introduction / A.R. Lacey
1982 , Boston [etc.]: Routledge & Kegan Paul
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
conflict and stability in fifteenth century englandConflict and stability in fifteenth-century England / J. R. Lander
1969 , London: Hutchinson University Library
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
conflict and stability in fifteenth century englandConflict and stability in fifteenth-century England / J. R. Lander
1974 , London: Hutchinson University Library
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
politics and power in england 1450 1509Politics and power in England, 1450-1509 / J. R. Lander
1976 , London: Edward Arnold
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
letterA letter : [1575] / Robert Laneham
1968 , Menston: Scolar Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
teorie dello sviluppo mentaleTeorie dello sviluppo mentale / Jonas Langer ; traduzione di Carola Mattioli ; presentazione di Beatrice Benelli e Gabriele Di Stefano
c1973 , Firenze: Giunti Barbèra
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
holocaust testimoniesHolocaust testimonies : the ruins of memory / Lawrence L. Langer
c1991 , New Haven London: Yale University Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
vision of piers plowmanThe vision of Piers Plowman / William Langland ; a critical edition of the B-text based on Trinity College Cambridge MS B.15.17, with selected variant readings, an introduction, glosses and a textual and literary commentary by A.V.C. Schmidt
1978 , London: Dent ; New York : Dutton
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
making sexMaking sex : body and gender from the Greeks to Freud / Thomas Laqueur
1990 , Cambridge, Mass. London: Harvard University Press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
world we have lostThe world we have lost : further explored / Peter Laslett
2000 , London: Routledge
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
eye of the heronThe eye of the heron / Ursula K. Le Guin
1991 , New York: Harper
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
language of the nightThe language of the night : essays on Fantasy and Science fiction / Ursula K. Le Guin ; edited and with introductions by Susan Wood
1993 , New York: Harper Perennial
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
spy who came in from the coldThe spy who came in from the cold / John le Carre
1964 , London Sidney: Pan Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
common pursuitThe common pursuit / F. R. Leavis
1962 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books in association with Chatto & Windus
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
critic as anti philosopherThe critic as anti-philosopher : essays & papers / F.R. Leavis ; edited by G.Singh
1982 , London: Chatto and Windus
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare s political dramaShakespeare's political drama : the history plays and the Roman plays / Alexander Leggatt
1988 , London: Routledge
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
monarch of witThe monarch of wit : an analytical and comparative study of the poetry of John Donne / J. B. Leishman
1966 , New York: Harper & Row
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
themes and variations in shakespeare s sonnetsThemes and variations in Shakespeare's sonnets / J. B. Leishman
1966 , New York: Harper & Row
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
futurological congressThe futurological congress : from the memoirs of Ijon Tichy / Stanislaw Lem ; translated from the Polish by Michael Kandel
1974 , San Diego Orlando [etc.]: Harvest Hartcourt, Brace & World
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
five chimneysFive chimneys / Olga Lengyel
1995 , Chicago: Academy Chicago publishers
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
abitudine di amareL'abitudine di amare / Doris Lessing ; traduzione di Vincenzo Mantovani
1991 , Milano: Feltrinelli
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
concise history of paintingA concise history of painting : from Giotto to Cézanne / Michael Levey
1962 , London: Thames and Hudson
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
survival in auschwitzSurvival in Auschwitz : the Nazi assault on humanity / Primo Levi ; translated from the Italian by Stuart Woolf ; including "A conversation with Primo Levi by Philip Roth".
1996 , New York: Simon & Schuster
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
investigative approach to industrial hygieneAn investigative approach to industrial hygiene : sleuth at work / Lester Levin
1996 , New York [etc.]: Van Nostrand Reinhold
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
undoing projectThe undoing project : a friendship that changed our minds / Michael Lewis
2017 , New York London: W. W. Norton & Company
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
collected poems and playsCollected poems and plays / Wyndham Lewis ; edited by Alan Munton ; with an introduction by C. H. Sisson
1979 , Manchester: Carcanet
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
medieval womenMedieval women : a social history of women in England 450-1500 / Henrietta Leyser
1997 , London: Phoenix
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
englishmans italian booksThe englishmans Italian books : 1550-1700 / by John L. Lievsay
1969 , Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
einstein s dreamsEinstein's dreams / Alan Lightman
1994 , New York: Warner Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
trials of frances howardThe trials of Frances Howard : fact and fiction at the court of King James / David Lindley
1993 , London New York: Routledge
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
parliament under the tudorsParliament under the Tudors / Jennifer Loach
1991 , Oxford: Clarendon Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
mary tudorMary Tudor : a life / David Loades
1992 , Cambridge (MA) Oxford (UK): Blackwell
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
politics and the nation 1450 1660Politics and the nation 1450-1660 : obedience, resistance and public order / D. M. Loades
1992 , London Collins: Fontana
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
mary queen of scots got her head chopped off and draculaMary Queen of Scots got her head chopped off ; and Dracula / Liz Lochhead
1989 , London [etc.]: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
tudor and stuart britainTudor and Stuart Britain : 1471-1714 / Roger Lockyer
1985 , New York: Longman
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
how far can you goHow far can you go? / David Lodge
1981 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
small worldSmall world : an academic romance / David Lodge
1995 , New York: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
british museum is falling downThe British Museum is falling down / David Lodge ; with an afterword by the author
1983 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
20th century literary criticism20th century literary criticism : a reader / edited by David Lodge
1972 , Harlow: Longman
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ginger you re barmyGinger, you're barmy / David Lodge ; with an afterword by the author
1984 , London: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
wounds of civil warThe wounds of civil war / by Thomas Lodge ; [prepared by J. Dover Wilson with the assistance of the General Editor]
1910 , [London]: Malone society
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
life studies and for the union deadLife studies and For the Union dead / Robert Lowell
1964 , New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
meaning of contemporary realismThe meaning of contemporary realism / Georg Lukacs ; translated from the German by John and Necke Mander
1979 , London: Merlin
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
after oedipusAfter Oedipus : Shakespeare in psychoanalysis / Julia Reinhard Lupton and Kenneth Reinhard
1993 , Ithaca London: Cornell university press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
citizen saintsCitizen-Saints : Shakespeare and political theology / Julia Reinhard Lupton
2005 , Chicago London: The University of Chicago Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
non britishers in australiaNon-Britishers in Australia : influence on population and progress / by J. Lyng ; foreward by Ernest Scott
1935 , Melbourne [etc.]: Melbourne University Press Oxford University Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
my novel or varieties in english lifeMy novel, or, Varieties in English life / by Pisistratus Caxton (Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton)
1851-1852 , Leipzig: B. Tauchnitz
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
raw and the cooked1: The raw and the cooked / Claude Lévi-Strauss ; translated from the French by John and Doreen Weightman
1970 , London: Jonathan Cape
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
queen elizabeth and the making of policy 1527 1588Queen Elizabeth and the making of policy, 1527-1588 / Wallace T. MacCaffrey
1981 , Princeton: Princeton University Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
mandragola clizia belfagorLa mandragola ; Clizia ; Belfagor / Niccolò Machiavelli ; [A cura di Luigi Russo]
stampa 1943 , Firenze: Sansoni
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
machiavelli s the princeMachiavelli's The prince
1964 , New York: St. Martin's Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
creation mythsCreation myths : man's introduction to the world / David Maclagan
[1977] , London: Thames and Hudson:
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
grouped frequency word list of anglo saxon poetryA grouped frequency word-list of Anglo-Saxon poetry / by John F. Madden and Francis P. Magoun
stampa 1967 , Cambridge: Harvard University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
eta infantileL'età infantile : guida all'uso delle teorie evolutive di E. H. Erikson, J. Piaget, R. R. Sears, nella pratica psico-pedagogica / Henry W. Maier ; traduzione di Adriana Bottini
c1971 , Milano: F. Angeli
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sogno americanoUn sogno americano / Norman Mailer ; traduzione di Ettore Capriolo
1976 , Milano: Mondadori
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
poemsPoems : Wadsworth handbook and anthology / C.F.Main, Peter J. Seng
1961 , Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
my traitor s heartMy traitor's heart : blood and bad dreams: a South African explores the madness in his country, his tribe and himself / Rian Malan
1990 , London: Vintage
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
morte darthur parts seven and eightThe Morte Darthur, parts seven and eight / edited with Introduction, Notes and Glossary by D. S. Brewer
1968. , London: Edward Arnold
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
works of sir thomas maloryThe works of Sir Thomas Malory / edited by Eugene Vinaver
1954 , London New York: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
life in the theatreA life in the theatre / a play by David Mamet
1978 , New York: Grove Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
american buffaloAmerican Buffalo / David Mamet
1984 , London: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
glengarry glen rossGlengarry Glen Ross / David Mamet
1984 , London: Methuen Drama
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
lakeboatLakeboat / a play by David Mamet
1981 , New York: Grove Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
oleannaOleanna / David Mamet
1993 , London [etc]: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
some freaksSome freaks / David Mamet
1991 , New York: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shawl and prairie du chienThe shawl and prairie du chien / David Mamet
1989 , London: Methuen Drama
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to marxist economic theoryAn introduction to marxist economic theory / by Ernest Mandel
1969 , New York: Merit
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
christopher marloweChristopher Marlowe : Doctor Faustus / Michael Mangan
1989 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
death in veniceDeath in Venice / Thomas Mann
1955 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
mario and the magician and other storiesMario and the magician and other stories / Thomas Mann
1975 , Hermondsworth: Penguin
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
aristocrats plebeians and revolution in england 1640 1660Aristocrats, plebeians, and revolution in England, 1640-1660 / Brian Manning
©1996 , London East Haven: Pluto press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
cinque indagini romane per rocco schiavoneCinque indagini romane per Rocco Schiavone / Antonio Manzini
2016 , Palermo: Sellerio
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
english small town lifeEnglish small town life : Retford, 1520-1642 / David Marcombe
1993 , Nottingham: University of Nottingham, Department of adult education
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
unediting the renaissanceUnediting the Renaissance : Shakespeare, Marlowe, Milton / Leah S. Marcus
1996 , London New York: Routledge
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
religion and royal justice in early modern franceReligion and royal justice in early modern France : the Paris Chambre de l'Edit, 1598-1665 / Diane C. Margolf
2003 , Kirksville, Missouri: Truman State University Press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
christopher marlowe s doctor faustusChristopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus : with introductory essay and notes ; edited by Irving Ribner ; revised with a new introduction by James H.Lake
2004 , Newburyport (Massachusetts): Focus Publishing
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
complete plays and poemsComplete plays and poems / Christopher Marlowe ; edited by E. D. Pendry ; textual adviser J. C. Maxwell
1976 , London Melborune: Dent
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
edward the secondEdward the second / Christopher Marlowe ; edited by Martin Wiggins and Robert Lindsey
1997 , London New York: A&C Black Norton
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
hero and leanderHero and Leander : 1598 / Christopher Marlowe and George Chapman
1968 , Menston: Scolar Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
complete plays of christopher marloweThe complete plays of Christopher Marlowe / edited, with an introduction and notes by Irving Ribner
1963 , New York: Odyssey Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
complete playsThe Complete Plays / Christopher Marlowe ; edited with an introduction by J.B.Steane
1986 , London: Penguin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
dutch courtesanThe Dutch Courtesan / John Marston ; edited by M. L. Wine
1965 , London: Arnold
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
antonio and mellidaAntonio and Mellida : the first part / John Marston ; edited by G. K. Hunter
1965 , Lincoln: University of Nebraska press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
selected plays of john marstonThe selected plays of John Marston : Antonio and Mellida, Antonio's Revenge, The malcontent, The Dutch courtesan, Sophonisba / edited by Macdonald P. Jackson and Michael Neill
1986 , Cambridge: Cambridge University press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
recent theories of narrativeRecent Theories of Narrative / Wallace Martin
1986 , London: Cornell University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
studies in lexical contrastive semanticsStudies in lexical contrastive semantics : English vis-a-vis Italian spatial particles / Silvia Masi
c2011 , Pisa: Plus-Pisa university press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
selected plays of philip massingerThe selected plays of Philip Massinger : The Duke of Milan, The roman actor, A new way to pay old debts, The city madam / edited by Colin Gibson
1978 , Cambridge: Cambridge University press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
anatomy of disappearanceAnatomy of disappearance / Hisham Matar
2012 , London: Penguin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
in the country of menIn the country of men / Hisham Matar
2007 , London [etc.]: Penguin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
grailThe Grail : quest for the eternal / John Matthews
c1981 , London: Thames and Hudson
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
teoria generale della magiaTeoria generale della magia / Henri Hubert, Marcel Mauss
1975 , Roma: Newton Compton
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
getting it in the headGetting it in the head / Mike McCormack
1997 , London: Vintage
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
angela s ashesAngela's ashes : a memoir of a childhood / Frank McCourt
1997 , London: Flamingo
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
thorn birdsThe thorn birds / Colleen McCullough
1980 , London: Futura Macdonald & Co
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
origins of the english novel 1600 1740The origins of the English novel, 1600-1740 / Michael McKeon
1987 , Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins university press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
arte del nauegar in la qual si contengono le regole dechiarationi secreti auisi alla bona nauegation necessarij composta per m pietro da medina tradotta de lingua spagnola in volgar italianoL'arte del nauegar, in la qual si contengono le regole, dechiarationi, secreti, & auisi, alla bona nauegation necessarij. Composta per ... m. Pietro da Medina, & tradotta de lingua spagnola in volgar italiano ...
1554 , In Vinetia: ad instantia di Gioanbattista Pedrezano, libraro al segno della Torre, à pie del ponte di Rialto
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
rescueRescue : the story of how gentiles saved Jews in the Holocaust / Milton Meltzer
1991 , New York: HarperTrophy HarperCollins
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
fair quarrelA fair quarrel / Thomas Middleton and William Rowley ; edited by R. V Holdsworth
1974 , London: Benn
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
hengist king of kent or the major of queenboroughHengist, king of Kent ; or, The major of Queenborough / by Thomas Middleton
2003 , Oxford [etc.]: published for the Malone society by Oxford university press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
revenger s tragedyThe revenger's tragedy / Thomas Middleton / Cyril Tourneur ; edited by R. A. Foakes
1996 , Manchester: Manchester University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
mad world my masterA Mad World, My Master / Thomas Middleton ; edited by Standish Henning
1965 , London: Arnold
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
game of chessA game of chess / Thomas Middleton ; edited by J. W. Harper
1966 , London: Benn
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
five playsFive plays / Thomas Middleton ; edited with an introduction by Bryan Loughrey and Neil Taylor
1988 , London [etc.]: Penguin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
michaelmas termMichaelmas Term / Thomas Middleton ; edited by Richard Levin
1967 , London: Arnold
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
witchThe witch / by Thomas Middleton
1950 , [London]: The Malone Society Reprints
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
goethe s faust parts 1 and 2Goetheʹs Faust, parts 1. and 2. : notes / by Robert Milch
c1965 (stampa 1996) , Lincoln, Nebr.: Cliffs notes
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
after the fallAfter the fall : TV adaptation / Arthur Miller
1967 , New York: Bantam Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
playing for timePlaying for time : a screenplay / by Arthur Miller ; based on the book by Fania Fenelon
1981 , New York: Bantam
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
volume 2 arthur miller s collected playsVolume 2 [Arthur Miller's collected plays] / Arthur Miller
1981 , London: Secker & Warburg
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
language and perceptionLanguage and perception / George A. Miller, Philip N. Johnson-Laird
©1976 , Cambridge (Mass.) London Melbourne: Cambridge University press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
psychologyPsychology : the science of mental life / George A. Miller
c1966 , London: Penguin books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
henry 8 and the english nobilityHenry 8. and the English nobility / Helen Miller
1989 , Oxford New York: B. Blackwell
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
guide to old englishA guide to Old English / Bruce Mitchell, Fred C. Robinson
1986 , Oxford: Basil Blackwell
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sexual textual politicsSexual/textual politics : feminist literary theory / Toril Moi
stampa 1988 , London New York: Routledge
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
don juan and other playsDon Juan and other plays / Moliere ; translated by George Graveley and Ian Maclean ; edited by Ian Maclean
1989 , Oxford New York: Oxford University press
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
eight playsEight plays / by Molière ; translated, with an introduction, by Morris Bishop
1957 , New York: The modern library
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
borghese gentiluomoIl borghese gentiluomo / Molière
1954 , Milano: Rizzoli
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
tartuffeTartuffe / Moliere ; translation into Scots from the original by Liz Lochhead
1985 , Edimburgh Glasgow: Polygon Third eye centre
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
tartuffe and other playsTartuffe, and other plays / by Molière ; translated, with an introduction, by Donald M. Frame
c1967 , New York [etc.]: New American Library
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
misanthrope and other playsThe misanthrope and other plays / Molière ; translated with an introduction by John Wood
c1959 , London: Penguin Books
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
misanthrope and other playsThe misanthrope and other plays / by Moliere ; translated and with an introduction by Donald M. Frame
1968 , New York: New American Library
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
superstizione e societaSuperstizione e società / Roger Money-Kirle
1978 , Milano: Il formichiere
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
essaysEssays / Michel de Montaigne ; translated with an introduction by J. M. Cohen
c1958 , London: Penguin Books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
selections from the essays of michel eyquem de montaigneSelections from the essays of Michel Eyquem de Montaigne / translated and edited by Donald M. Frame
1948 , New York: Crofts & Co.
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
essential montaigneThe essential Montaigne : selected and newly translated / with an introduction by Serge Hughes
c1970 , New York Toronto: New American Library
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
subject of elizabethThe subject of Elizabeth : authority, gender and representation / Louis Montrose
2006 , Chicago London: The University of Chicago Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
black robeBlack robe / Brian Moore
1987 , London [etc.]: Paladin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
colour of bloodThe colour of blood / Brian Moore
1988 , Hammersmith (London): Paladin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
historical outlines of english sounds and inflectionsHistorical outlines of English sounds and inflections / by Samuel Moore ; revised by Albert H. Marckwardt
1951 , Michigan: George Wahr pubishing company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
opera anecdotesOpera anecdotes / Ethan Mordden
1985 , New York Oxford: Oxford University Press
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
history of king richard the thirdThe history of King Richard the Third / Thomas More ; a reading edition by George M.Logan
2005 , Bloomington Indianapolis: Indiana University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
last letters of thomas moreThe last letters of Thomas More / edited and with an introduction by Alvaro de Silva
c2000 , Grand Rapids Cambridge: W. B. Eerdmans
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
utopiaUtopia / Thomas More ; translated with an introduction by Paul Turner
1965 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
spighe azzurreSpighe azzurre / Renato Morelli
[1986?] , [S.l.]: [s.n.]
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
belovedBeloved : A Novel / by Toni Morrrison
1996 , New York: Knopf
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
belovedBeloved : a novel / by Toni Morrrison
1988 , New York: New American Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
song of solomonSong of Solomon / Toni Morrison
1989 , London: Pan Books in association waith Chatto & Windus
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
bluest eyeThe bluest eye / Toni Morrison
1990 , London Basingstoke: Picador
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
handbook of middle englishA handbook of Middle English / by Fernand Mossé ; translated by J.A. Walker
1952 , Baltimore: John Hopkins Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
evidenceEvidence / Roderick Munday
2007 , Oxford New York: Oxford University press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
blind willow sleeping womanBlind willow, sleeping woman / Haruki Murakami ; translated from the japanese by Philip Gabriel and Jay Rubin
2007 , London: Vintage Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
acastosAcastos : two Platonic dialogues / Iris Murdoch
1987 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
henry and catoHenry and Cato / Iris Murdoch
1977 , Frogmore: Triad/Panther Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
nuns and soldiersNuns and soldiers / Iris Murdoch
1981 , Harmonsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
book and the brotherhoodThe book and the brotherhood / Iris Murdoch
1988 , London: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
unicornThe unicorn / Iris Murdoch
1966 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
late renaissance and mannerismThe late Renaissance and Mannerism / Linda Murray
c1967 , London: Thames and Hudson
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
chaucer and the french traditionChaucer and the French tradition : a study in style and meaning / by Clarles Muscatine
©1957 , Berkeley [etc.]: University of Clifornia press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
man without qualities one a sort of introduction the like of it now happens iThe Man without qualities. One: A sort of introduction. The like of it now happens (I) / Robert Musil
1954 , [London]: Picador, published by Pan Books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
england in the late middle ages4: England in the late Middle ages / A. R. Myers
1971 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
ada or ardorAda, or Ardor : a family chronicle / Vladimir Nabokov
c1970 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
invitation to a beheadingInvitation to a beheading / Vladimir Nabokov ; translated by Dmitri Nabokov, in collaboration with the autor
1965 , New York: Capricorn books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
lectures on literatureLectures on literature / Vladimir Nabokov ; edited by Fredson Bowers ; introduction by John Updike
1983 , London: Picador
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
pale firePale fire / Vladimir Nabokov
1968 , New York: Berkley
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
pninPnin / Vladimir Nabokov
1960 , Harmondsworth [etc.]: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
house for mr biswasA house for Mr Biswas / V. S. Naipaul
1969 , London [etc.]: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
area of darknessAn area of darkness / V. S. Naipaul
1968 , London: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
piatto di quaresimaPiatto di quaresima / Thomas Nashe ; a cura di Claudia Corti ; traduzione di Valerio Viviani
1994 , Venezia: Marsilio
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
women of brewster placeThe women of Brewster Place / Gloria Naylor
1983 , New York: Penguin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
queen elizabeth 1Queen Elizabeth 1. : a biography / J. E. Neale
1957 , Garden City, NY: Doubleday Anchor books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
elizabethan house of commonsThe Elizabethan House of Commons / J. E. Neale
1963 , Harmondsworth: Penguin
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
death s bright angelDeath's bright angel / Janet Neel
1989 , London: Penguin Books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
industry and government in france and england 1540 1640Industry and government in France and England, 1540-1640 / John U. Nef
1964 , Ithaca, NY London: Cornell university press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
politics of linguisticsThe politics of linguistics / Frederick J. Newmeyer
1986 , Chicago London: University of Chicago Press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
interpreting the textInterpreting the text : a critical introduction to the theory and practice of literary interpretation / K.M. Newton
1990 , New York ...[etc.]: Harvester Wheatsheaf
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
playsPlays : One / Peter Nichols
1987 , London: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
playsPlays : one / Peter Nichols
1991 , London: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
night mother'Night, mother / Marsha Norman
1984 , London Boston: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
four playsFour plays / by Marsha Norman
1988 , New York: Theatre Communications Group
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
spinoza the origins of modern critical theorySpinoza & the origins of modern critical theory / Christopher Norris
1991 , Oxford: B. Blackwell
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
structure de la personnaliteLa structure de la personnalité / par Joseph Nuttin
1968 , Paris: Presses universitaires de France
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
all our worldly goodsAll our worldly goods / Irène Némirovsky ; translated from the french by Sandra Smith
2009 , London: Vintage books
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
fire in the bloodFire in the blood / Irène Némirovsky ; translated from the French by Sandra Smith
2007 , London: Chatto & Windus
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
suite francaiseSuite française / Irène Némirovsky ; transalted from the French by Sandra Smith
2006 , London: Chatto & Windus
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
medieval manor court of wakefieldThe medieval Manor Court of Wakefield / Mary O'Regan
1994 , Leeds: Rosalba
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
because it is bitter and because it is my heartBecause it is bitter, and because it is my heart / Joyce Carol Oates
1991 , New York: Plume Book
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
six playsSix plays : Waiting for Lefty, Awake and sing!, Till the day i die, Paradise lost, Golden boy, Rocket on the moon / Clifford Odets ; with an introduction by Harold Clurman
1982 , London: Melthuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
impersonationsImpersonations : the performance of gender in Shakespeare's England / Stephen Orgel
1996 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
treason and the stateTreason and the State : law, politics, and ideology in the English Civil War / D. Alan Orr
2002 , Cambridge: Cambridge University press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
19841984 / a novel by George Orwell ; with an afterword by Erich Fromm
1961 , New York: The new American Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
down and out in paris and londonDown and out in Paris and London / George Orwell
1966 , Harmondsworth [etc.]: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
coming up for airComing up for air / George Orwel
1962 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books in association with Secker & Warburg
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
collected essays journalism and letters of george orwellThe collected essays, journalism and letters of George Orwell / edited by Sonia Orwell and Ian Angus
1970- , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
lutherLuther : a play / by John Osborne
1961 , London: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
better class of person an extratof autobiography for television and god rot tunbridge wellsA better class of person (an extratof autobiography for television) ; and, God rot Tunbridge Wells / by John Osborne
1985 , London Boston: Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
patriot for me and a sense of detachmentA patriot for me and A sense of detachment / John Osborne
1983 , London Boston: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
look back in angerLook back in anger : a play in three acts / by John Osborne
1971 , Toronto [etc.]: Bantam Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
you re not watching me mummy and try a little tendernessYou're not watching me, mummy ; and, Try a little tenderness : two play for television / John Osborne
1978 , London: Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ovid s metamorphosesOvid's Metamorphoses : the Arthur Golding translation 1567 / edited, with an introduction and notes, by John Frederick Nims
1965 , New York: The Macmillan company
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
poems of wilfred owenThe poems of Wilfred Owen / edited and introduced by Jon Stallworthy
1985 , London: Hogarth Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
stages of dismembermentStages of dismemberment : the fragmented body in late medieval and early modern drama / Margaret E. Owens
2005 , Newark: University of Delaware Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
emperor jones anna christie the hairy apeThe Emperor Jones ; Anna Christie ; The hairy ape / Eugene O'Neill
1972 , New York: Vintage Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
file on stoppardFile on Stoppard / Malcolm Page
1986 , London: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
adam eve and the serpentAdam, Eve and the serpent / Elaine Pagels
1988 , New York: Random House
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
age of elizabethThe age of Elizabeth : England under the later Tudors 1547-1603 / D. M. Palliser
1992 , London and New York: Longman
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
penguin dictionary of modern history 1789 1945The Penguin dictionary of modern history 1789-1945 / Alan Palmer
1983 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
renaissance and renascences in western artRenaissance and renascences in Western art / Erwin Panofsky
1972 , New York Harper & Row: Icon
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
modern greek in a nutshellModern Greek in a nutshell / by George C. Pappageotes and Philip D. Emmanuel
1967 , Montclaire NJ New York: Institute for Language Study Funk e Wagnalls
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
penguin dorothy parkerThe Penguin Dorothy Parker / with an introduction by Brendan Gill
1977 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
literary fat ladiesLiterary fat ladies : rhetoric, gender, property / Patricia Parker
1987 , London and New York: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare from the marginsShakespeare from the margins : language, culture, context / Patricia Parker
1996 , Chicago: University of Chicago Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
el doctorowE.L. Doctorow / John G. Parks
1991 , New York: Continuum
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
seventeenth centuryThe seventeenth century : the intellectual and cultural context of English literature 1603-1700 / Graham Parry
1989 , London and New York: Longman
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare and the popular voiceShakespeare and the popular voice / Annabel Patterson
1989 , Oxford: Basil Blackwell
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
nightmare abbey crotchet castleNightmare abbey ; Crotchet castle / Thomas Love Peacock ; edited with an introduction by Raymond Wright
1969 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
guide to the inns of court and chanceryA guide to the inns of Court and Chancery : with notices of their ancient discipline, rules, orders, and customs, readings, moots, masques, revels, and entertainments, including an account of the eminent men of the honourable societies of Lincoln's Inn [...] / by Robert R. Pearce
[2008?] , [Whitefish (Montana)]: Kessinger Publishing
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
instance of the fingerpostAn instance of the fingerpost / Iain Pears
1999 , New York: Berkley books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sound and senseSound and sense : an introduction to poetry / Laurence Perrine
1956 , New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
magician the witch and the lawThe magician the witch and the law / Edward Peters
1978 , [Philadelphia]: University of Pennsylvania Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
sviluppo mentale nelle ricerche di jean piagetLo sviluppo mentale nelle ricerche di Jean Piaget / Guido Petter ; presentazione di Cesare L. Musatti
1966 , Firenze: G. Barbera
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
linguaggio e il pensiero del fanciulloIl linguaggio e il pensiero del fanciullo / Jean Piaget ; traduzione di Carla Musatti Rapuzzi ; prefazione di Edouard Claparede ; presentazione di Alberto Marzi
©1962 , Firenze: Giunti-Barbera
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
epistemologia geneticaL'epistemologia genetica / Jean Piaget
1971 , Bari: Laterza
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
homecomingThe homecoming / Harold Pinter
1966 , New York: Grove Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
maschere nudeMaschere nude : Questa sera si recita a soggetto, Trovarsi / Luigi Pirandello
1968 , Milano: A. Mondadori
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
two memoirs of renaissance florenceTwo memoirs of Renaissance Florence : the diaries of Buonaccorso Pitti and Gregorio Dati / translated by Julia Martines, edited by Gene Brucker
1967 , New York [etc.]: Harper & Row
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
arielAriel / by Sylvia Plath
1968 , London: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
colossusThe Colossus / Sylvia Plath
1967 , London Boston: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
republicThe Republic / Plato ; translated with an introduction by Desmond Lee
1987 , London [etc.]: Penguin books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
symposiumThe Symposium / Plato ; translated by Walter Hamilton
1951 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
six plays of plautusSix plays of Plautus / edited and translated by Lionel Casson
1963 , New York: Anchor Books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
italian renaissanceThe Italian Renaissance : a concise survey of its history and culture / J. H. Plumb
1965 , New York: Harper & Row
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
fall of the house of usher and other writingsThe fall of the House of Usher and other writings : poems, tales, essays and reviews / [Edgar Allan Poe] ; edited with an introduction by David Galloway
stampa 1986 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
plays onePlays: One / Stephen Poliakoff
1989 , London: Methuen Drama
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
law and literatureLaw and literature : a misunderstood relation / Richard A. Posner
1988 , Cambridge (Massachusetts) London: Harvard University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
hanging in judgmentHanging in judgment : religion and the death penalty in England / Harry Potter
1993 , New York: Continuum
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
pretenders to the english thronePretenders to the English throne / Jeremy Potter
1986 , Totowa, NJ: Barnes & Noble
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
fisher kingThe fisher king / Anthony Powell
1987 , [London]: Sceptre
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
caleidoscopio shakespearianoCaleidoscopio shakespeariano
1969 , Bari: Adriatica
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
english historical documentsEnglish Historical Documents / Andrew Prescott
1988 , London: The British Library
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
inns of court under elizabeth 1 and the early stuarts 1590 1640The inns of court under Elizabeth 1. and the early Stuarts, 1590-1640 / Wilfrid R. Prest
1972 , London: Longman
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
medieval thoughtMedieval thought : an introduction / B.B. Price
1992 , Oxford: Blackwell
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
new musicNew music : a trilogy / Reynold Price
1990 , New York: Theatre Communications Group
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
tongues of angelsThe tongues of angels / Reynolds Price
1991 , New York: Ballantine Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
time and the conways and other playsTime and the Conways and other plays / J. B. Priestley
1969 , London: Penguin Books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
poems on several occasions by matthew prior esq volume the second to which is prefixed the life of mr prior by samuel humphreys esq adorned with cuts2: Poems on several occasions. By Matthew Prior, Esq. Volume the second. To which is prefixed, The life of Mr. Prior, by Samuel Humphreys, Esq. Adorned with cuts
1767 , London: printed for W. Strahan, ... [etc.]
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
primitive peoplePrimitive people / Francine Prose
1992 , New York: Ivy Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
hamlet and revengeHamlet and revenge / Eleanor Prosser
1971 , Stanford: Stanford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shipping newsThe shipping news / E. Annie Proulx
1994 , New York [etc.]: Simon & Schuster
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
remembrance of things pastRemembrance of things past : Volume one: Swann's way, Within a budding grove / Marcel Proust ; translated by C.K.Scott Moncrieff and Terence Kilmartin
1983 , London: Penguin
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
histoires et d autres histoiresHistoires et d'autres histoires / Jacques Prévert
1963 , Paris: Gallimard
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare the historianShakespeare the historian / Paola Pugliatti
1996 , Basingstoke London New York: Macmillan St. Martin's press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
heartbreak tangoHeartbreak tango : a serial / Manuel Puig ; translated by Suzanne Jill Levine
1987 , London: Arena
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
arte of english poesie 1589The arte of English poesie, 1589 / [By] George Puttenham
1968 , Menston: Scolar Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
story of king arthur and his knightsThe story of King Arthur and his knights / by Howard Pyle ; illustrations by Sergio Leone
1965 , New York: Grosset & Dunlap
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
origins and development of the english languageThe origins and development of the English language / Thomas Pyles, John Algeo
1993 , Fort Worth [etc.]: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
excellent womenExcellent women / Barbara Pym
1980 , Harmondsworth [etc.]: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
gravity s rainbowGravityʼs rainbow / Thomas Pynchon
1974 , New York [etc.]: Bantam books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
crying of lot 49The crying of lot 49 / Thomas Pynchon
1986 , New York [etc.]: Harper & Row
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
gargantua e pantagrueleGargantua e Pantagruele / François Rabelais ; a cura di Mario Bonfantini
1973 , Torino: Einaudi
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
histories of gargantua and pantagruelThe histories of Gargantua and Pantagruel / by François Rabelais ; translated and with an introduction by J. M. Cohen
1955 , Harmondsworth: Penguin
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
growth of crimeThe growth of crime : the international experience / Sir Leon Radzinowicz and Joan King
1979 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
satira italiana nel dopoguerraLa satira italiana nel dopoguerra : un saggio introduttivo con i confronti antologici da E. Flaiano, S. Ambrogi, G. Patroni [...] / di Franco Ratano
1976 , Messina Firenze: G. D'Anna
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
rise of scientific philosophyThe rise of scientific philosophy / Hans Reichenbach
1951 , Berkeley Los Angeles: University of California Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
all can manage more than i couldAll can manage, more than i could : an approach to the plays of Samuel Beckett / Alec Reid
1971 , New York: Grove Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
1 le citta italiane dal 10 al 14 secolo1: [Le città italiane dal 10. al 14. secolo] / Yves Renouard
1975 , Milano: Rizzoli
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
poemsPoems : selected and new 1950-1974 / Adrienne Rich
1975 , New York: Norton & Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
britain under the tudors and stuartsBritain under the Tudors and Stuarts / by Denis Richards
1963 , London: Longman
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
barney s versionBarney's version : a novel / Mordecai Richler ; with footnotes and an afterword by Michael Panofsky
1998 , London: Vintage books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare s political playsShakespeare's political plays / H. M. Richmond
1967 , New York: Random House
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
selected poemsSelected poems : in five sets / Laura Riding
1973 , New York: Norton
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sonnets to orpheusSonnets to Orpheus / Rainer Maria Rilke ; with English translations by C. F. MacIntyre
1960 , Berkeley Los Angeles: University of California press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
george ripley s compound of alchymy 1591 edited by stanton j lindenGeorge Ripley's Compound of alchymy (1591) ; edited by Stanton J. Linden
2001 , Aldershot [etc.]: Ashgate
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
poetry of conservatismThe poetry of conservatism : 1600-1795 : a study of poets and public affairs fron Jonson to Pope / Isabel Rivers
1973 , Cambridge: Riverside Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
djinnDjinn / Alain Robbe-Grillet ; translated from the French by yvonne Lenard and Walter Wells
1983 , London: Calder
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
even cowgirls get in bluesEven cowgirls get in blues / Tom Robbins
1977 , New York: Bantam Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
lizard islandLizard Island : a reconstruction of the life of Mrs Watson / Jillian Robertson
1981 , Richmond: Hutchinson
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
tilbury townTilbury Town : selected poems of Edwin Arlington Robinson / Introduction and notes by Lawrance Thompson
1953 , New York: Macmillan
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
gileadGilead / Marilynne Robinson
2005 , London: Virago
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
straw for the fireStraw for the fire : from the notebooks of Theodore Roethke 1943-63 ; selected and arranged by David Wagoner
1974 , Garden City (New York) Doubleday: Anchor Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
far fieldThe far field / Theodore Roethke
1971 , Garden City (New York): Anchor Books Doubleday & Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
love and toilLove and toil : motherhood in outcast London, 1870-1918 / Ellen Ross
1993 , New York Oxford: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
english drama from early times to the elizabethansEnglish drama from early times to the Elizabethans : its background, origins and developments
---- , London New York: Hutchinson's University Library, [1959] 1950
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
professor of desireThe professor of desire / Philip Roth
1985 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
when she was goodWhen she was good / Philip Roth
1985 , New York: Penguin Books
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strangers at the bedsideStrangers at the bedside : a history of how law and bioethics transformed medical decision making / David J. Rothman
c1991 , [New York, NY]: BasicBooks
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
social contractThe social contract / by Jean Jacques Rousseau ; an eighteenth-century translation completely revised, edited with an introduction by Charles Frankel
1947 , New York: Hafner
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
who s who in tudor englandWhoʼs who in Tudor England / C. R. N. Routh ; revised by Peter Holmes
1990 , London: Shepheard-Walwyn
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
norman heritage1: The norman heritage : 1055-1200 / Trevor Rowley
c1983 , London: Routledge & Kegan Paul
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
witch of edmontonThe witch of Edmonton / William Rowley, Thomas Dekker, John Ford ; edited by Peter Corbin and Douglas Sedge
1999 , Manchester: Manchester University press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
satanic versesThe satanic verses / Salman Rushdie
1989 , New York: Viking
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sesame and liliesSesame and lilies / two lectures by John Ruskin
1882 , Orpington: George Allen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
history of western philosophy and its connection with political and social circumstances from the earliest times to the present dayA history of Western philosophy and its connection with political and social circumstances from the earliest times to the present day / Bertrand Russell
1966 , New York: Simon and Schuster
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
crisis of parliamentsThe crisis of parliaments : English history 1509-1660 / Conrad Russell
1971 , London: Oxford University Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
shirley valentineShirley Valentine / Willy Russell ; editor Roy Blatchford
1991 , Harlow: Longman
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
nuovo bestiario del vestiarioIl nuovo bestiario del vestiario / Romana Rutelli ; [premessa di Cesare Segre]
stampa 2001 , Pisa: ETS
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sarumSarum : the novel of England / Edward Rutherfurd
1988 , New York: Ivy Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare s english kingsShakespeare's English Kings : History, Cronicle, and Drama / Peter Saccio
c.1977 , Oxford: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
eagle and the doveThe eagle and the dove : a study in contrasts: St Teresa of Avila, St Therese of Lisieux / V. Sackville-West
1973 , London: Quartet books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
tra un mese tra un annoTra un mese, tra un anno / Françoise Sagan ; traduzione di Bruno Oddera
1972 , Milano: A. Mondadori
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
women in the house of fictionWomen in the house of fiction : post war women novelists / Lorna Sage
1992 , Basingstoke London: Macmillan
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
world the text and the criticThe world, the text, and the critic / Edward W. Said
1983 , Cambridge: Harvard university press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
cammino umanoIl cammino umano : corso di storia ad uso dei licei / Armando Saitta
1961 , Firenze: La nuova Italia
Servizio documentazioneServizio documentazione | Vedi in OneSearch
catcher in the ryeThe catcher in the rye / J. D. Salinger
1953 , New York: The New American Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
madness and drama in the age of shakespeareMadness and Drama in the Age of Shakespeare / Duncan Salked
1994 , Manchester: Manchester University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
rivoluzione franceseLa Rivoluzione francese : (1788-1792) / Gaetano Salvemini ; a cura di Franco Venturi
1965 , Milano: Feltrinelli
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
existentialism and human emotionsExistentialism and human emotions / by Jean-Paul Sartre
[1970] , Secaucus, N.J.: Castle
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
esistenzialismo e un umanismoL'esistenzialismo è un umanismo / Jean-Paul Sartre ; introduzione di Paolo Caruso
stampa 1968 , Milano: Mursia
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
morti senza tomba mani sporcheMorti senza tomba ; Le mani sporche : drammi / Jean-Paul Sartre ; traduzione di Giorgio Monicelli
1966 , Milano: A. Mondadori
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
no exit and three other playsNo exit and three other plays / by Jean-Paul Sartre
[1955?] , New York: Vintage Books, a division of Random House
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
gomorraGomorra : viaggio nell'impero economico e nel sogno di dominio della camorra / Roberto Saviano
2006 , Milano: Mondadori
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
old woman s reflectionsAn old woman's reflections / Peig Sayers ; translated from the Irish by Seamus Ennis and introduced by W. R. Rodgers
1962 , Oxford New York: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
henry 8Henry 8. / by J.J. Scarisbrick
1968 , Berkeley Los Angeles: University of California press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
citizensCitizens : a chronicle of the French revolution / Simon Schama
1989 , New York: Alfred A. Knopf
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
medical ethics in the renaissanceMedical ethics in the Renaissance / Winfried Schleiner
1995 , Washington: Georgetown University press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
eva s storyEva's story : a survivor's tale by the step-sister of Anne Frank / Eva Schloss with Evelyn Julia Kent
2005 , Edgware, Middlesex: Castle-Kent
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
promiseThe promise : the true story of a family in the holocaust / Eva Schloss and Barbara Powers ; illustrated by Sophie Yaron (aged ten)
2006 , London: Puffin
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
william shakespeareWilliam Shakespeare : a compact documentary life / S. Schoenbaum
1987 , New York Oxford: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
a ciascuno il suoA ciascuno il suo / Leonardo Sciascia
1966 , Torino: Einaudi
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
contestoIl contesto : una parodia / Leonardo Sciascia
1971 , Torino: Einaudi
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
giorno della civettaIl giorno della civetta / Leonardo Sciascia ; prefazione dell'autore ; note di Sebastiano Vassalli
1972 , Torino: Einaudi
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
onorevole recitazione della controversia liparitana mafiosiL'onorevole ; Recitazione della controversia liparitana ; I mafiosi / Leonardo Sciascia
c1976 , Torino: Einaudi
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
scomparsa di majoranaLa scomparsa di Majorana / Leonardo Sciascia
1975 , Torino: Einaudi
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
crisis of identityA crisis of identity : Israel and zionism / Dan V. Segre
1980 , Oxford [etc.]: Oxford University Press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
bookseller of kabulThe bookseller of Kabul / Åsne Seierstad ; translated by Ingrid Christophersen
2003 , Boston [etc.]: Little, Brown and Company
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
reader s guide to contemporary literary theoryA reader's guide to contemporary literary theory / Raman Selden
1989 , New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
my idea of funMy idea of fun : a cautionary tale / Will Self
1994 , London: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
1066 and all that1066 and all that : a memorable history of England, comprising all the parts you can remember, including 103 good things, 5 bad kings and 2 genuine dates / by Walter Carruthers Sellar and Robert Julian Yeatman ; illustrated by John Reynolds
1998 , London: Methuen
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
tragoediae i f gronovius recensuit accesserunt ejusdem et variorum notaeL. Annæi Senecæ Tragœdiæ. I. F. Gronovius recensuit. Accesserunt ejusdem et variorum notæ
1662 , Amstelodami: apud Jodocum Pluymer
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
survival of the pagan godsThe survival of the pagan gods : the mythological tradition and its place in Renaissance humanism and art / by Jean Seznec ; translated from the French by Barbara F. Sessions
1961 , New York: Harper torchbooks [etc.]
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
equusEquus / Peter Shaffer
c1984 (stampa 1985) , New York: Avon Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
cardenio or the second maiden s tragedyCardenio or The second maiden's tragedy / William Shakespeare and John Fletcher ; Charles Hamilton
1994 , New York: Marlowe & Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
hamletHamlet : second quarto, 1605 / William Shakespeare
1969 , Menston: Scolar Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
henry iv part 2Henry IV, part 2 / William Shakespeare ; edited by René Weis
1997 , Oxford New York: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
king henry 5King Henry 5. / [William Shakespeare] ; edited by J. H. Walter
1990 , London New York: Routledge
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
king henry 5King Henry 5. / [William Shakespeare] ; edited by T. W. Craik
1995 , London New York: Routledge
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
king henry iv part 1King Henry IV, part 1 / William Shakespeare ; edited by David Scott Kastan
2002 , London: Arden Shakespeare
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
king henry vKing Henry V ; edited by Andrew Gurr
1992 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
king henry vKing Henry V / [William Shakespeare] ; edited by Andrew Gurr
2005 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
king henry vi part 1King Henry VI Part 1 / [William Shakespeare] ; edited by Edward Burns
2000 , [Londra]: AS
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
king henry viiiKing Henry VIII / edited by John Margeson
1990 , Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
king johnKing John / edited by L. A. Beaurline
1990 , Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
king john and henry viiiKing John and Henry VIII / William Shakespeare ; edited by David Bevington ; David Scott Kastan, ...[et al.] associate editors ; with a foreword by Joseph Papp
1988 , Toronto [etc.]: Bantam Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
king richard 2King Richard 2. / edited by Andrew Gurr
1990 , Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge university press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
king richard iiiKing Richard III / William Shakespeare ; edited by Janis Lull
1999 , Cambridge: Cambridge university press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
mr william shakespeares comedies histories tragedies a facsimile edition prepared by helge kokeritz with an introduction by charles tyler proutyMr. William Shakespeares comedies, histories & tragedies / a facsimile edition prepared by Helge Kokeritz ; with an introduction by Charles Tyler Prouty
1954 , New Haven London: Yale University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
much ado about nothingMuch ado about nothing / William Shakespeare ; edited by Sheldon P. Zitner
1998 , Oxford: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
othelloOthello / Shakespeare ; edited by Horace Howard Furness
1963 , New York: Dover
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
richard 2Richard 2. / William Shakespeare ; edited by David Bevington ... [et al.] ; with a foreword by Joseph Papp
1988 , Toronto [etc.]: Bantam Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
merchant of veniceThe merchant of Venice : texts and contexts / William Shakespeare ; edited by M. Lindsay Kaplan
2002 , Boston New York: Bedford/St. Martin's
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
birth of merlin or the child hath found his fatherThe birth of Merlin or The child hath found his father / attributed to William Shakespeare & William Rowley ; with additional chapters by R.J.Stewart, Denise Coffey and Roy Hudd
1989 , Shaftesbury: Element Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
comedy of errorsThe comedy of errors / William Shakespeare ; edited by Harry Levin
1965 , New York London: The New American Library The New English Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
complete worksThe complete works / William Shakespeare ; general editors Stanley Wells and Gary Taylor ; editors Stanley Wells ... [et al.] ; with introductions by Stanley Wells
1988 , Oxford: Clarendon press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
cronicle history of henry the fift with his battell fought at agin court in franceThe cronicle history of Henry the fift, with his battell fought at Agin Court in France : togither with Auntient Pistoll / [William Shakespeare] ; edited and introduced by Graham Holderness and Bryan Loughrey
1993 , New York London: Harvester Wheatsheaf
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
first part of king henry the fourthThe first part of King Henry the Fourth : texts and contexts / [edited by] Barbara Hodgdon
1997 , Boston New York: Bedford Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
first part of king henry viThe first part of king Henry VI ; edited by Michael Hattaway
1990 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
life and death of king johnThe life and death of King John / edited by A. R. Braunmuller
1989 , Oxford New York: Oxford University press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
second part of king henry 4The second part of King Henry 4. / William Shakespeare ; edited by Giorgio Melchiori
1989 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
second part of king henry viThe second part of King Henry VI / edited by Michael Hattaway
1991 , Cambridge (Massachusetts): Cambridge University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
third part of king henry viThe third part of king Henry VI ; edted by Michael Hattaway
1993 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
two gentlemen of veronaThe two gentlemen of Verona / William Shakespeare ; edited by Bertrand Evans
1964 , New York London: The New American Library The New English Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
timon of athensTimon of Athens / William Shakespeare and Thomas Middleton ; edited by Anthony B. Dawson and Gretchen E. Minton
2008 , London: Arden Shakespeare
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
king richard 3King Richard 3. / William Shakespeare ; edited by Antony Hammond
1981 , London [etc.]: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeareShakespeare : Julius Caesar : a casebook / edited by Peter Ure
1969 , London: Macmillan
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
complete worksThe complete works / William Shakespeare ; general editors, Stanley Wells and Gary Taylor ; editors, Stanley Wells ... [et al.] ; with introductions by Stanley Wells
1994 , Oxford: Clarendon Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
twelfth night or what you willTwelfth night, or what you will / [William Shakespeare] ; edited by Keir Elam
2008 , London: Arden Shakespeare
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
for colored girls who have considered suicide when the rainbow is enufFor colored girls who have considered suicide/ when the rainbow is enuf : a choreopoem / Ntozake Shange
1980 , Toronto [etc.]: Bantam Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
crisis of imperialism 1865 1915The crisis of imperialism 1865-1915 / Richard Shannon
1976 , London: Paladin
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
culture of factA culture of fact : England, 1550-1720 / Barbara J. Shapiro
2000 , Ithaca London: Cornell university press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
early modern englandEarly modern England : a social history, 1550-1760 / J.A. Sharpe
1988 , London [etc.]: Edward Arnold
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
instruments of darknessInstruments of darkness : witchcraft in England, 1550-1750 / James Sharpe
1997 , London: Penguin Books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
real war of the theatersThe real war of the theaters : Shakespeare's fellows in rivalry with the Admiral's men 1594-1603 : repertories, devices and types / by Robert Boies Sharpe
1935 , Boston London: Heath Oxford University press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
bernard shaw s saint joan major barbara androcles and the lionBernard Shaw's Saint Joan, Major Barbara, Androcles and the Lion
[s.d.] , New York: The Modern Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
bernard shaw s playsBernard Shaw's plays / edited by Warren Sylvester Smith
1970 , New York: Norton & Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
candidaCandida : a pleasant play / by Bernard Shaw
1952 , London: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
major barbaraMajor Barbara / by Bernard Shaw
1945 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
caesar and cleopatraCaesar and Cleopatra : a history / by Bernard Shaw ; with an introduction, notes and exercises by A.C. Ward
1963 , London: Longman in association with Constable and Co.
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
doctor s dilemmaThe doctor's dilemma : a tragedy / by George Bernard Shaw
1946 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
origins of the modern european state 1450 1725The origins of the modern European state, 1450-1725 / J. H. Shennan
1974 , London: Hutchinson
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
action and the unseen handAction and ; The unseen hand : two plays / Sam Shepard
1975 , London: Faber & Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
fool for love and other playsFool for love and other plays / by Sam Shepard ; introduction by Ross Wetzsteon
1984 , Toronto [etc.]: Bantam books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
states of shock far north silent tongueStates of shock ; Far north ; Silent tongue / Sam Shepard
1993 , New York: Vintage Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
four two act playsFour two-act plays / by Sam Shepard
1981 , London: Faber & Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
renaissance bibleThe Renaissance Bible : scholarship, sacrifice and subjectivity / Debora Kuller Shuger
c1994 , Berkeley [etc.]: University of California press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
countess of pembroke s arcadia the old arcadiaThe countess of Pembroke's Arcadia (the old Arcadia) / Sir Philip Sidney ; edited with an introduction by Katherine Duncan-Jones
1985 , Oxford New York: Oxford university
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
saturday night and sunday morningSaturday night and sunday morning / Alan Sillitoe
1985 , London [etc.]: Grafton
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
fall of the shogunThe fall of the shogun / Dov Silverman
1987 , London [etc.]: Grafton
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
pocket book of great operasThe Pocket book of great operas / by Henry W. Simon and Abraham Veinus : illustred by Louis Glanzman
c1949 , New York: Pocket Books
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to the history of the land lawAn introduction to the history of the land law / by A. W. B. Simpson
1961 , London: Oxford University press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
resouding tinkleA resouding tinkle : a comedy / by N. F. Simpson
1958 , London Boston: Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
language ideology and point of viewLanguage, ideology and point of view / Paul Simpson
1993 , London New York: Routledge
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
faultlinesFaultlines : cultural materialism and the politics of dissident reading / Alan Sinfield
1992 , Berkeley [etc.]: University of California press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
boar s head theatreThe Boar's Head Theatre : an inn-yard theatre of the elizabethan age / by C. J. Sisson ; edited by Stanley Wells
1972 , London Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
post war britainPost-war Britain : a political history / Alan Sked and Chris Cook
1979 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
glory of heraThe glory of Hera : Greek mythology and the Greek family / by Philip E. Slater
1992 , Princeton: Princeton university press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
lexicon of musical invectiveLexicon of musical invective : critical assaults on composers since Beethoven's time / Nicolas Slonimsky
1972 , Seattle London: University of Washington Press
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
by grand central station i sat down and weptBy Grand Central Station i sat down and wept / Elizabeth Smart ; foreword by Brigid Brophy
1991 , London: Paladin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
assumption of the rogues rascalsThe assumption of the Rogues & Rascals / Elizabeth Smart
1991 , London [etc.]: Paladin Grafton books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
thousand acresA thousand acres / Jane Smiley
1992 , New York: Ballantine Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
emergence of a nation stateThe emergence of a nation state : the commonwealth of England 1529-1660 / Alan G. R. Smith
1984 , London New York: Longman
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
women of ben jonson s poetryThe women of Ben Jonson's poetry : female representations in the non-dramatic verse / Barbara Smith
1995 , Aldershot: Scolar Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare and masculinityShakespeare and masculinity / Bruce R. Smith
2000 , Oxford: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
t s eliot s poetry and playsT. S. Eliot's poetry and plays : a study in sources and meaning / by Grover Smith
1974 , Chicago London: University of Chicago Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
henry 8Henry 8. : the mask of royalty / Lacey Baldwin Smith ; illustrated with photographs
1971 , Boston: Houghton Mifflin
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
gorky parkGorky park / Martin Cruz Smith
1982 , London: Pan Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
stallion gateStallion gate / Martin Cruz Smith
1992 , London: Fontana
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
annieAnnie / Paul Smith
1987 , London: Picador
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
countrywomanThe countrywoman / Paul Smith
1987 , London: Pan Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
expedition of humphry clinkerThe expedition of Humphry Clinker / by T. Smollett
1846 , Leipzig: Tauchnitz
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
culture and power in england 1585 1685Culture and power in England, 1585-1685 / R. Malcolm Smuts
1999 , Basingstoke London New York: Macmillan St. Martin's press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare s legal languageShakespeareʼs legal language : a dictionary / B. J. Sokol & Mary Sokol
2000 , London New Brunswick: The Athlone press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
church and state in early modern england 1509 1640Church and State in Early Modern England, 1509-1640 / Leo F. Solt
1990 , New York Oxford: Oxford University Press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
giornata di ivan denissovicUna giornata di Ivan Denissovic : romanzo / Aleksandr Solgenitsyn
1963 , Milano: Garzanti
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
unnatural murderUnnatural murder : poison in the court of James I / Anne Somerset
1998 , London: Phoenix
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
climate of fearThe climate of fear / Wole Soyinka
2004 , London: Profile books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
loitering with intentLoitering with intent / Muriel Spark
1981 , New York: Coward McCann & Geoghegan
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
hothouse by the east riverThe hothouse by the East River / Muriel Spark
1975 , Harmondsworth [etc.]: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
terapia di reteLa terapia di rete : un nuovo approccio alla terapia nel contesto sociale / Ross V. Speck, Carolin L. Attneave
1976 , Roma: Astrolabio
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
amoretti and epithalamionAmoretti and Epithalamion : 1595 / Edmund Spenser
1968 , Menston: Scolar Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
prison experienceThe prison experience : disciplinary institutions and their inmates in early modern Europe / Pieter Spierenburg
c1991 , New Brunswick London: Rutgers University press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
development of the sonnetThe Development of the Sonnet : An Introduction / Michael R.G.Spiller
1992 , London and New York: Routledge
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare and the allegory of evilShakespeare and the allegory of evil : the history of a metaphor in relation to his major villains / by Bernard Spivack
1958 (1970) , New York: Columbia University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
law land familyLaw, land, & family : aristocratic inheritance in England, 1300 to 1800 / Eileen Spring
c1993 , Chapell Hill London: University of North Carolina press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
northern renaissance art 1400 1600Northern Renaissance Art, 1400-1600 : sources and documents / Wolfgang Stechov
c1966 , Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
documents of performance in early modern englandDocuments of Performance in Early Modern England / Tiffany Stern
2009 , Cambridge: Cambridge university press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
poemsPoems / by Wallace Stevens ; selected, and with an introduction, by Samuel French Morse
1959 , New York: Vintage books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
dr jekyll and mr hyde the merry men and other talesDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ; The Merry Men and other tales / Robert Louis Stevenson ; introd. by M.R. Ridley
c1925 1962 , London: Dent
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
treasure islandTreasure Island / Robert L. Stevenson ; edited with an introduction by Emma Letley
1985 , Oxford New York: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
jewel of seven starsThe jewel of seven stars / Bram Stoker
1989 , New York: Carroll & Graf
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
aesthetics and philosophy of art criticismAesthetics and philosophy of art criticism : a critical introduction / Jerome Stolnitz
c1960 , Boston: Houghton Mifflin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
chaucerChaucer / Brian Stone
1989 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
agony and the ecstasyThe agony and the ecstasy : a biographical novel of Michelangelo / Irving Stone
c1961 , New York: New American Library
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
alberts bridgeAlberts bridge : a play / by Tom Stoppard
1970 , London: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
dirty linen and new found landDirty linen and New-found-land / Tom Stoppard
1976 , London: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
enter a free manEnter a free man / by Tom Stoppard
1968 , London: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
enter a free manEnter a free man / by Tom Stoppard
1971 , London: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
every good boy deserves favour and professional foulEvery good boy deserves favour : a play for actors and orchestra and Professional foul : a play for television / Tom Stoppard
1978 , London: Boston Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
hapgoodHapgood / Tom Stoppard
1988 , London Boston: Faber & Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
if you re glad i ll be frankIf you're Glad I'll be Frank : a play for radio / by Tom Stoppard
1976 , London: Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
jumpersJumpers / Tom Stoppard
1972 , London: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
lord malquist and mr moonLord Malquist and Mr. Moon / a novel by Tom Stoppard
1974 , London: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
night and dayNight and day / Tom Stoppard
1979 , London: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
rosencrantz and guildenstern are deadRosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead / by Tom Stoppard
1968 , London New York: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
rough crossingRough crossing : freely adapted from Ferenc Molnar's play at the castle / Tom Stoppard
1985 , London Boston: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
squaring the circleSquaring the circle : with Every good by deserves favour and Professional foul / by Tom Stoppard
1984 , London: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
dog it was that died and other playsThe dog it was that died and other plays / Tom Stoppard
1983 , London Boston: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
invention of loveThe invention of love / Tom Stoppard
1997 , London: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
real inspector houndThe real inspector Hound / by Tom Stoppard
1970 , London Boston: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
real thingThe real thing / Tom Stoppard
1982 , London: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
travestiesTravesties / Tom Stoppard
1975 , New York: Grove
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
dogg s hamlet cahoot s macbethDogg's Hamlet, Cahoot's Macbeth / [by] Tom Stoppard
1980 , London [etc.]: Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
television playsThe television plays : 1965-1984 / Tom Stoppard
1993 , London and Boston: Faber and Faber
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
home the changing room mother s dayHome ; The Changing room ; Mother's day / David Storey
1978 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
farmThe farm / David Storey
1973 , London: Cape
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
flight into camdenFlight into Camden / [by] David Storey
1964 , Harmondsworth [etc.]: Penguin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
in celebration and the contractorIn celebration ; and, The contractor / David Storey
1971 , Harmondswort: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
this sporting lifeThis Sporting Life / David Storey
1965 , Harmondsworth: Penguin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
wedding shroudThe wedding shroud : a tale of ancient Rome / Elisabeth Storrs
2015 , Seattle: Lake Union
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
survey of london written in the year 1598Survey of London written in the year 1598 / by John Stow ; with an introduction by Antonia Fraser ; edited by Henry Morley
c1994 , Thrupp: Sutton
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
resistant structuresResistant structures : particularity, radicalism and Renaissance texts / Richard Strier
1995 , Berkeley [etc.]: University of California press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
plays twoPlays. Two / August Strindberg ; translated from the Swedish with introductions by Michael Meyer
1982 , London: Methuen
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
my name is lucy bartonMy name is Lucy Barton / Elizabeth Strout
2016 , London: Viking
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
confessions of nat turnerThe confessions of Nat Turner / by William Styron
c1967 , New York: Random House
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
folkwaysFolkways : a study of the sociological importance of usage, manners, customs, mores, and morals / by William Graham Sumner ; with a special introduction by William Lyon Phelps
stampa 1960 , New York: The new American library
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
practical english usagePractical English usage / Michael Swan
1980 , Oxford: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
second anglo saxon readerA second Anglo-Saxon reader : archaic and dialectal / by Henry Sweet ; revised by. T. F. Hoad
1979 , Oxford: Clarendon press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
magna cartaMagna Carta : legend and legacy / William F. Swindler
1965 , Indianapolis [etc.]: The Bobbs-Merrill Company
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
complete playsThe complete plays / J.M. Synge ; with an introduction and notes by T. R. Henn
1981 , London: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
pigeonThe pigeon / Patrick Süskind ; translated by John E. Woods
1989 , Harmondsworth: Penguin in association with Hamish Hamilton
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
joy luck clubThe Joy luck club / Amy Tan
1994 , London: Minerva
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
zitatenschatz fur bucherfreundeZitatenschatz für Bücherfreunde : wer lesen kann, ist niemals allein / Ernst Günter Tange ; illustrated von Flix
1999 , Frankfurt am Main: Eichborn
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
due amori crudeliDue amori crudeli / Junichiro Tanizaki
1963 , Milano: Bompiani
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
sex in historySex in history / Reay Tannahill
1980 , London: Hamish hamilton
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
constitutional documents of the reign of james i a d 1603 1625Constitutional documents of the reign of James I. A. D. 1603 - 1625 : with an historical commentary / J. R. Tanner
1961 , Cambrigde: The University press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
secret historyThe secret history / Donna Tartt
1993 , London: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
jerusalem deliveredJerusalem delivered : Gerusalemme liberata / by Torquato Tasso ; translated by Edward Fairfax
1907 , [S.l.]: The National Alumni
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
agrarian problem in the sixteenth centuryThe agrarian problem in the sixteenth century : with 6 maps in colour / R. H. Tawney ; introduction by Lawrence Stone
c1967 , New York London: Harper torchbooks
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
first world warThe first world war : an illustrated history / by A. J. P. Taylor
1966 , London: Penguin Books
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
tessTess / Emma Tennant
1994 , London: Flamingo
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
tennessee williams four playsTennessee Williams: four plays / Tennesee Williams
1976 , New York: New American Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
three by tennesseeThree by Tennessee / by Tennessee Williams
1976 , New York: New American Library
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
virginiansThe Virginians : a tale of the last century / by W. M Thackeray
1858-1859 , Leipzig: Bernard Tauchnitz
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
history of henry esmond esq colonel in the service of her majesty q anneThe history of Henry Esmond, esq. colonel in the service of her majesty Q. Anne / written by himself ; (by W. M. Thackeray)
1852-1853 , Leipzig: Tauchnitz
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
fenomenologiaLa fenomenologia : Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty / Pierre Thevenaz ; introduzione di Jean Brun
[1969] , Roma: Citta nuova
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
henrik ibsenHenrik Ibsen / David Thomas
1983 , London: Macmillan
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
long time burningA long time burning : the history of literary censorship in England / Donald Thomas
1969 , New York Washington: Praeger
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
quite early one morningQuite early one morning / broadcasts by Dylan Thomas ; preface by Aneirin Talfan Davies
1954 , London: Dent
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
collected poems of dylan thomasThe collected poems of Dylan Thomas : 1934-1952
1957 , New York: New Directions
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
doctor and the devilsThe doctor and the devils / by Dylan Thomas ; from the story by Donald Taylor
1968 , London: J. M. Dent & Sons
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
customs in commonCustoms in common / E.P. Thompson
1993 , London [etc.!]: Penguin
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
transformation of medieval englandThe transformation of medieval England : 1370-1529 / John A. F. Thomson
1983 , London New York: Longman
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare s theatreShakespeare's theatre / Peter Thomson
1983 , London [etc.]: Routledge & Kegan Paul
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare s theatreShakespeare's theatre / Peter Thomson
1992 , London and New York: Routledge
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
grotesqueThe Grotesque / Philip Thomson
1972 , London: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
idea of natural rightsThe idea of natural rights : studies on natural rights, natural law, and church law, 1150-1625 / Brian Tierney
stampa 2001 , Gran Rapids (MI) Cambridge: W. B. Eerdmans
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
elizabethan world pictureThe Elizabethan world picture / Tillyard, E. M. W. (Eustace Mandeville Wetenhall), 1889-1962
1974 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books in association with Chatto & Windus
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
iris murdochIris Murdoch / Richard Todd
1984 , London: Methuen
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
introduction to poeticsIntroduction to poetics / Tzvetan Todorov ; translation from the French by Richard Howard ; introduction by Peter Brooks
1981 , Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
conquista dell americaLa conquista dell'America : il problema dell'altro / Tzvetan Todorov ; nota introduttiva di Pier Luigi Crovetto
©1992 , Torino: Einaudi
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
lord of the ringsThe lord of the rings / J. R. R. Tolkien
1978 , London: Unwin Paperbacks
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
gattopardoIl Gattopardo : edizione conforme al manoscritto del 1957 / Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
1975 , Milano: Feltrinelli
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
division and methods of the sciencesThe division and methods of the sciences : Question 5. and 6. of his commentary on the De Trinitate of Boethius / St. Thomas Aquinas ; translated with introduction and notes by Armand Maurer
1963 , Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
history of english syntaxA history of english syntax : a transformational approach to the history of english sentence structure / Elizabeth Closs Traugott
1972 , New York [etc.]: Holt, Rinehart and Winston inc.
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
linguistics for students of literatureLinguistics for students of literature / Elizabeth Closs Traugott, Mary Louise Pratt
©1980 , New York [etc.]: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
barchester towersBarchester towers / Anthony Trollope ; editedwith an introduction and notes by Robin Gilmour ; preface by Jphn Kenneth Galbraith
1987 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
chekhovChekhov / Henri Troyat ; translated from the French by Michael Henry Heim
1986 , New York: Dutton
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
intruder into edenIntruder into Eden : representations of the common lawyer in english literature 1350-1750 / E.F.J. Tucker
1984 , Drawer: Camden House
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare s apprenticeshipShakespeareʼs apprenticeship
1974 , Chicago London: The Univiversity of Chicago Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
laws of our fathersThe laws of our fathers / Scott Turow
1997 , London: Penguin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
adventures of tom sawyerThe adventures of Tom Sawyer / Mark Twain ; edited with an introduction by Lee Clark Mitchell
1993 , Oxford New York: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
tom sawyer and huckleberry finnTom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn / Mark Twain ; introduction by Christopher Morley
1986 , London Melbourne: Dent
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
rethinking evidenceRethinking evidence : exploratory essays / William Twining
[2006] , Cambridge: Cambridge university press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
theatre in the middle agesThe theatre in the Middle Ages : western European stage conditions, c. 800-1576 / William Tydeman
1978 , Cambridge: Cambridge University press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
ezra poundEzra Pound : the solitary volcano / John Tytell
1987 , London: Bloomsbury
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
seven dada manifestos and lampisteriesSeven Dada manifestos ; and, Lampisteries / Tristan Tzara ; translated by Barbara Wright ; illustrations by Francis Picabia
[1981] , London New York: Calder Publications Riverrun Press
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
freeborn peopleA freeborn people : politics and the nation in seventeenth-century England / David Underdown
1996 , Oxford: Clarendon press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
problems and other storiesProblems and other stories / John Updike
1980 , Brisbane: University of Queensland Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
witches of eastwickThe witches of Eastwick / John Updike
1985 , Harmondsworth: Penguin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare s revision of king learShakespeareʼs revision of King Lear / Steven Urkowitz
1980 , Princeton: Princeton University press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
king johnKing John / Richard Valpy
1970 , London: Cornmarket Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
birth of the english common lawThe birth of the English common law / R.C. van Caenegem
1988 , Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge university press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
cavalleria rusticana and other storiesCavalleria rusticana and other stories / by Giovanni Verga ; translated by D. H. Lawrence
1928 , New York: The Dial press
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
aeneid of virgilThe Aeneid of Virgil / a verse translation by Rolfe Humphries
c1951 , New York: Scribner
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
journey to the center of the earthJourney to the center of the earth / by Jules Verne ; translated by Lowell Bair ; with an introduction by Lawrence Thornton
1991 , New York [etc.]: Bantam Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
personality assessmentPersonality assessment : a critical survey / by Philip E. Vernon
1964 , London: Methuen
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
myra breckinridgeMyra Breckinridge / Gore Vidal
1969 , London: Panther Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
historical method in the study of literatureThe historical method in the study of literature / Eugène Vinaver
[s.d.] , [s.l.]: Modern humanities research association
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
candide or optimismCandide or Optimism : a new translation, backgrounds, criticism / Voltaire ; translated and edited by Robert M. Adams
[1966] , New York: Norton
Italianistica e RomanisticaBibl. Italianistica e Romanistica | Vedi in OneSearch
breakfast of championsBreakfast of champions / Kurt Vonnegut Jr
1974 , St Albans: Panther
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
death of the hind legs and other storiesDeath of the Hind Legs and other stories / John Wain
1970 , Harmondsworth: Penguin books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
trilogyTrilogy / Diane Wakoski
1974 , New York: Doubleday & Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
surrealismoSurrealismo / Patrick Waldberg
[1967] , Milano: G. Mazzotta
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
good night willie lee i ll see you in the morningGood night, Willie Lee, I'll see you in the morning / poems by Alice Walker
1979 , New York [etc.]: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
living by the wordLiving by the word : selected writings 1973-1987 / by Alice Walker
1988 , San Diego [etc.]: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
meridianMeridian / Alice Walker
1986 , New York [etc.]: Pocket Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
possessing the secret of joyPossessing the secret of joy / Alice Walker
1993 , London: Vintage
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
temple of my familiarThe temple of my familiar / Alice Walker
1990 , New York [etc.]: Pocket books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
you can t keep a good woman downYou Can't Keep a Good Woman Down : Stories / Alice Walker
1971 , New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
you can t keep a good woman downYou can't keep a good woman down / Alice Walker
1982 , London: The women's press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
you can t keep a good woman downYou can't keep a good woman down / Alice Walker
1981 , New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
imprint of genderThe imprint of gender : authorship and publication in the English Renaissance / Wendy Wall
1993 , Ithaca London: Cornell University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
bridges of madison countyThe bridges of Madison County / Robert James Waller
1993 , London: Mandarin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
understudiesUnderstudies : theatre and sexual politics / Michelene Wandor
1981 , London: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
mermaids in the basementThe Mermaids in the basement / Marina Warner
1994 , London: Vintage
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
rise and fall of anne boleynThe rise and fall of Anne Boleyn : family politics at the court of Henry 8. / Retha M. Warnicke
c1989 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
representative modern playsRepresentative modern plays / Robert Warnock
1953 , Glenview: Scott, Foresman and Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
thought and personalityThought and personality : selected readings / edited by Peter B. Warr
1970 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
making of the civil lawThe making of the civil law / Alan Watson
1981 , Cambridge, Mass. London: Harvard University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
success in british history since 1914Success in British history since 1914 / Jack B. Watson
1983 , London: Jack Murray
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
hamletHamlet / Cedric Watts
1988 , New York [etc.]: Harvester Wheatsheaf
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
unconditional surrenderUnconditional surrender : the conclusion of Men at arms and Officers and gentlemen / Evelyn Waugh
c1961 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
works of john websterThe works of John Webster : an old-spelling critical edition / edited by David Gunby ... [et al.] ; with a note and transcription of music by Peter Walls
---- , Cambridge: Cambridge University press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
white devilThe white devil / John Webster ; edited by John Russell Brown
1967 , London: Methuen
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
three playsThree plays : The white devil ; The duchess of Malfi ; The devil's law-case / John Webster ; introduction and notes by D. C. Gunby
1972 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
lulu plays other sex tragediesThe Lulu plays & other sex tragedies / Frank Wedekind ; translated from the German by Stephen Spender
c1977 , London New York: Calder Riverrun Press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
shakespeare and the popular tradition in the theaterShakespeare and the popular tradition in the theater : studies in the social dimension of dramatic form and function / Robert Weimann ; edited by Robert Scwartz
1987 , London: The Johns Hopkins university press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
trotsky in exileTrotsky in exile / Peter Weiss ; translated by Geoffrey Skelton
1971 , London: Methuen & Co.
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
hamlet and the philosophy of literary criticismHamlet and the philosophy of literary criticism / Morris Weitz
1966 , Cleveland New York: The World Publishing Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
praxisPraxis / Fay Weldon
1980 , Dounton Green (Sevenoaks): Coronet Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
life and loves of a she devilThe life and loves of a she devil / Fay Weldon
1993 , London: Sceptre
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
strong representationsStrong representations : narrative and circumstantial evidence in England / Alexander Welsh
1992 , Baltimore London: The Johns Hopkins University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
making of elizabethan foreign policy 1558 1603The making of Elizabethan foreign policy, 1558-1603 / R. B. Wernham
c1980 , Berkeley [etc.]: University of California press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
clowns of godThe Clowns of God / Morris West
1982 , Sevenoaks: Coronet books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
house of mirthThe House of Mirth : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism / Edith Wharton ; edited by Elizabeth Ammons
1990 , New York London: W. W. Norton and Company
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
social criticism in popular religious literature of the sixteenth centurySocial criticism in popular religious literature of the sixteenth century / by Helen C. White
1965 , New York: Octagon books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
cockatoosThe Cockatoos : shorter novels and stories / Patrick White
1978 , London: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
underground railroadThe underground railroad / Colson Whitehead
2016 , London: Fleet
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
plays and their makers to 15763: Plays and their makers to 1576 / by Glynne Wickham
1981 , London [etc.] New York: Routledge & Kegan Columbia University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
women and gender in early modern europeWomen and gender in early modern Europe / Merry E. Wiesner
1993 , Cambridge: Cambridge university press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
women and literature in britain 1500 1700Women and Literature in Britain, 1500-1700 / edited by Helen Wilcox
1996 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
selected letters of oscar wildeSelected letters of Oscar Wilde / edited by Rupert Hart-Davis
1979 , Oxford New York: Oxford University Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
complete works of oscar wildeComplete works of Oscar Wilde / with an introduction by Vyvyan Holland
1966 , London Glasgow: Collins
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
radical reformationThe radical reformation / George Huntston Williams
c2000 , Kirksville: Truman state university press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
henry 8 and his courtHenry 8. and his court / Neville Williams
1971 , New York: Macmillan
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
thomas howard fourth duke of norfolkThomas Howard Fourth Duke of Norfolk / by Neville Williams
1965 , New York: Dutton & Co.
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
later tudorsThe later Tudors : England 1547-1603 / Penry Williams
1995 , Oxford: Oxford University Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
drama from ibsen to brechtDrama from Ibsen to Brecht / Raymond Williams
1973 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
modern tragedyModern tragedy / Raymond Williams
1979 , London: Verso Edition
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
sweet bird of youth a streetcar named desire glass menagerieSweet bird of youth ; A streetcar named desire ; The glass menagerie / Tennessee Williams ; edited by E. Martin Browne
1962 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books in association with Secker and Warburg
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
mystery of the princesThe mystery of the princes : an investigation into a supposed murder / Audrey Williamson
1992 , Chicago: Academy Chicago Publishers
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
donne traditionThe Donne tradition : a study in English poetry from Donne to the death of Cowley / by George Williamson
1958 , New York: Noonday Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
screen playScreen/Play : Derrida and film theory / Peter Brunette and David Wills
1989 , Princeton: Princeton University Press
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
healing artThe healing art / A. N. Wilson
1982 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
bernard shawBernard Shaw : a reassessment / Colin Wilson
1981, c1969 , London: Macmillan
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
to the finland stationTo the Finland station : A study in the writing and acting of history / Edmund Wilson ; with a new introduction
1983 , London: Macmillan
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
what happens in hamletWhat happens in Hamlet / by G. Dover Wilson
1951 , Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge University Press
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
wykked wyves and the woes of marriageWykked wyves and the woes of marriage : misogamous literature from Juvenal to Chaucer / Katharina M. Wilson and Elizabeth M. Makowski
1990 , Albany: State University of New York Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
maleficeMalefice / Leslie Wilson
1992 , London: Picador
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
will powerWill power : essays on Shakespearean authority / Richard Wilson
1993 , New York [etc.]: Harvester Wheatsheaf
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
surgeon of crowthorneThe surgeon of Crowthorne : a tale of murder, madness and the Oxford English dictionary / Simon Winchester
1999 , London: Penguin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
pagan mysteries in the renaissancePagan mysteries in the Renaissance / by Edgar Wind
1968 , New York: Norton Co
Storia delle ArtiBibl. Storia delle Arti | Vedi in OneSearch
leviathan and natural lawLeviathan and natural law / by F. Lyman Windolph
1951 , Princeton, N.J.: Princeton university
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
boating for beginnersBoating for beginners / Janette Winterson ; illustrated by Paula Youens
1990 , London: Minerva
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
written on the bodyWritten on the body / Jeanette Winterson
1993 , London: Vintage
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sexing the cherrySexing the cherry / Jeanette Winterson
1990 , London: Vintage
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
passionThe passion / Jeanette Winterson
1988 , Harmondsworth: Penguin
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
web and the rockThe Web and the Rock / Thomas Wolfe
1939 , New York: Grosset & Dunlap
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
idea of history in early stuart englandThe idea of history in early Stuart England : erudition, ideology, and 'The light of truth' from the accession of James I to the civil war / D.R. Woolf
1990 , Toronto Buffalo London: University of Toronto Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
mrs dallowayMrs Dalloway / Virginia Woolf ; introduction, notes and activities by Brian Hodgkiss
1992 , Rapallo: CIDEB
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
offending womenOffending women : female lawbreakers and the criminal justice system / Anne Worrall
1990 , London: Routledge
SalesianiBibl. Salesiani | Vedi in OneSearch
irish drama of europe from yeats to beckettThe Irish drama of Europe from Yeats to Beckett / Katharine Worth
1978 , London: The Athlone Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
study of old english literatureA study of Old English literature / C.L. Wrenn
1967 , London [etc.]: Harrap
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
passions of the mind in generallThe Passions of the Mind in Generall : A reprint based on the 1604 edition / Thomas Wright ; with an introduction by Yhomas Sloan
c.1971 , Urbana [etc.]: University of Illinois Press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sir thomas wyatt the complete poemsSir Thomas Wyatt: the complete poems / edited by R. A. Rebholz
1978 , New Haven London: Yale university press
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
midwich cuckoosThe Midwich cuckoos / John Wyndham
1960 , Harmondsworth: Penguin Books
AnglisticaBibl. Anglistica | Vedi in OneSearch
sixteenth century englandSixteenth-Century England / Joyce Youings
1984 , London: Penguin
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
reliable knowledgeReliable knowledge : an exploration of the grounds for belief in science / John Ziman
c1978 , Cambridge : Cambridge university press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
reliable knowledgeReliable knowledge : an exploration of the grounds for belief in science / John Ziman
1991 , Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge University Press
Filosofia e storiaBibl. Filosofia e storia | Vedi in OneSearch
william bathe sj 1564 1614William Bathe, S.J., 1564-1614 : a pioneer of linguistics / Seán P. Ó Mathúna
1986 , Amsterdam Philadelphia: Benjamins
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